Clarifying the Trinity Doctrine

by UnDisfellowshipped 123 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Spook

    Narkissos said

    In spite of the cultural distance, I think your zen analogy does illustrate to an extent how a positive connection between paradoxical or aporetic theological formulations (especially in liturgical, i.e. poetical form) with contemplative mysticism works in Eastern Christianity, while in the West the same formulations are rather a subject for discussion.

    Ironically when the West gets tired of arguing it rather looks for "spirituality" in exotic traditions rather than changing its attitude toward its own...

    I won't derail or nitpick this thread further - I'll leave theology to the theists. Any time spent on theism these days by me is spent on Islam and trying to get how that culture uses the texts. I just wanted to say that if I "had" to pick a theism it may well be eastern orthodoxy of some kind. I don't think you can get around the need for some form of direct connection to the early church in a remotely consistant theism. I think the eastern heritage has more going for it than the western papal line...besides the numbers.

    My two respected theist friends are Russian Orthodox by conversion (post Phd) and a william-james-esque neutral christian theist by conversion (mid-Phd). Both converted from western modern fundy brands.

  • isaacaustin

    1 Corinthians 11:3
    Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.

    headship, differences in roles...same nature....this disproves modalism

    1 Corinthians 8:6
    yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

    if we go with your logic then there is only 1 lord. Both the Father and the Son are called Lord of heaven and earth, lord of all, etc. However, look at the preceding verses and you will see it is contasting how the world has many lords and gods while we have one Lord and God...the terms are used interchangeably here in verse 6- not as contrasting titles.

    Romans 8:17
    Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

    again, positional, not of essence.

    Matthew 24:36
    "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

    The father is the source of all decsions and authority. The son is the agent in carrying out. And at this time Jesus did not know. Shows two distinct persons. Does not show difference in nature
    John 17:3 (New International Version)

    3 Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

    Does not say that the Father alone is the only true God...Jesus is also called the true God....

    1st John 5;20

    And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.

    1 Corinthians 15:24
    Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power.

    Key point- God the Father. The Son is also God, in nature...

    trinity an oxymoron paradise of unbiblical rhetoric

    Reniaa, again you have failed miserably to make your point.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Even on this thread I detect a lot of misunderstaning of the Trinity doctrine. It is not as difficult as one might think. More importantly, it is necessary, and the only conclusion one can draw from Scripture.

    Three of the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ false teachings are particularly misleading and form the core vehicle for the dissemination of gross distortions.

    First, they do not understand that a "Person" is not a material human being like you or I. Persons of the Trinity are spirit. Secondly, they do not understand that God is "three" in one sense, and "one" in a completey different sense. And third, the Jehovah’s Witnesses are unwilling or unable to acknowledge or grasp the concept of the hypostatic union, the union that is the God-man Jesus, who is fully God the Son and fully man, a divine Person who assumed a human nature. Intertwined with this concept is the often ignored principle that the created humanity of Jesus is not God. Accordingly, Jesus, the man in the God-man equation, could pray to His Father and acknowledge His Father’s superiority without committing any doctrinal contradictions. The Jehovah’s Witnesses, on the other hand, teach that the incarnate Jesus was nothing more or less than a man.

    At the outset it is crucial to understand two key concepts. You must distinguish between immanent Trinity (theological Trinity) and economic trinity, and understand how they relate to each other. This is not difficult. The Jehovah's Witnesses fail to separate them and erroneously combine the two concepts. This error lies at the root of the Jehovah's Witnesses’ harsh attacks on the Trinity and allows them to get away with distorting Trinitarian teaching. It is the means by which they are able to convince many people, who otherwise would know better, that the Trinity is utterly illogical and false when it is true and reasonable, even if certain aspects are grounded upon a measure of faith.

    Immanent (theological) Trinitarianism, refers to the essence of God the Almighty, his hypostatic three-fold nature and his absolute and perfect being, before creation. It deals with the “infinite, blessed communion of the divine Persons among themselves, without reference to creation,” (B. Brobrinskoy, The Mystery of the Trinity [New York, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1999], 2, 3) (Mystery). It is the triune God as he is in himself (J. Moltmann, The Trinity and the Kingdom of God [Munich, Germany, SCM Press, Ltd., 1981], 151) (Trinity and the Kingdom).

    This should not be confused with economic Trinitarianism (God for us), the concerted activity of the three Persons in creation as they “maintain and restore the created world to a state of well-being and communion with God” (ibid., 2). “Economic” refers to “divine management of earthly affairs” (The Encyclopedia of Religion [New York, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1987], 54) (Encyclopedia of Religion). “It is oriented to the concrete history of creation and redemption: God initiates a covenant with Israel, God speaks through the prophets, God takes on flesh in Christ, God dwells within as Spirit” (ibid., 54). It is also called revelatory Trinity because the triune God reveals himself through his dispensation of salvation (Trinity and the Kingdom, 151).

