How long does reinstatement take?!? Question for a elder or someone thats been in this situation

by N-kiki 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    Okay so what did you do that was so shameful that you haven't already been forgiven for by God thru Jesus?

  • stillajwexelder

    I know from first hand experience on Judicial Committees that it is rarely less than 6 months

  • yknot
  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    "i'm afraid of them thats why, i im so scared yes scared totally in fear not because i was treated badly just because of the shame and intimidated by they elders in JC they hold the key to my reinstatement"

    Fear: The number one sign of a cult. Sounds like a group that I want to belong too.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Complacent fear is the very psychological ploy that cults like this use and instill to keep their followers intact and controlled.

    Its a shameful way to get and procure power over people but it does work as can be seen in the JWS organization.

    Control = Power = money its a designed formula that works

    If it isn't Armageddon it will be something else up their sleeves.

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Welcome to the board.

    I will share an experience that happened to my former sister-in-law as a caution about being overly emotional. During her meeting to request reinstatement, she started crying. The elders denied her request to be reinstated. They told her it was because she was too emotional and therefore not ready to rejoin the congregation.

    Personally I don't get that reasoning, especially since she had been disfellowshipped for being raped and was very hurt about that to begin with. (That was some time ago when they often disfellowshipped women for being raped. I don't know if they still do this or not.) I don't know if other elder bodies would see it the same way. But I would hate for it to be used against you like that.

    Best wishes to you.

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    On another note: You come to an apostate web site for advice and yet you fear the elders more.

    Not that I'm saying I'm just saying.

  • purplesofa

    When I was reinstated, I was in a different state from where I was DF from.

    I contacted my old congo and they gave me the address so the secretary could write for my card.

    Well, it was going very slow, like two weeks, so the

    PO from my DF congo contacted someone at my current hall and sped things up for me.

    As soon as this happened I was reinstated very quickly.

  • ex-nj-jw

    I find it very sad that a grown woman is so very afraid of men, who put their pants on the same way as you every day, they eat, sleep, shit and piss the same as you. Nothing to fear, they are flesh and blood just like you sweetie, if you cut one of them I promise they will bleed red blood just as you would.

    Sad, just really really sad.


  • yknot

    Now Now Now Considering everything this fear is common and normal. The division of gender within the JW community is very fundamental. Reason of DFing can escalate this fear especially if it is for immorality. In my KH a girl in trouble for immorality is labeled for LIFE..... a Brother it is forgotten quickly. Prayer for ya N-kiki!!

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