open marriages, anyone have experience?

by Pierced Angel 77 Replies latest social relationships

  • Englishman


    I think that you are mistaken, how many happily married couples can you list who have a so-called "Open Marriage"?

    The fact remains that for your average male, it is intolerable to him that someone else should be tupping his missus. Oh, he might put a good face on it for a while, especially if he is getting his leg over as well with some hotsy-totsy, but at the end of the day he will reject his unfaithful wife, he will, trust me, I have seen it so many times. Women have this thing about being "mentally faithful", but if a guy knows that his lady has been screwing around it will plague him for evermore.

    Really he isn't that botherd about her dating or whatever, but no male will totally accept the fact that another male has been between his wifes thighs since she met him. Go on, ask the guys on this board, they will tell you how much it niggles at them, I see it all the time.

    Trust me girls, when a guy says its OK to screw around, he does not mean it's OK for you to screw around, he means it's OK for him!


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • Christina77

    Englishman... you are soooo right... my current boyfriend can't even think that I had ever been with anyone but him... it is just too much of a horrifying thought... and he could never deal with me doing anything with anyone but him for the rest of our lives together. I was a wild child before I met him and he did set me straight, as to the fact that I needed someone for more than a fling... and I mean I was really bad when I met him.. I didn't care who or what I did... I had 3 men in one week!!! and 2 of them were as a three some... that was interesting... but never again... I also did it to get back for what my ex did to me... I used men as much as they used me!!! and I just wanted sex and nothing else. I only realized it until I found someone that actually loved me and not someone that just wanted a fing themselves. Now that I have settled down with one man... I could never imagine anyone else... I would be perfectly fine with only one man for the rest of my life... and he is sooo worth it... I never would cheat on my man, I have had it done to me and it totally changed me and made me sick. I would never have an open marriage, it just wouldn't suit me and I would feel very guilty. If I am bored with him, so be it... that is why we get married, for companionship and love and be together for the rest of our lives. I wouldn't give a committed relationship away any day for my sigle life again... that wasn't me, and I am glad that I didn't continue in that lifestyle.


  • tyydyy

    Just a question Christina....Are you positive that in every relationship you can either have the companionship and love or multiple partners but not both?


    How many couples can you list who have an open marriage? Most people don't advertise it. I can name at least one.

    Some people see their wives as partners not possesions.


  • Mindchild

    Hi Englishman,

    I thought I would throw my comments in here as they are somewhat contradictory to your own.

    Actually, I agree with most of what you said. The average guy doesn't want his wife to be playing around. Actually this has biological instincts to back it up. While some men like to have as many sex partners as they can get, they clearly don't like their own mate having sex with others. The infamous double standard raises its ugly head again.

    Now this may be somewhat average but there are plenty of other people who are trying alternative lifestyles and many with amazing success. I think it actually takes a rather remarkable amount of maturity and perhaps a different type of guy than your "average" guy to enjoy these relationships but if you count the numbers you will find literally millions of them. In fact, the nuclear family, the traditional pair bonding system, is rapidly becoming the minority standard.

    Now the fact that different people do different things doesn't mean a hill of beans of course. It all depends on the individuals involved. I can't say if this couple would fit that bill at all, maybe not. I think they could do well to see if they could make their own relationship more dynamic and deeper and then if they still realize that they want others involved they should be free to make that choice for themselves. Not that you or I are cramming anything down their throat in our posts but I think the world is changing, especially the social aspects. What was once the normal and accepted way of looking at things is now an optional approach. What works for some doesn't work for others. Whatever they choose, I hope they will be happy.


  • larc

    Englishman says it won't. Others says millions do it successfully. Has anyone found any research on the subject? For those of you who say many do it, do you know any personally? Without any data, I tend to lean in Englishman's direction. I think the odds are very slim that their marriage will last more than a couple years, and if it does, I think their plan will do more harm than good.

  • Englishman

    I think that the majority of males are happy to draw a line on their partners relationships prior to their meeting each other. You can't give someone a hard time for thei sexual activities before you met each other, after all.

    Tyydy, I think that couples who do have open marriages do tend to advertise that fact IMO.


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • COMF

    I was single at the time my kids flew the coop, and pretty much from that time on, I've felt happier being alone (and free to date) than being in a monogamous relationship. At a family get-together last night my sister joked, "I decided about you a long time ago, Fred, that you just have to have you a new girlfriend every couple of years." I waited the length of a pregnant pause, and then answered, "Yep" with a smile. But actually it's even more than that. I don't even want somebody living in the house with me right now. I'd rather have three or four good friends who enjoy having sex with me as one aspect of our friendship, without jealousy over other good friends with whom I have sex. (We practice safe sex, by the way.)

    Women who think the same way are not easy to locate. I want friendship plus sex, not just sex. Sex is not the sole purpose of being with the kind of people I'm talking about, so I have no interest in using any adult singles pimp services. I've met a few who are okay with this arrangement, but even so, their main focus seems to be the potential for a monogamous live-in relationship in the long run. One woman does like to talk about her other boyfriends, and excitedly tells me all about her escapades. I listen with interest and amusement, and to my delight, I found that it doesn't bother me in the least that she's having this kind of fun with someone other than me; in fact, usually it's a sexual turn-on. She brought up the possibility of a threesome a few days back. I've always turned down such offers before, but I think that was mainly a choice made due to having some unpurged remains of the old sex-is-baaaaaad mentality fostered by Christianity. I'm still undecided on whether I'll accept if she invites, but it would be a new experience for me, and I'm all into new experiences these days.

    I think that it would be nice, in my old age, to have a friend living with me whom I know well and trust, and who knows me well and trusts me, too. But right now I'm enjoying being alone too much to have any interest in moving someone else in. On the subject of open marriage, my thought is, "Why bother with the marriage part?" I guess if you were already married when the idea of sexual openness came to you, and especially if you have children at home, maintaining the marriage makes sense. I just see it as an unnecessary move, from the viewpoint of a person who is single and whose kids are all grown and moved out.


  • Vitameatavegamin

    One word: Adultery. Better think twice.

  • COMF

    One word: Adultery. Better think twice.

    One word: huh?


  • one

    Open marrigage = I have strong sex drive and want to have someone at home in case everything else fails = insecurity (mos tlikely)

    when a guy says its OK for her to screw around = dont be surprise if i leave you at anytime (with few execptions)

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