Anyone heard of Watchtower policy change concerning pedophiles

by Robert_V_Frazier 203 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • AndersonsInfo

    Sola, FYI, you inserted in your post the following:

    TheAugust 11, 2002 New York Times had this to say about the shape of the JW scandal. "The shape of the scandal [in Jehovah's Witnesses] is far different than in the Catholic church , where most of the people accused of abuse are priests and a vast majority of the victims were boys and young men. In the Jehovah's Witnesses, where congregations are often collections of extended families and church elders are chosen from among the laypeople, some of those accused are elders, but most are congregation members. The victims who have stepped forward are mostly girls and young women, and many accusations involve incest."

    Okay, Sola Scripture, what you believe based on what you read in the NYTimes makes your argument sound plausible that no background checks could reveal if a JW elder had a history of molestation because most JW victims who came forward with accusations were girls involved in incest. I’m certainly no expert and undecided how much such checks would help in the WT organization, but quoting such articles to prove your point proves nothing because by 2005, unlike what the NYTimes said, for what it’s worth, the majority of the thousands of JW abuse victims who came forward with their molestation accusations were male.

  • Sola Scriptura
    Sola Scriptura

    To Bix Tex:

    You said:

    I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, that you are not calling me a liar.

    No I was not. Thanks for seeing that.

    I'm going to guess what you really mean is that you disagree with those 3 circuit overseers?

    Yes! Those C.O.s told you wrong, as you can see from the quotes I posted earlier taken
    from their own "Official" Elder guide book.

    gave up a full scholarship to pioneer where I met my wife (still married after 26 years).

    I'm happy at least 1 great thing came from your JW experience. :)

    Truthfully? Okay, I'll be very honest. I don't think I've ever posted this anywhere on line on any board.

    I feel both honored & saddened. Honored that you have shared this part of your soul for the 1st time, here in response to my question. Saddened because I don't want to open up old wounds. Thank you for your candor.

    My parents were not Jehovah's Witnesses when they raped me.

    Since the abuse that happened against you occurred before your parents were JWs, their was nothing the Elders could of done to them.

    Why didn't my grandmother and aunt stop it?... I asked them and they didn't give very good answers.

    This Wall Of Silence is what I believe is at the heart of most unreported Abuse that occurs within the family. (I'm not judging them personally, I'm just using them to make a generalized statement). How can the Police, Social Services or even the Elders do their job if no one within the family is willing to help stop the abuse.

    I have a feeling that we will end up agreeing to disagree,

    Probably, but it's nice we can both civilly discuss controversial issues and at least "See" the other persons viewpoint, with out disrespecting the other person. I thank you and respect you for that.

    If you had the power to write a new JW policy, what exactly would it be? and what steps would you implement to ensure compliance from all the Elders & C.O.s?

    ( Even though this sounds like a loaded question, it's not. I believe you as a victim of abuse would have an advantage over others, in creating a practical but humane policy that balances the rights of both the accused & the accuser.)

    notice that the Society uses certain legalese words such as "may be considered".

    I agree with you! This is one of my pet peeves with the GB. "Oh, we are only "Spiritual Food" providers. We only give "suggestions" based on Bible Principles, and let the Elders decide the final outcome". OK then. only use words like "may"& "could" & "perhaps" throughout the whole JW Elder guide book. If, on the other hand, they want to have "King like" powers over the Elders, they should only use words like "must" & "don't". They seem to want to have their cake and eat it too. (Ah! but I digress)

    1 Corinthians 4:8 (Amplified Bible)

    " have ascended your thrones and come into your kingdom without including us! And would that it were true and that you did reign, so that we might be sharing the kingdom with you!"

    At some point, don't we move beyond the "imperfect men" excuse?

    Yes! but what is the Magic number? years? decades? centuries? We can apply that reasoning to any relationship or commitment we have made. A Marriage mate, A Job, our Government. At what definitive point do we throw the baby out with the dirty bath water?

    In the country I live in, SOME people in high places have done "Bad" things in the past, and Some are probably doing more "Bad" things as I type this. (I hope they ain't reading this)

    At what point do I say "That's it! I'm leaving this country because of the sins of SOME of my leaders." The answer varies for each person.

    a child must present 2 eyewitnesses is not based on scripture, but on principle. Forgive me, but that is a big difference.

