LOL @ B the X! Hey.... are those 'heads' interchangeable?
Clever ploy to get sisters to monitor husband's internet use in today's WT
by Mickey mouse 73 Replies latest watchtower bible
I have no problem with watching porn. In fact, I visit such porn sites occasionally (I will not, for obvious reasons, disclose which ones on this forum because I do not want to break the rule against creating links to porn).
However, that is not all, or most, of what I do online (remember, I am not supervised at this time while I am online). I would estimate that, for every minute I am watching porn, I spend ten minutes on these apostate boards posting something to rebut the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery. And, there is no proof that watching porn generally leads to cheating--any more than there is proof that masturbation causes homosexuality. It is just that they are saying that to get people to snitch on each other while they are online, making it more difficult for them to visit an apostate site without being caught.
Room 215
It seems remarkable that a grown man who attends most if not all of the meetings and engages in the public ministry at least occasionally, has to resort to such drastic measures to beat back an adolescent voyeurism habit. Then too, think of the couples who voluntarily wath porn to arouse themselves.
What other religion considers masturbation, clean toilet hygiene, etc. appropriate topics for a formal group Bible study at a house of worship, begun by prayer and hymn singing?
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Okay, I have a question. Is it wrong for the JW husband to look at naked pictures of his wife on the Internet? Would she still need to be sitting next to him, chaperoning him, while he looked at naughty pictures of her?
Quoting Ned Flanders to Reverend Lovejoy (from The Simpsons), "I think I'm coveting my own wife!"
Mickey mouse
That would make a good Question from Readers for the Witchtower. Or a Reader's Wives else.
Is it wrong for the JW husband to look at naked pictures of his wife on the Internet? Would she still need to be sitting next to him, chaperoning him, while he looked at naughty pictures of her?
Ideally, she should sit on his lap, so as to impede the "growth" of any "inappropriate" "ideas". And if such "growth" should occur, he would be at no risk of "wasting his semen upon the earth" since the "wife of his youth" is right there at the ready.
With my old butt, my wife would be very happy ( viewing porn on the net), maybe not. It might be a shock to her system , she might
divorce me.All the porn is over rated. We are very happy just holding hands, all the others stuff might kill
us..We are starting early since there will be no sex in the new system..Only procreation sex.
Mickey...even more shocking: it appears you didn't study your watchtower ahead of time
Why weren't there any illustrations depicting widespread problem?
Certainly the young children in the audience should know how to identify this sin when they see it.
Man alive ! I'm gettin' all riled up ! All this talk of dolls, voyeurism , masturbation, wives sitting on our laps , , BILLY- can my wife and I borrow your doll for just one night ? I promise she won't be flattened out when we return her !! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
choosing life:
Man, that is one weak husband. He needs to be babysitted by his wife and kids at all times? Does he not have any personal integrity or resolve?
The question really is: Does he not have any ballz?