Mad Dawg, whether Reniaa wants to admit it or not...the answer to your last 5 questions is the same answer- because the WT says so.
Clarifying the Trinity Doctrine
by UnDisfellowshipped 123 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Isn't clarifying the trinity doctrine an oxymoron. I would love to have someone read the 1956 watchtower September 1st paragraph 18 and see if you get the thought that the society here says that Jesus and actually all the spirit creatures were as God in nature, being children of God. They say that these were creations emanating from himself. What was the thought conveyed there?
jonathan dough
Every answer to the JWs anti-Trinity arguments can be found here.The Jws are wrong about everything.
Have you noticed how Trinity threads are like busses? You want for one then three arrive at the same time!
All the best,