    I respectfully disagree. Here's why: Christians are no longer under the Mosaic Law, so you won't find as many "do this" & "don't do that" laws as you would find in the Mosaic Law.

    2 Timothy 3:16,17 (New Living Translation) says:

    All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.

    So we as Christians must make progressive congregational policies based on Bible principles that are rooted in scripture. Just because there is no specific scripture dealing with child abuse doesn't mean we can't reason on the scriptures we do have, to create an acceptable procedure & policy for handling it.

    Since the imperfect human "reasoning" part is not directly inspired by God, we (the ones doing the reasoning) will constantly struggle and disagree, subsequently refining it until it works properly and fairly for all involved.

    What's the other alternatives: (Black or White)

    A) A child accuses someone in the congregation of molesting them. I then say: "hey! there's NO specific scripture in the bible dealing with this, so I won't even listen to what you have to say even though you have a video tape & 10 witnesses. Sorry my hands are tied little one."


    B) A child accuses someone in the congregation of molesting them. I then say: "hey! I take your word for it. I will disfellowship Bro. Accused at the next service meeting. Thanks for informing me little one."

    I made both scenarios purposely ridiculous to show the need for a "Grayish" hybrid policy based on Bible principles such as Love, Empathy & yes "2 witnesses" whether it be 2 separate child accusers or police DNA evidence.
    but surely you will agree with me that you cannot say that elders have ignored what you say to be true?

    Yes i wholeheartedly agree with you on this, thus the phrase (Elders Gone Wild™). But neither of us know for sure if these Elders Gone Wild™ are in the Majority or the Minority.

    I like that you highlighted the word "unsubstantiated". That's what this whole thing really revolves around, doesn't it?


    Why do Jehovah's Witnesses automatically assume the child is a liar and the sexual offender cannot be guilty unless he confesses?

    I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and I automatically assume the child is telling the truth. I've had numerous discussions with my friends and family (Elders, Pioneers, Publishers etc.) on this subject and most of them feel the same way I do. But, unfortunately, the burden of proof must be provided by the accuser for a successful conviction by Caesar and for successful congregational action.

    Sexual assault of a child takes place in the dark, it takes place where there are no witnesses.

    Exactly! That's why this Crime is so problematic for both Caesar and JWs.

    Again I say, look at what the organization DOES rather than it was says.

    I agree! That's why I believe we have vastly different view points. I have seen more Good than Bad in my many years as a JW living in various cities and experiencing various congregations on an intimate level. You have seen more Bad than Good I presume.

    the Catholic Church, like Jehovah's Witnesses, refused to punish sexual offenders they knew to be guilty.

    I respectfully disagree with this statement. here's why:

    The Catholic Church's Old Policy, like you said, consistently refused to punish Leaders who were proven Sexual Abusers. (there may have be exceptions. I don't know)

    The JW's Policy Consistently punished Leaders & Rank and File members who were proven Sexual Abusers (their may have be exceptions. I don't know)

    It's not the same comparison.

    Okay so if these guys can't tell who is guilty or who is innocent, then all the more reason they SHOULD NOT BE THE JUDGES!!!!!!

    Solomon, a wise man, could not tell who was telling the truth between the 2 women that came before him, by listening to their testimony alone. (1Ki 3:16-28). So, he had to trick them to get what he needed to make a wise judgment. But who has wisdom like Solomon? Not me.
    Doesn't common logic dictate that maybe, just maybe, if it is beyond their ability to determine guilt or innocence, they should leave it to someone else?

    That's exactly what they do. If they can't determine who's telling the truth they don't pass judgment. That why the Parents should go to the Police 1st. It's a crime, just like Murder.

    "Let Caesar deal with the crime. Let Elders deal with the sin"™

    Let Caesar bag em and tag em.
    But in the mean time I believe Elders should give spiritual guidance to BOTH the Accused & the Accuser until guilt is established. Because let's face it no matter who's telling the truth both will need Counseling after this.

