Clever ploy to get sisters to monitor husband's internet use in today's WT

by Mickey mouse 73 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DaCheech

    this is exactly the tactics of the gestapo

    if this is the way paradise is gonna be, then count me out!

    anyway in my family: my wife and I share so many chores, if we were to supervise each others internet use, we would not have time to do chores, nor help our children with our homework.

    there are some nameless one here who has imaginary children and a imaginary life that posts here alot, these should heed the warning of their prophet and their idol

  • rocketman

    Many religions, not just the WT, strongly condemn pornography. And this is just one example of a "brother" who saw fit to have his wife on hand to be sure he didn't feed his little addiction.

    Yes, it's one more example of control, but I'm not inclined to make too big a deal about it. And let's face it, a lot of women, religious or not, do not want their significant other to be checking out porn.

  • DaCheech

    my wife doesn't mind me watching porn.

    i don't get offended at her looking at men.

    we have a rule that fidelity is in the actions, not the eyes.

    anyway, how else would she have voluntarily (without me even involved) got some body parts pierced? (wowy)!

  • 1914BS

    I can solve that problem

    Just watch horse breeding videos to get turned on. Its not fornication it is natural!!!!!!!

  • Marlene

    1914- Your post just brought back a memory. I brought my male and female boston terriers into my dads office (he let them run around in the warehouse). When they were done playing, they ran back up to the front office where my dad was and began humping, rather 69-ing. It was priceless. However, my elder dad looked down at them with pure disgust and said "they should be disfellowshipped for that!"

    I can't make this stuff up!

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Scully, I agree, he lacks a pair.

  • rebel8

    The story in the witchtower sounds really silly to me. They make it sound as though porn becomes an immediate compulsion for anyone exposed to it for a millisecond.*

    Using your children as chaperones to prevent you from indulging in addictive behavior is sick.

    is a massive issue in relationships now

    Massive? Dubious.

    Marlene, funny story. My female cats 69 sometimes! Your dad would be even more mortified--homosexual cats engaging in oral sex!

    *I find porn terribly hilarious. It is so unrealistic and just ROFL funny.

  • Pistoff

    The whole idea that pornography is such a serious problem is hilarious; it is like masturbation. 97% do it, the other 3% do it and lie about it.

    If a man and woman have sex, can watching sex be wrong? How is it wrong? Can they watch a tape they made and is that OK? If you say yes Reniaa, then what you are implying is that porn is surrogate adultery, a really hilarious concept.

    The old men in NY are from a 50's repressed mentality; they don't understand sexual attraction anymore, were not comfortable about it even when they could remember why.

    Porn is the bogeyman, look at the leap of illogic Reniaa makes (again):

    Only recently there was a massive search for a young underage teen girl that got lured into meeting with a man off the internet with a history of violence and mental health issues thankfully she was found safe.

    So watching porn for an hour, is that the same as SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A MINOR?

    Awaiting an answer Reniaa.

  • Marlene

    My female cats 69 sometimes! Your dad would be even more mortified--homosexual cats engaging in oral sex!

    lol! He might have to run to wts headquarters for a full mind cleansing.

    My parents used to drop by my place unannounced w/ a bro or sis from the congregation for an "encouragement visit". I took a life drawing class (nude models), and soon found a good excuse to buy pornographic books for homework assignments. I had no shame leaving these books out and opened. The encouragement visits promptly stopped.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    It's all about controlling internet usage. Suggesting 'chaperoning' as a safeguard against viewing pornography justifies 'supervising' to the R&F. In reality, though, the WT is saying 'don't trust your partner alone on the internet'. They know that the Internet is a threat to the Org, and they can't forbid JWs to access it, so I think they're using the family unit to restrict what is being accessed (their best option at the moment).

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