open marriages, anyone have experience?

by Pierced Angel 77 Replies latest social relationships

  • tyydyy


    When you say "with few exceptions" what do you mean? You have personally known more than a few open marriages?


  • one

    When i get a chance i want to ask Solomon about his time sharing program.

    1000 women, i'll see you in 3 years an ddont screw around while i am away...

    who said "the one with gold makes the rule"?

  • one

    you ask
    "When you say "with few exceptions" what do you mean?"
    i mean very few men think differently than i stated

    "You have personally known more than a few open marriages? "
    no, what i have seen are a lot of one side only tacitly open marriage

  • tyydyy


    I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that you're basing you opinions of an open marriage on the actions and words of men who just want to cheat on their wives?


  • one


    let me try to clarify.

    regarding my first post on this topic, in
    the first parragraph i am referring to both male and females.

    on the second parragraph i tried to say that men who let ther wives "screw around" around is because they dont feel attached long term (does not care), his mate inclinations (to screw around) could be one more good reason

  • tyydyy

    Ok One,

    I think I'll disagree with you. It sounds like a awfully broad generalization about couples you haven't even known.


  • RationalWitness


    You neglected to tell us which issue of Penthouse you got your information from. Also, how do you define "amazing success" and "maturity"? Just wondering.


  • Xena

    lol RationalWitness...try going to the bookstore or doing some research relationships occur outside of the pages of Penthouse...and can be successful.

  • RationalWitness

    Thanks, Xena. My wife just advised me I'm silly to even be reading this thread, but perhaps I will check the library ... human sexuality or psychology section?


  • Xena

    Well Radical I would have to say the odds of your ever having an open marriage are probably zero if your wife thinks it is silly

    Got this from this web page thought it might be of interest:

    What is Polyamory?

    Polyamory (or poly for short) is the practice of having multiple, honest, loving relationships at the same time. Unlike affairs, poly relationships are intended to be honest and consensual. The range of polyamorous relationships is large and ranges from somewhat casual to extremely committed (including group marriage) situations.

    Unlike the image of free love in the 1960s, the polyamory community understands that creating multiple strong relationships is a difficult task and requires some thought and care. And unlike the image of swinging, polyamory tends to focus on relationships and love, instead of focusing primarily on additional sexual outlets.

    Which is not to say that sex isn't an important benefit of some, perhaps many, polyamorous relationships. Duh!

    Unfortunately, we live in a world where traditional monogamy is often more sometimes more of a facade than a reality. Polyamory provides a way for people to honor their desire to be initimate with many people, while letting them preserve their values, their self-respect, their sense of committment, and their long-term relationships.

    You might try looking at this site also: alt.polyamory Home Page

    Haven't tried doing any research on it in the library myself..hhhmm you could probaby ask the librarian to help you...

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