    To all you lurking Elders out there:

    To simply say "just leave it in Jehovah's Hands"™ to me is a cop-out and insulting to the victim. If you are a spiritual shepherd then do some shepherding, Don't be lazy and just leave it in "Jehovah's Hands". Hasn't he supposedly appointed your hands to help victims in his absence. I personally know how beautifully, things can workout, if you GO that EXTRA MILE! I would quote a bunch of scriptures here, but you all know the ones I'm thinking of (Ahh! I digress)

    Take Care Big Tex

  • freddo

    A question for Barbara (and thank you so much for what I believe is your highly principled stand) - is there anything else as big as the payouts of 2007 that WT had to make that is coming down the pipeline against the WT society? Please say yes; because bucks is the only thing that will make this organization change it's abuse policies.

    Pedo child abusing scum:-

    When Dateline/Panorama came out there was a lot of concern in part of the JW community - the part where abuse had happened (no surprise) and matters were dealt with unsatisfactorily. I would not trust a member of the gb or a branch committee or a travelling overseer to mix scripture, jw policies and legal and financial considerations into a child abuse policy any more than I would trust myself to outrun Usain Boult!

    Not related to pedo's but the 2 witness rule -

    When I was an elder, a judicial committee I was chairman of accepted two independent witnesses when two women claimed they had had sex (consensual) with a MS in separate incidents (i.e. - not a threesome!) and he denied doing anything more than kiss either woman. One had occured a couple of months before the JC and the other about two years previously and the earlier one was still disfellowshipped from admitting her guilt and walking away seeing the MS get off scot-free in her case (only one witness at that time). We took her earlier testimony as one witness because it had the ring of truth about it. We didn't automatically accept their word or his but also checked for collusion which we believed was absent.

    The MS who "had connections" threatened to go to the CO because we were accepting the word of a D/F individual and we said that when she gave her testimony she was a JW and that we could consider the testimony of a non-believer anyway. If he did go to the CO and the CO backed us then we said that would show lack of repentance and "tie our hands" with our judgement. We asked him to go away and consider everything for 48 hours and come back and re-consider his plea. He phoned the next day and confessed and he got removed as an MS and a public reproof. The second sister got a private reproof.

    One of those brothers on the committee is still a died in the wool elder but I know he went to the police in 2003 about a historical abuse case he was involved in (where he was part of a jc that disfellowshipped a 19 year old abuser). But he didn't inform the authorities at the time (1989) because it was against society policy. So that bears out, as if it were needed, any testimony from abused posters that the WT covered over routinely certainly pre late 1990's and tacitly encouraged covering up to a lessening degree right up until now IMO.

    So sometimes it is a matter of judgement. And many elders would have and sadly still would IMO not have been so thorough and independent as I honestly believe we were.

    Until the society instructs any elder who hears about abuse to inform the authorities then their hands will remain filthy.

  • Sola Scriptura
    Sola Scriptura

    To Pistoff:

    You said:

    The apologists with no brain or heart now have a spokesperson who can spin gold webs from...


    They have NEVER officially said that they will take separate witnesses as proof;

    Please re-read what I wrote, not only do I give proof, I mention an Actual case (I have personal knowledge of), that stopped a lying offender dead in his tracks.

    The direction from the slave for decades is to deny the reality of victims

    Your turn. provide the proof. Tag, your it.

    Nice try Sola; next time BRING FACTS, not assertions.

    Your above statement would be "True" if: you replace "Sola" with "Pistoff"

    just messing with you P.

    you really are not an active witness or you are in delusion.

    Yes I am a very Active JW and in Good Standing etc. etc. I don't believe I'm delusional. But if I was, I guess I would be the last to know.
    "Accept truth wherever you find it, no matter what it contradicts." - Charles T. Russell
    Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence. pp. 8-9 July 1879
  • Sola Scriptura
    Sola Scriptura

    To Mary:

    You said:

    Let's talk again when some ... friend, molests your son or daughter, but goes free.

    The reason I'm so passionate about this subject is because someone very dear to me has experienced this. They at first was stumbled because nothing was "officially" done to this person, because it was their word against the other, with no DNA evidence.

    But the Elders, that this person told believed them, secretly continued their "investigation" by calling various people in multiple states and finally got the Abuser by using 2 separate witnesses that were willing to stand together, and face him. (The case wasn't that simple, but that's all I can publicly say about it)

    I voluntarily live in a Nation of Rules & Principles. I have voluntarily committed myself to a Religion with Rules & Principles.

