To TD (Post 1881.3b): Opposition is inevitable when there are varying opinions and viewpoints. That happened in the 1st century CE, both inside the Congregation and between the Congregation and other groups. Even Paul the Christian could fairly be said to be a public opposer on at least 3 occasions: I think of the incident with "fellow circuit overseer" Barnabas over whether John Mark was a fit publisher. And there was the occasion with the whole Corinthian congregation, when "disfellowshipping" became the ruling in 1 Corinthians 5. And, who could forget the time when Paul caught Peter hanging with the Judaizers.
• For me, all 3 cases I mention here about Paul opposing those in the Congregation are about "varying degrees of bad association" within the Congregation (yet another reference, from 1 Cor. 15:33).
• The case of the Catholic Pope seems to have its parallels. The unscriptural title of Pope itself (meaning Father) and its phoney claim to a spurious Petrine papacy in Rome are just the beginning of the heresy. The later lying assertions regarding Papal Infallibility, and the Papal role in the Inquisitions, the Crusades, and the Holocaust are just some of the later iterations. It was high time that the truth was finally broadcast about this spiritual Emperor with no clothes and the spiritual scandals, like Christmas and Hell and Purgatory and the Apocrypha, taught throughout his empire. Just as Jesus made the whips twice and routed the moneychangers from the Temple, so the modern era has demonstrated with the sound cars, etc. that true, passionate zeal has not been lost from the true Christian's repertoire. To everything there is a season. Turn, turn, turn.
To Mickey mouse (Post 1468): With true repentance comes Jehovah's forgiveness and blessing. So it is with those who once said false things, even prophecies, as long as they repent.
— Spike Tassel.