'cept for you tyydyy. Maybe you're great, too. Given the theme of this thread, I'll have to give you the benefit of the doubt, even though I totally disagree with your assertions.
You are the only person on this board that has obviously grasped the brilliance of Alfred E. Newman. He is one of my all time favorite philosophers and next to the Watchtower magazine I read his religiously. Some of the time this board reminds me of the spy vs spy section of his magazine and it cracks me up.
I hope things are coming together for you, it's been a damn tough year for a lot of us. I know things will turn around soon. I know this based on You Know's prophecies. I just read his words of wisdom and set my goals by using the complete opposite of his thinking.
: You say what he says to innocent people, no matter how nasty, will not effect your friendship with him for one second. That is the kind of blind loyalty that I was talking about.
You can love the doer and not like the deed. If I dumped every friend who offended me or others, I wouldn't have any friends. Come to think of it, I don't have any friends. They've all dumped me!
Merry Christmas, btw. May peace be with you and all of yours.
Here's some more mess - you say us Australians live for fluff posts - bullshit .. Next time you see Marylin, Ozziepost or myself starting posts about our favorite T towels or the like give me a call. This place has nearly driven me mad with shallow crap, thats why i went right off about it a month ago (didn't think i'd ever be able to raise my head in here again after saying i hate you all) .. but I'm a changed man, (honest) learning how to fluff it with the rest of you ok.
You also said that 'unc in a very longwinded way (you can talk) was just saying "Alan don't sweat the small tuff"' NO what I was saying was "Alan don't be such an obnoxious, ignorant, judgemental prick." (and he's smart enough to know what I'm talking about)
No reply necessary Dave, just helping ya stack yer chairs.
Why I dumped you as a friend had nothing to do with that conversion you made to fundamental christianity .. I put you in a dumpster because it finally got to me that you wouldn't call Thirdson a moron on H20 - that was just plain mean!
PS: I think i might start a very serious 'why i hate Farkel when he's fluffy' fred. lol
(((((((dave))))))))) I just wanted to express my thanks at your herculean effort in giving insights into the Alan we know and love. Speaking w/ him on the phone showed me his real love concern and compassion. I know how much he has given to the exJW community,without recompense solely due to these qualities. I think those who are rather new here,will see this in time.Just my dos centavos,T
The comment about the ozzies loving fluff was made as a joke, I think you caught that. Auzies know how to have a good time and that is exactly what I meant. The long winded statement, your right, until all this crap I wasn't much of a long poster. It was not meant in a negative manner. Now that Iv had a little time to get into one of the more meaty posts I think I'm going to go back to just reading a few of the fluff posts and dropping into the chat room form time to time. This just isn't worth spending any more energy on.
I said what I said about what you were trying to say to Alan in a short statement. I know what you were saying and I think he does too. I also said you did a good job in how you said it. I don't know if you are pissed or if you are not. It's hard to tell by just reading your comments without hearing your voice and understanding your tone. That's the problem with this whole place. Feelings get hurt because of what people say without being able to hear how they say it. As far as I am concerned I'm just going back to staying out of all the bullshit and leave each to their own feelings and opinions.
Tina, Thanks for you comment. I'm going to let Alan handle his own explanations from now on and just keep out of the whole mess. Sometimes this board can get to be a little too much. Life is too shot!
Spy vs Spy was always my favorite. But my real favorite was those little cartoons that were around the corner of the pictures usually in the corner of the pages.
Ya had to look or miss 'em. Like finding extra fun to read.
As for all the fussin'.......just seems like Ol' Times around here anymore.
I would suspect that the vast majority of persons here are fine, upstanding persons. The others? Well, all we're doing is chatting with them.