    I hold to the principle that ALL people are innocent until proven guilty, (including the Devil) even if in your heart you know their guilty. We can't arbitrarily set a side established principles for the sake of justice. But you can get creative, ala "Perry Mason" style and use established law & order to properly achieve justice.

    And you have the balls to condemn the Catholic Church for their 'old' rules on dealing with pedophilia?

    Please re-read what i was trying to say. I applauded their New policy.

  • Sola Scriptura
    Sola Scriptura

    To Andersoninfo:

    Thank you for your unbiased clarifications and insight.

    Despite what most may think, there are many JWs who admire the stand you made for the sake of our children. Thank you for your sacrifice! That news special forced Bethel to get there act in gear quickly. I pray one day your son sees what Jehovah sees. A Courageous Christian Woman.

    Stay strong my SISTER! The struggle has only begun...

    You said:

    but quoting such articles to prove your point proves nothing...the majority of the thousands of JW abuse victims who came forward with their molestation accusations were male.

    If you notice I didn't highlight the word "girls" because it did not contribute to the Main points that I was making. Which were these:

    I brought up the OLD Catholic Church Policy to show the differences between our policy and there OLD one, because too many people lump our policy in with their OLD policy.

    There IS a difference.

    The Catholic Church got in to trouble because a Minority of their Leadership was allowed to prey on trusting young boys, again and again with out any form of punishment.
    The JWs got into trouble, mostly for handling accusationsof their Rank & File unloving.

    Sola Scriptura

    “I made an ass of myself.”

    - J. F. Rutherford

  • penny2

    This link will take you to the judge's sentencing remarks to a JW ex-elder who abused his granddaughters (he was an elder when he committed the offences). It's a case just concluded three weeks ago and the man is now in prison.

    There have been 2 threads on this already but I don't think many posters have noticed them.

    Note that according to the judge, the congregation still supports the ex-elder.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Thanks for the information Barbara. It shows some small baby steps have been taken, it's not enough not nearly enough, but it is something.

    Joe explained how I felt about elders handling child abuse allegations. Joe specifically said to Chuck, “Child abuse is a crime, not just a sin and it should always be reported to the authorities. Elders shouldn’t be involved in making a determination of guilt or innocence.


    Sola said:

    Since the abuse that happened against you occurred before your parents were JWs, their was nothing the Elders could of done to them.

    Yeah I know. Funny enough, at the time, back in '88/'89 I wasn't really interested in having him removed or even disfellowshipped. At the time, I was suicidal and I looked toward Jehovah's Witnesses to help me make sense out of what had happened to me, and what I was feeling. Originally I revealed only what my worldly grandfather had done. I was in therapy but I really wanted spiritual issues addressed, specifically about God.

    It was shocking to me that elders had I known for 15+ years, most I considered to be good friends, turned so legal and so harsh on me. This was when I first found out about the two witness rule. I remember several "encouragement" visits that were cruel and mean. Even one of the elders, a local doctor, excused himself and left because he became physically ill at how othes were talking to me.

    "Jehovah is far too busy to be interested in your petty little problems." That's one I remember

    Again, at that point, I wasn't interested in removing anyone. I was simply trying to make sense out of insanity. Those elders told me I was the only one, that they had never heard of such a thing as incest. Yet at that very moment, in that exact congregation was the elder I told you about earlier. That elder covered up his child's abuse and the elder body told him to do so. I did not find out about this until I was on this board and I met that child, now adult and they told me.

    After a year of this, I finally started getting angry and I stayed angry for a couple of years. I look back with quite a bit of embarassment. I was furious at the entire process. I was tired of being told how wrong I was, how little faith I had and so on. And I began looking at the organization's rules differently. I researched this two witness rule and I found out it is not based on scripture. You yourself admit it is based only on a tenuous principle. Two witnesses to a disagreement is a quantum leap from demanding a child present 2 witnesses to prove they were raped.

    But the anger was helpful in one way, it gave me courage to face up to my parents and I shouted from the rooftops what they did. And I was completely shunned by nearly every single Witness in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex (we knew people from about a dozen congregations). I lost all but a couple of friends, which only made me angrier and I raised the volume. This is when I sought ought those COs and the district overseer. The more Jehovah's Witnesses tried to beat me down the more I fought back. Curiously enough, in the beginning my parents did not deny my accusations. It was only later that they changed their story and suddenly became very innocent.