    Accordingly, much Trinitarian theological discussions about the “One God in three Persons” deals with immanent Trinity, not economic Trinity. The economic aspect of the Trinity includes the created humanity of Jesus, who was not God (The New Catholic Encyclopedia [Washington D.C., The Catholic University of America, 1967], 943) (Catholic Encyclopedia) and not part of the immanent Trinity. But that is precisely where the Jehovah's Witnesses mistakenly inject him resulting in a great deal of unnecessary confusion.

    They argue, to take one illustration, that Jesus could not be God yet be with God; and he could not be the Father whom he prayed to (Should You Believe in the Trinity? [New York, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, 1989;], Chapter 7) (Should You Believe). But this is a classic example of the Jehovah’s Witnesses mixing apples and oranges. The man of the God-man Jesus, the created humanity who was not God (Catholic Encyclopedia, 943), could rightfully pray to God the Father and did regard himself as inferior; this He performed in the context of economic Trinity.

    The idea that the preexistent Word (God the Son) was with God stems from John 1:1:

    In the beginning was the Word,
    And the Word was with God,
    And the Word was God.

    Even though John 1:1 speaks in the context of pre-creation immanent Trinity, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have swapped out God the Son, the preexistent Word, with the created humanity of Jesus. This is not accurate Bible teaching nor does it properly reflect the doctrine of the Trinity. John 1:1 does not claim to say that the created humanity of Jesus was God or was with God in the beginning.

    If you keep this distinction in mind you will be in a much better position to navigate the Jehovah's Witnesses’ maze of misleading tactics and come to a better understanding of what the Trinity doctrine actually means.

    A detailed analysis of the Trinity in light of JW false teachings can be found here:


    [email protected]

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Hi there and welcome to the board Jonathan!

    Thank you very much for your insightful comments and viewpoint! (I will try to reply more soon)

    It's so awesome to have another Trinitarian join this website! (Kind of "even out the scales" between Trinitarians, Unitarians, Atheists/Agnostics, and others)

  • reniaa

    i did take the time to read through jonathan trinitarian explanation I noted that no scriptures were used! these words of his stuck out for me.

    hypostatic union, the union that is the God-man Jesus, who is fully God the Son and fully man,

    so Jesus is fully God in man form? how then can he die when God cannot die?

    this is an old old argument but one that gets down to the nitty gritty of the problem with trinity. When the bible conflicts with trinity doctrine then the trinity doctrine is given the credit of truth and the bible fitted around it.

    To be honest My main issue with trinity is the doctrine itself has no scriptural support not in one place does it express the concept of 3 in one in relation to God and it never describes Jesus as 'God the son' although it does say 'God the Father'. Don't you think if it said one it would say the other if it was true?

    People have to be taught the trinity doctrine and not with the bible!


  • Narkissos

    I'm not sure WT christology avoids the difficulty of "hypostatic union" even though it doesn't use the phrase. Is the blend of "angel" and "man" any less problematic, logically, than the blend of "God" and "man"? With a "prehuman life" the WT Jesus is still a kind of "monster" -- not quite like any (other!) man, including the (so-called) "perfect" Adam...

    You might study the classical notion of kenosis (from Philippians 2:7, heauton ekenôsen, "he emptied himself") and find out that it is not so different from what WT christology actually implies.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Hi Reniaa,

    Thank you for your post.

    You said:

    "so Jesus is fully God in man form? how then can he die when God cannot die?"

    We believe that a Person who had always existed in the Nature or Essence of God (John 1:1, Colossians 2:9) then "became flesh" (John 1:14) and "emptied himself and took a slave’s form and came to be in the likeness of men. More than that, when he found himself in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake."

    When The Logos "became flesh," He did not cease to have His Nature of God, for all of the fullness of Nature of God dwells permanently in Him bodily. (Colossians 2:9)

    So, He was One Person with two natures (He had His Nature of God that He has always had, and then He has the Nature of Mankind, which He added to His God-Nature).

    It was only His Human Nature which died on the stake [or Cross, I'm not that picky on this point].

    You said:

    "this is an old old argument but one that gets down to the nitty gritty of the problem with trinity. When the bible conflicts with trinity doctrine then the trinity doctrine is given the credit of truth and the bible fitted around it."

    That should NEVER be the case. If I truly believed the Bible did not teach the Tri-Unity of God, I would not believe it.

    I came to my belief in the Tri-Unity of God after months of personal study in the Bible (I didn't understand it all, and still don't, and probably never will fully). It wasn't an easy thing for me to believe, because I had been taught for all 19 years of my life that only The Father is God Almighty, and that Jesus was a lesser, inferior creature who should not be worshiped or prayed to, and that the Trinity Doctrine was a Satanic, Pagan teaching, and that unrepentant Trinitarians will be doomed to Gehenna at Armageddon.

