
by STRUGGLE 116 Replies latest jw friends


    Hello French

    Glad to hear you still beleive in Jehovah.

    Yes I did stay for the WT study. I do not plan on having a sexual relationship with the man. It was something that happen. I agree that fornication is wrong per Jehovah. When I meet with the elders I really do want to tell them everthing. That is one of the things I have been praying to Jehovah about.


  • thinker

    Hi struggle,
    I haven't seen any posts from you since 01/01/01. are you still out there? Been thinking about your situation alot and also didn't want to see this thread get "buried".
    Let us know how you've been.

    Thinker (and others, I presume)


    Dear Thinker and Everyone else

    I am still here, I have really been working alot, going 24 hours with sleep. Was suppose to work today But I did'nt. I have miss you guys, I see I have "alot" of cathing up to do.

    I am suppose to have my meeting with the elders today at 1:00pm. I will keep you all posted.

    Again I have miss you all.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Struggle....*****HUGS***** Please let us know how everything is going. We're all hoping for the best for you.

  • ZazuWitts


    I hope you are just catching up on some much needed sleep. But, please let us
    know how you are as soon as you are up to it. If, for whatever reason you just don't want to get into a long dialogue, we will understand.
    We care, and no matter how it went, are here for you. Zazu

  • happytobefree

    Orange Vale Bob and Struggle,

    The problem you two are experiencing is because as Bob mentioned you have loyalty to an organization and not TOTALLY TO GOD. Struggle what you don't realize God already know your weaknesses and have already forgiven you for them.

    this is my first time posting, but I have been in a similar situation. I was before a committe and they questions they ask of me was totally inapproriatte. I started off in my committe meeting with the right attitude - but when the questioning went to how many time I had sex and what type of sex and how did the sex make me feel (COME ON - no pun intended).

    Well to make everything short if you read the bible free of the WBTS you will see God and the Bible in a different light. And you will see that people are worthy of love based on being God's children and not based on what religion they practice. Remember we are all witnesses of Jehovah (no matter what our religion) - because he created u all in his image, so when I see any human I consider him a witness of Jehovah as I am.

    My advice to you is not to subject yourself to people who cannot save you or forgive you. You must go to Jehovah, which I know he has already forgiven you. The only person who want you t feel guilty is Satan.

    That's my 2 cents.

  • ZazuWitts



    2 cents worth - I think not, more like
    "bucket of gold." Thank you. Looking forward to further postings from you.

  • trevor

    Dear struggle,

    You are taking these elders too seriously. They are 'nothing but a pack of cards.'I recommend reading 'Alice in wonderland' to gain a true understanding of the way their court sittings work. The only power that they have over you is the power that you choose to give them. In the real world they are without authority.

    'We have nothing to fear exept fear itself.'Face that which you fear the most and it will vanish.

    All the best


    To Larc

    I went to the elders when I first notice that I was really attracted to the man and vice versa. I went for help. They stated that this was normal. I told them that we had lunch together "alone". We went to the store alone. I met this man of all places at the store where I do street work. About a month later the elders ask me how was it going, I told them not good. That I see him almost everyday. Their response is that is is hard but to try to stay away. I ask for the meeting, I went to them and told them that something happen. I did'nt say what. Porneia includes a number of things that you can be dis'f for.

    Dear RedhorseWoman (thanks for the hug)

    And again I agree with you 100%. A person should study becaus the want to, not for what they can get. I would never pressure him into studying. Besides what kind of example am I.

    ZazuWitts (Hello)

    Yes I have caught up on my sleep. One of the elders could not make it yesterday (Saturday). It is no on for this coming Tuesday. I will let you all know what happen.

    happytobefree (helo and welcome)

    I agree with zazu is more like a bucket of gold. I have talked to Jehovah. I was having a really low day, but you have just lifted it up for me. Thank you. I look forward to you (two cents anytime) :-)

    To Treavor (hello)

    My fear is very real. I am fearful of displeasing Jehovah. I am fearful of lying. I am fearful of being dis'f.

    Again as soon as I have my meeting I will let you all know what happen, if I had the courage to tell everything. What will happen to me. You all have been here for me.

    Love, Hugs and, Kisses to each and everyone of you. Hope that you all are having a really new year, you deserve the best.


  • RedhorseWoman


    You have to wait until Tuesday? Hooboy that must be rough for you. We're all on edge here hoping that everything goes well for you.

    You ask what kind of example you are? Well, Struggle, from what I have seen, you are a VERY good example. You are trying to do what you feel is right, no matter how difficult it is. For that you are to be commended.

    Please, please, please realize that no matter what happens, Jehovah still loves you. Don't take this wrong, but many people who have been disfellowshipped have later said that it was the best thing that could have happened to them. They were forced to re-evaluate their lives and were able to see things much more clearly.....and I am NOT talking about humbly crawling back to an organization of men....I am speaking about coming to the realization that they could have a relationship with Jehovah, AND be happy.

    From what I've read of your posts, I'm proud to have "met" you. You are not a "bad seed" or a "bad example" in any shape, manner, or form. The only problem I have seen is that you are WAY too hard on yourself.


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