    Finally my mother died from cancer. Not only was I forbidden to attend her funeral at the KH, not only did the elder giving the talk deliberately leave my name out, they posted brothers outside the Hall just in case I tried to show.

    I knew very well my parents were worldly when it happened. I was there. I've said online that I left because of the two witness rule, and it's true. I've said online that I told the elders about my father and that he is still a ministerial servant in good standing, and it's true.When I pursued my father judicially, it was because he was a liar. And so I intereviewed and I gathered evidence and I asked my grandmother and aunt if they would testify, and they agreed. And the elders refused.

    But I also left because of the repulsive, disgusting way Jehovah's Witnesses behaved. I knew Jehovah's Witnesses were wrong one day listening to the public talk and the speaker, someone who had made the comment I quoted above, was talking about treating others with kindness and love and mercy and he read this scripture from Matthew 25:

    For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.' 44 Then they also will answer, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?' 45 Then he will answer them, saying, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.'

    That was when it struck me like seeing a bright penny. I had to get out. This was an evil rule and that religion was treating me badly. And I remember thinking that if it happened to me, it's probably happening to someone else somewhere else. When Al Gore invented the Internet, I found out I was right, despite the lies those elders told me.

    Maybe it makes a difference to you that my parents were not baptized Jehovah's Witnesses, but it does not to me. I don't know, maybe it makes a difference to god. I don't know. Maybe he just doesn't give a shit about me; that's what I was told and considering my life it's reasonable to think that. I do know my father moved on to my sisters and yes that did happen after baptism. They didn't change, and in looking back I'm amazed anyone could think they would change. Offenders offend. That's just what they do. Religion only provides a cover.

    Sorry for rambling, my story is somewhat complicated and I've left out some bad parts but I wanted to respond to what you said. It's funny but I've said more about my past in these last 2 posts to you than I have in the 7+ years on this board.

    This Wall Of Silence is what I believe is at the heart of most unreported Abuse that occurs within the family.

    Exactly! We're finally on the same page. I'm glad we can agree on something!

    And this is exactly the problem with Jehovah's Witnesses and the two witness rule. Don't you see? If the sexual offender denies it, and of course he will, and there are not two witnesses the matter stops right there. From what I've experienced and from what I've read, it is irrelevent to Jehovah's Witnesses whether the offender is convicted or not.

    I think it was you said earlier in this thread -- "knowledge is power". Yes I absolutely agree with this. And if what Barbara said is true, and she's never wrong, then I'm glad that at the very least individual congregations are doing the bare minimum and removing privileges. It's not enough, not nearly enough, but it's something.

    If you had the power to write a new JW policy, what exactly would it be? and what steps would you implement to ensure compliance from all the Elders & C.O.s?

    1. Elders should not be policemen. If a parent reports their child has been abused it should be reported immediately irregardless of what state law mandates. Yes parents should report, and Jehovah's Witnesses should make it okay to report crimes without fear of bringing reproach on Jehovah's name (be it child abuse, murder, burgular or whatever); let the secular authorities do their job;
    2. Until the matter is decided the accused, while legally innocent until proven guilty, out of an abundance of caution should never be left alone with children out in service, at the Kingdom Hall, etc.;
    3. Elders actually have a real and important job and that is to minister, both to the accused and the accuser and the accuser's family. If the child has been abused, then there are spiritual issues that need to be addressed. This is an area that elders should be trained to deal with, reasoning and explaining from the Bible what god's role in all of this is. If the accused is innocent, then he is going to have some pretty tough questions as well. He's going to need some help, ala Job;
    4. If the courts convict the accused he should be disfellowshipped. If Jehovah's Witnesses want to keep the two witness rule, then the conviction is the second witness. If he's not, then he should be welcomed back; any and all testimony or evidence from whatever source must be heard
    5. The victim should not be stigmatized. The victim and the victim's family should not be shunned or blamed. If the elders see that happening in their congregation they should get involved (see addressing spiritual questions above).

    Shorthand answer would be to follow the KISS philosophy -- Keept It Simple Stupid. Above all else, Christianity is supposed to be a philosophy and way of life based on love, not rules or judgment. As John Lennon said Love is the answer

    I agree with you! This is one of my pet peeves with the GB.