    So, I did not make that decision lightly.

    You said:

    "To be honest My main issue with trinity is the doctrine itself has no scriptural support not in one place does it express the concept of 3 in one in relation to God and it never describes Jesus as 'God the son' although it does say 'God the Father'. Don't you think if it said one it would say the other if it was true?"

    According to the best way of translating Hebrews 1:8 (from what I have read and researched), God the Father calls His Son God:

    Hebrews 1:8 (NIV): But about the Son he says, "Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom.

    Hebrews 1:3 describes The Son as the Out-Raying or Shining-Forth of The Father's own glory, as well as the Exact Expression or Imprint of The Father's own Nature.

    Then Hebrews 1:6 says that all angels must worship The Firstborn. And yes, it should be "worship" here, not obeisance, because it is a quote from an Old Testament verse which speaks about the angels worshiping Jehovah. The New World Translation even had "worship" in Hebrews 1:6 up until the 1970's. Then they changed it to "obeisance." Why did they do that?

    In fact, the Watchtower Society even published "Questions From Readers" in which they DEFENDED their use of the word "worship" in Hebrews 1:6:

    And, are you aware that the Watchtower Society taught for many years that the glorified Christ must be worshiped? (Even as late as 1992):

    The Watchtower, January 15th, 1992, Page 23:

    "So any “worship” the angels give God’s Son is relative and is directed through him to Jehovah."-------------------

    The Watchtower, February 15th, 1983, Pages 16-21:

    "It may also signify “worship,” which is how some Bibles read at Hebrews 1:6. If that is the correct sense here, it evidently means a relative worship, a worship of Jehovah God directed through his glorified Son.—Compare Revelation 14:7; The Watchtower of November 15, 1970, pages 702-704."

    The Watchtower, November 15th, 1970, Pages 702-704:

    "Bowing down to humans as an act of respect was admissible, but bowing to anyone other than Jehovah as a deity was prohibited by God. (Ex. 23:24; 34:14) [...] As with the Hebrew term, the context must be considered to determine whether pro·sky·ne?o refers to obeisance solely in the form of deep respect or obeisance in the form of religious worship. Where reference is directly to God (John 4:20-24; 1 Cor. 14:25) or to false gods and their idols (Acts 7:43; Rev. 9:20), it is evident that the obeisance goes beyond that acceptably or customarily rendered to men and enters the field of worship. [...] If the rendering “worship” is preferred, then it must be understood that such “worship” is only of a relative kind. For Jesus himself emphatically stated to Satan that “it is Jehovah your God you must worship [form of pro·sky·neo], and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.” (Matt. 4:8-10; Luke 4:7, 8) True, Psalm 97, which the apostle evidently quotes at Hebrews 1:6, refers to Jehovah God as the object of the ‘bowing down,’ and still this text was applied to Christ Jesus. (Ps. 97:1, 7) However, the apostle previously had shown that the resurrected Christ became the “reflection of [God’s] glory and the exact representation of his very being.” (Heb. 1:1-3) Hence, if what we understand as “worship” is apparently directed to the Son by angels, it is in reality being directed through him to Jehovah God, the Sovereign Ruler, “the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”—Rev. 14:7; 4:10, 11; 7:11, 12; 11:16, 17; compare 1 Chronicles 29:20; Revelation 5:13, 14.


    The Watchtower, May 15th, 1954, Pages 317-318:

    "In translating Hebrews 1:6 An American Translation does not follow its rendering of Psalm 97:7 and use “worship” but says: “And let all God’s angels bow before him.” The New World Translation says: “And let all God’s angels worship him.” Is the New World Translation inferior here, or has it violated its general rule of endeavoring as far as possible to render each Greek word of the Christian Greek Scriptures by one English equivalent? The answer to these questions is No! What, then, is the reason for its saying “worship” instead of “bow down” or “do obeisance”? As already stated in the above-mentioned Watchtower article the Greek word here rendered “worship” is the word pros·ky·ne´o." [...]

