Billy, She's a hot bit of stuff - would mind sharing?
Clever ploy to get sisters to monitor husband's internet use in today's WT
by Mickey mouse 73 Replies latest watchtower bible
"The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."
The more taboo you make something the more desirable it becomes. The WT society is increasing pornographic consumption amongst its members by attempting to ban it. Porn is not the problem at all, the lack of unconditional love is. JWs always teach conditional love and will always suffer greater family stress because of it. Typical cult.
Wow, billy, she's really well inflated.
Gee, I thought the cat drove one to Internet porn.
Seriously, I see this as the new JW household and Bethel rule, computer use must be out in the open and only with another JW present. Anyone who has a computer in a spare room will be seen as "suspect" of "what 'cha doing?". The JW spouse will have doubts and the elders/Friends will also wonder. If the Internet savvy spouse refuses to move the computer to a more public location, the super-dub JW spouse can "ask" the elders to intervene now....
First, this new rule is to protect from apostate sites. Newbies to this site post in fear that their spouse will catch them. Cognac comes to mind. She finally was "caught" on this site by her JW husband. Her husband and her decided to ban this site as they searched for spiritual journey. She was able to make him realize some of his own doubts about the JW religion...but it sounds like he was clamming up and saw this as a threat to his marriage and spiritual tenants. How much better both he and she would have been if their computer was out in the open, the Friends who know the story will think.
Second, remember the New York WTS brother who was caught with tons of pornography/child pornography on his computer in his room (I think in Wallkill). I wondered how his JW roommate didn't find out. This embarrased the WTS. I "bet" they have a new rule at WTS HQ, no Internet usage unless another JW is present. Alot of these pedophiles use the computer to fuel their criminal minds. I remember another recent news story about a UK brother, the police were seizing his harddrives. While his wife and other JWs were commenting, "We can't believe this"...but his wife had tried to hide his computer.....
lol should have just put my first thought...load of rubbish thread taking one thing and pretending it is a another with typical apostate oblivion to the truth.
lol should have just put my first thought...load of rubbish thread taking one thing and pretending it is a another with typical apostate oblivion to the truth.
Your opinion is noted.
ha ha ha ha should know.....troll
OUTLAW should have just put my first thought.....You can think?..Thats a start!..
load of rubbish thread taking one thing and pretending it is a another with typical apostate oblivion to the truth. ..I have no Frigg`n Idea what you just posted, is supposed to mean..
Absolute Jibberish!!..LOL!!..
You should invite another sister or your husband to come sit with you while you visit this site.
Mickey mouse
ROFL @ Billy.