    Thanks for that. You are a rare Witness in that you are open minded, intelligent and mostly willing to see things as they are rather than what you would like them to be.

    Yes! but what is the Magic number? years? decades? centuries? We can apply that reasoning to any relationship or commitment we have made. A Marriage mate, A Job, our Government. At what definitive point do we throw the baby out with the dirty bath water?

    I told you my tipping point. I don't think there is one definitive answer to this question. As with the nation of Israel, when Jehovah judged them "bad", was he saying every single individual had stopped true worship? What was the exact number? The Bible doesn't say. Maybe it's a case of the direction of the organization, what the leadership teaches and what they want everyone else to do that matters. At some point, however, one must no longer look at individual mistakes, organizational oversights and begin to see a systemic problem. I don't think you've reached that point yet.

    I respectfully disagree. Here's why: Christians are no longer under the Mosaic Law, so you won't find as many "do this" & "don't do that" laws as you would find in the Mosaic Law.

    True. If memory serves, Christians only have 2 laws -- love your neighbour and love your god. Every other rule is added on by imperfect men. I think this is the problem I have with religion in general, not just Jehovah's Witnesses. We've really made it quite complicated, but Jesus started out very simply -- love.

    Love would certainly address the child abuse issue very well. Love would say to protect the defenseless. Love would say to minister to the needs of both the accused and the accuser. Love would say be wise. Love would say be patient.

    If Jehovah's Witnesses allowed love to guide their actions, patience till the the verdict is reached, wisdom in keeping children out of reach and ministering to needs is much more Christian approach than endless rules and regulations and procedures about a volatile and dangerous subject they know very little.

    I think Jesus made his 2 laws deliberately gray, allowing us to fill in the gaps. Yes?

    I have seen more Good than Bad in my many years as a JW living in various cities and experiencing various congregations on an intimate level. You have seen more Bad than Good I presume.

    Then you are lucky and in some ways I envy you. You remind me of the only Witness friend I have and even now we do not speak very often. He's uncomfortable with me, even though I was never disfellowshipped or disassociated. If you have your spirituality resolved and are in a good place, then you are ahead of me. Yes I have seen more bad than good and that has led me to ask some very difficult answers which Jehovah's Witnesses cannot answer.

    As for the Catholic Church, honestly I have major, major problems with them. To me it's quite like comparing Jeffrey Dahmer to Jack the Ripper. At the very least, and I do mean very least, the Catholic Church has admitted there is a problem and they have begun to address it.

    Based on what you and Barbara have said, maybe Jehovah's Witnesses have started to address it as well. I've been out for so long, maybe things have started to change. I hope so.

    As I've said before, you seem like a straight shooter, someone who is trying to do right. From what I've seen in the 18 years I was in wasn't that way. I will say if more elders behaved as you seem to, I do not think child abuse would have been the problem it has.

    I disagree, strongly, with the policies of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Catholic Church for that matter, but hopefully there are enough decent guys like you around to make a difference. I'm afraid not, but hope springs eternal.

    As for scriptures, the only one that means much to me is 1 Cor. 13. I suspect you know it and practice it already.

    Be well,


  • Sola Scriptura
    Sola Scriptura

    To Big Tex:

    You said:

    Sorry for rambling, my story is somewhat complicated and I've left out some bad parts but I wanted to respond to what you said. It's funny but I've said more about my past in these last 2 posts to you than I have in the 7+ years on this board.

    No apologies needed. Since I've never been a victim of Abuse, I appreciate learning about it 2nd hand from survivors like yourself.

    Exactly! We're finally on the same page. I'm glad we can agree on something!

    Me too!

    1. Elders should not be policemen. If a parent reports their child has been abused it should be reported immediately irregardless of what state law mandates. Yes parents should report, and Jehovah's Witnesses should make it okay to report crimes without fear of bringing reproach on Jehovah's name (be it child abuse, murder, burgular or whatever); let the secular authorities do their job;
    2. Until the matter is decided the accused, while legally innocent until proven guilty, out of an abundance of caution should never be left alone with children out in service, at the Kingdom Hall, etc.;
    3. Elders actually have a real and important job and that is to minister, both to the accused and the accuser and the accuser's family. If the child has been abused, then there are spiritual issues that need to be addressed. This is an area that elders should be trained to deal with, reasoning and explaining from the Bible what god's role in all of this is. If the accused is innocent, then he is going to have some pretty tough questions as well. He's going to need some help, ala Job;
    4. If the courts convict the accused he should be disfellowshipped. If Jehovah's Witnesses want to keep the two witness rule, then the conviction is the second witness. If he's not, then he should be welcomed back; any and all testimony or evidence from whatever source must be heard
    5. The victim should not be stigmatized. The victim and the victim's family should not be shunned or blamed. If the elders see that happening in their congregation they should get involved (see addressing spiritual questions above).
    Shorthand answer would be to follow the KISS philosophy -- Keept It Simple Stupid. Above all else, Christianity is supposed to be a philosophy and way of life based on love, not rules or judgment. As John Lennon said Love is the answer

