For me a real problem with the Bible is the idea of "the inerrant word of God" that fundamentalists(like JWs) have. No where do the books in the bible claim that they are inspired (except = The "word of Jehovah" that prophets write and 2 Tim 3:16). If there is a God and he revealed himself to Moses in that burning bush - I believe that inspiration should only be claimed for the parts that claim inspiration. (and then judged) The creation account, flood account, most of the "history" in the bible DO NOT CLAIM inspiration. They are the understanding that people had at that time and as such are valuable.
The God of this universe is an experimenter. Look at the stars. There are 2 Galaxies colliding right now. God doesn't seem to care. Look at the proof of evolution in the world around us. Pretty random based on natural phenomenon. The idea that He is the Author of a book is silly. He might intervene once to say "Hey don't murder,steal, lie ... I don't like it." Then we humans take those simple things and build ridiculous religions around them. Then Jesus says "Love your neighbor" he gets crucified and we have eons of war, torture, and martyrs. When are we gonna learn?