AlanF, Dannybear, misconceptions and humor

by seven006 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear

    Dave and VeniceIT,

    To borrow an expression made famous by some yahoo;


    Yes I can truly say having ehhem being a prick does have it good sides. Or should I say sizes, I mean prize's. Although being such at an older age like you and me Dave, the prizes come fewer and far between.

    Ever since I befriended Uncle B the Gallahman from down under, the word BASTARD has become an endearing term,to me. In fact Iam sure Uncle will back me up on this, being designated as such in the land of OZ is like being called really a 'kewl dude' here. Right Unc?

    So from one Bastard to another, I miss you around here. Stop worrying about loosing friends or relatives, just be the Bastard you are, and all will be well in the land of You loverly bastard you.

    Ps hope the job offer comes your way soon, I know your ready.

  • DannyBear

    ps Ven, I think you should stick with your handel 'VeniceIT' for a signature line of parfumes. It's catchy, it makes one think of Italy & canals filled with lover's in gondola's(sp?) Plus it can be applied to all your product line...VIt cream de creme, VIt smell like an Italian lover, VIt hold the bastard back fragrance, VIt night chills soothing balm, VIt get some and more parfume.....

    Serious I think it is good name. VeniceIT please.


  • patio34


    This is a very fine thread. Thanks.

    AlanF, if you're reading this, I feel compelled to say that I'm pretty much in awe of your posts. Even your prickly ones bring a chuckle. You can be offensive in an inoffensive way. Of course, I've not been on the receiving end so far! And your research and rationale on a variety of subjects is top-rate.

    Merry Christmas to all!

  • patio34

    Oops DannyBear,
    Your description of your birthday activities to prove you're not old were hilarious! I'm printing it out because I'm going to be 55 soon and can really relate!

    Happy Birthday!

  • seven006


    Thanks you bastard. Ya, I have one hell of a great job lined up, I'm headed off to Corvallis to talk to the suits next week. Unfortunately they have a tun of people trying to get the same job. Iv been told that I am a prime candidate. If I get it I will be making more than Alan and there is nothing more Id like to do then rub that in his beard. He and his brother in law Rob helped me understand the entire Unix system over last weekend. If I get it, it will be because he helped. Then if I end up making more than him I can laugh my ass off. That and the fact I didn't have to sit through any MIT classes.

    I love the man and I will find some why of paying him back, but for right now I will give him as much shit as I can. My son Abe who turned 19 today has a little thing for Alan's daughter. They met about five years ago and had a little crush. I could have a few years of fun with that one but they are both so shy I have to be really creative to be convincing. Alan's daughter is a real sweetheart and my son Abe is the greatest little gentleman on the planet. Ya can't mess with perfection like that very much but damn it, I'm going to try.

    Later ya bastard!


  • patio34

    I hope Abe and Alan's daughter don't read what you just said. They'll probably want to kill you!

    Merry Christmas,

  • DannyBear


    Dave, Ven and I were carrying on like no one else was listening.

    You are a courageous woman for owning up to your age, us guy's never feel like hiding it (our age) until we first are compelled try Revlon's For Men Only, until we face the possibility that our purchase of condom's may well, turn out to be an exercise in futility, until we start realizing that, just because we are offering a long winsom gaze at some 'cute babe'...does not mean she will return the favor anymore.

    So those men who have not reached the pinacle of mid 50ish, just go on shaking their heads, wondering why women are so paranoid about revealing their age. Not me!

    Ps Have a happy one, every new birthday is a gimme, imo.

  • teejay


    ... Alan has told me about you too...

    Now, that right there shows that you can't beleive everything Alan tells you.

  • seven006

    You bastard! Your right, Alan's full of shit. The man doesn't know his Unix kernel from the root of fractal mathematics squared. He has the heart of a puppy dog and the breath of it's illegitimate father! No...wait, that's Dannybear. I love talking about the guy when he is obviously not on line. Julie has probably dragged him off to the opera. Damn I'm in rare stile tonight. Julie and the opera, that's as likely as me marring Sandra Bullock. Shit, now Im depressed. I love Sandra Bullock.

    I wouldn't do that to Abe, he is an incredible kid. If Alan's daughter wasn't so damn cute Abe would have no problem writing her. He is just dumbfounded by her and doesn't know what to say. He has tried to reply to a letter she wrote him over the summer and he keeps ripping it up in total frustration. Abe and I were planing to visit Alan and Julie over Christmas but because of my occupational status we had to put it off. Abe was going under the guise that he wanted to go snowboarding with Julie's son but I knew the real reason. It's Alan's fault for producing a daughter that is cute as hell. Abe can't seem to deal with that and is all tongue tied. I know it is hard to believe that Alan could produce an offspring that is that attractive but that fact has me readjusting the concept of miracles. Poor kid, he has my charm and also my romantic back bone. I think once Alan's daughter "Julie" gives up on him he will be devastated. There is not much I can do but sit back and watch him burn in flames. It's Alan's fault! He moved all over the world when he use to live a few miles away. That's it, I'll blame Alan!

    Danny, your a bastard!


  • Andee

    Feeeel Da luv!

    Dave, you are terrific!

    (dabbing her eyes with tissues)

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