and what proof do you have isaac that it's that and not birth that is the correct translation? other than that your theology demands it! so any reference to Jesus being born or birthed like provs 8, like first born, like begotten called God's son have to be explained away. To fit in with your theology.
My reply: Quite simply, Acts 13;33, Romans 8
Romans 1:3,4; concerning his Son, who sprang from the seed of David according to the flesh, 4 but who with power was declared God’s Son according to the spirit of holiness by means of resurrection from the dead—yes, Jesus Christ our Lord,
2 clear verses showing that he took on this title at his resurrection. Overall context shows this. Proverbs 8 is speaking of wisdom, as well as other qualities personified. It does not in any way address some so-called creation of jesus. Anyone reading that chapter with half an ounce of reading comprehension can see that.