Clever ploy to get sisters to monitor husband's internet use in today's WT

by Mickey mouse 73 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Satanus

    Husband and wife SHOULD look at porn, together.


  • mrsjones5

    I agree

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Here's someone to supervise Reniaa's InterWeb Apostabrowsing:


    Wayne will notify the BoE if Reniaa visits any inappropriate websites.

  • mrsjones5

    Eek, that chest hair looks creepy

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Stop making fun of Reniaa's "Spiritual Head"!

  • ex-nj-jw

    LMAO @ Billy!! I havn't been here in a while because of all the BS threads, but this is funny as shit!

    Thanks Billy!


  • besty

    Internet access is rapidly moving to mobile devices, particularly in the 3rd world where fixed line access is rare.

    Does this new light mean your mobile phone is now meant to be operated with your wife present? Does this brother only transact business when his wife is there? Also the embedded suggestion is that non-business related Internet access is off the charts, it's not even possible that someone could want to access the Internet for non-business reasons.

    Seems like the Internet should be treated like a disfellowshipped relative - essential contact only.


  • mkr32208

    It won't help you to have your wife beside you if she likes porn though... Why do these dimwits at bethel always assume that women hate sex? Oh yeah thats right because most of them are 90 year old bachelors who are closet homosexuals... Shit I forgot for a second there!

  • Lillith26

    I cant escape it- my husband likes that redtube site (sick stuff), and everytime he finds something funny he yells out "babe, come an check this out!", honestly I think over exposure to porn is the real cure! "yes dear, it's a picture of smurfs having an orgy, like I haven't seen that before!". LOL

    Maybe there is something wronge with me- I trust my man! I dont need to read his emails, check his text messages or follow him around- I like my privacy so I respect his!

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Man, that is one weak husband. He needs to be babysitted by his wife and kids at all times? Does he not have any personal integrity or resolve?

    In a marriage, trust and honesty is huge. The watchtower is trying to get between husbands and their wives again.

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