    "In the New World Translation we note that when this Greek verb pros·ky·ne´o is applied to Jesus as a man on earth or materializing as a man after his resurrection, it is translated “do obeisance.” However, when referring to the glorified Jesus in the invisible heavens in the presence of the holy angels, the New World Translation makes a change and renders pros·ky·ne´o as applied to him by the English word “worship.” (Heb. 1:6) This is properly and consistently done. This Greek verb occurs only twice in the book of Hebrews, here at Hebrews 1:6 and at Hebrews 11:21 where Jacob is described as worshiping Jehovah God: “By faith Jacob, when about to die, blessed each of the sons of Joseph and worshiped [pros·ky·ne´o] leaning upon the top of his staff.” (NW; referring to Genesis 47:31, where the LXX also uses pros·ky·ne´o) So in the book of Hebrews pros·ky·ne´o is both times rendered “worship” and the angels of God are instructed to “worship” the glorified Jesus. Why is this? Because Jesus has been made so much higher than the angels, even higher than he was before he became a man on earth. (Phil. 2:5-11) It is the command of Jehovah God that they do this toward his Son. What does this mean? This, that even the angels are to render their worship of Jehovah God through Jesus Christ, whom Jehovah God has made the Head of his universal organization. That is why it is stated on page 85 of the book “Make Sure of All Things”, column 1: “Christ to Be Worshiped as a Glorious Spirit, Victorious over Death on the Torture Stake,” with three scriptures accompanying to prove that he is now a glorified spirit, and now no more flesh.

    "It is because the glorified Jesus Christ acts as the appointed representative of Jehovah God that worship must go to God through him, even on the part of the angels. This explains why Psalm 97:7 and Deuteronomy 32:43, which, according to their context, evidently refer to Jehovah God, are applied by the writer of Hebrews to Jehovah’s Son Jesus Christ. The Son of God is Jehovah’s High Priest, hence subordinate to Jehovah God; but as High Priest according to the likeness of Melchizedek the glorified Jesus Christ leads all creation in the worship of Jehovah God. Hence worship of all creation must go to the one living and true God Jehovah through him. In the present-time fulfillment of Deuteronomy 32:43 and Psalm 97:7, the High Priest Jesus Christ acts as the direct representative for his Father Jehovah and, therefore, Hebrews 1:6 properly involves Jesus Christ glorified in the application of these scriptures. Well, then, since the angels are commanded to worship the glorified Jesus at his second coming, should not we, who, as humans, are so much less than angels, likewise worship him? In answer we say, We must render to him what God’s Word says we must. [...]"

    I did not quote the entire articles, I recommend that you look them up on your Watchtower Library CD (if you have one) or at the Kingdom Hall Library.

    Not only that, the Apostle Thomas referred to Jesus as "The God [ho theos] of me!" Can you give me your understanding of what Thomas meant at John 20:28, and why Jesus said those who believe the same will be blessed at John 20:29?

    Why didn't Jesus correct Thomas, and say, "No, only My Father is the God of you, I am only His Son, His Representative"?

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Dear Reniia:

    What I quoted was a brief summary and introduction to a 33,000 word treatise I just finished writing, with ample citation, on the Trinity doctrine, particularly with respect to the JW's denial of it. It is quite comprehensive and explains in detail most of your questions if you take the time to read it. If you are serious. At least read through the first two web pages. The Trinity doctrine is very logical and the only explanation that works; it is a necessary conclusion. After spending a good part of the last year full time researching this, trust me when I say that the JWs have completely deceived many, many people, including you. You will be making the biggest mistake of your life if you return to them.

    You can find it here:

    With respect to the hypostatic union, remember, Christians believe in a soul that survives death. So the flesh dies, the soul survives, or think of the spirit that returns to God. It doesn't die. It is in that sense that Jesus the creature, the created humanity that is not God, dies, but God the Son lives on. You might also want to start reading another Bible. The NWT is so filled with errors it should not be called a Bible.The hypostatic union is not so far fetched. You also are a union of spirit and flesh.



    [email protected]

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    Ren said:

    so Jesus is fully God in man form? how then can he die when God cannot die?

    His flesh died, but his God nature lived on. Can you show me where angels die? If Jesus were an angel He would have to have died several times according to the WTS. Where did the bodies go that He temporarily put on post resurrection and in the OT? 1 Peter 3:18 NIV

    People have to be taught the trinity doctrine and not with the bible!

    People have to be taught WT doctrine and not with the bible! The WT itself said so.

    Your double standard is glaring in that it is OK for the WTS to do this but no one else is.

    Please show me where the Bible specifically says:

    Ø Paradise is on Earth

    Ø Only 144k will go to Heaven

    Ø People will be resurected during the Millenium

    Ø That the GB is God’s sole channel of communication

    Ø Jerusalem fell in 607 BCE

    Ø Jesus and Micheal are the same person

    Ø Blood fractions are ok

    Ø One must go from door to door to earn salvation

    Who are you to demand that God word something to suite you? Why do you require a direct statement to support the trinity when you give the WTS a pass on many of their teachings? Why do you have two standards? One for the WTS, and one for all others? I apply the same standards to everyone, why don’t you?

    Has it ever occurred to you that when you have to go on these long, convoluted explanations to explain WTS teachings, that you are fitting the Bible around a preconceived belief? Why do you assign this to everyone else and then assume that you are immune from doing it yourself?

  • isaacaustin

    Mad Dawg, whether Reniaa wants to admit it or not...the answer to your last 5 questions is the same answer- because the WT says so.

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