    Great Policy Chris!

    I think Jesus made his 2 laws deliberately gray, allowing us to fill in the gaps. Yes?


    Based on what you and Barbara have said, maybe Jehovah's Witnesses have started to address it as well. I've been out for so long, maybe things have started to change. I hope so.

    I believe we are going in the right direction, due the selfless efforts of people like Barbara and various other ones in and outside of Bethel.

    But, we have a ways to go to the next "rest stop". The next thing we need to address is our Collective Candor (defined as: unreserved, honest, or sincere expression). Victims NEED to hear this for healing and closure. The Catholic Church has 1upped us on that one.

    Although our situation is different than that of The Catholic Church, we still need to acknowledge where we unlovingly erred. Wrong is Wrong in God's eyes. If we Preach about the Candor of the Bible we need to Practice the Candor of the Bible.

    As I've said before, you seem like a straight shooter, someone who is trying to do right. From what I've seen in the 18 years I was in wasn't that way. I will say if more elders behaved as you seem to, I do not think child abuse would have been the problem it has.

    Thank you. I appreciate the respect.

    As for scriptures, the only one that means much to me is 1 Cor. 13. I suspect you know it and practice it already.

    That is one of my favorite chapters of the Bible. I believe everyone, despite their beliefs, could appreciate this chapter.

    Agape my Brother Chris,
    Sola Scriptura

    We would not refuse to treat one as a brother because he did not believe the Society is the Lord's channel.
    If others see it in a different way, that is their privilege. There should be full liberty of conscience.
    WT April 1, 1920, p. 100, 101
  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    No apologies needed. Since I've never been a victim of Abuse, I appreciate learning about it 2nd hand from survivors like yourself.

    Good. I'm glad you are open to listening. Unfortunately my experience, and those of hundreds (if not thousands) of other victims show that most elders, circuit overseers, district overseers, the Legal Department, the Writing Department, etc. are not open to listening. This is a mistake and will lead to always lead to problems.

    I am glad I was able to reach you, and I hope I have related to you that I have heard you. This is healthy and a positive thing.

    The problem is the organization's lack of procedures to deal with Elders Gone Wild (I really like that term), the lack of a procedure on how to reach out to victims and how to keep children safe from an original event. In our discussion I have noticed that you have not been able to address these issues. Maybe I'm asking too much, but I am still of the opinion that Jehovah's Witnesses are not interested in abuse victims (as an organization, leaving good guys such as yourself aside for the moment).

    Jehovah's Witnesses exert such high control over their members, and yet not about this topic. I am glad to hear privileges are taken away, but I would be more interested in seeing institutional changes. For a sect as small as Jehovah's Witnesses, for there to be so many cases indicates a problem at least as bad, if not worse, than the Catholic Church. Yet the Catholics (finally) admitted there was a problem and instituted changes.

    I would believe the Witnesses were serious more readily if there were iron clad rules in place for this issue (beyond the two witness rule), backed by real consequences for congregations that did not follow them. I just don't want to see anyone go through what I did, nor what I've heard others have gone through (far worse than me). Even one person experiencing that is too many.

    Forgive me, since you asked me, let me ask you in return -- What changes, if any, would you make to how Jehovah's Witnesses deal with child abuse? You mentioned earlier you were comfortable with the two witness rule, I am curious to know if you feel it is a rule that is easily ignored or abused to the detetriment of the victim.

    And if you ever find yourself in the wilds of Texas, and you don't mind hanging out with an evil, wicked, hateful apostate, I'd like to split a bottle of wine with you and have a conversation.

    Be well,


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