Casting aside what little you learned about God and Christ- are you thrilled with the future of Mankind?
NOW how do you view the Future?
by theMadJW 149 Replies latest jw friends
Well, are you thrilled to clean up the corpses after the great day of Jehovah? Gerrit Losch said that brothers would have to clean the corpses up. I would not be interested to do that. It is better to be dead.
madjw, so your knowledge of God and JC is far superior to anyone on here?
What do you mean by thrilled?
Apparently, you are "thrilled" to have the opportunity to witness the destruction of 99.9% of all mankind at the Loving™ hand of Jehovah.
Obviously, the rest of mankind can't even begin to aspire to that level of gruesomeness. Congratulations. You win.
I've got much more living to do before you get to have your wet dream come to fruition.
Yes, I couldn't be happier for the future of mankind.
The Oracle
I too am thrilled about the future of mankind.
Imagine the euphoric joy we all now feel, knowing that mankind's fate no longer includes the most horrific slaughter in history by an evil God intent on being worshiped and recognized as superior by his inferior creation.
Thanks for asking that question. Thinking about the answer helped me appreciate the wonderful gift of life that I now can fully enjoy.
The Oracle
There have been general improvements for people generally during last few cwnturies, both healthwise and wealthwise. That is all the more amazing, when you consider the 2 socalled world wars. It's almost like those wars were needed to clear away a lot of the old archaic ways of thinking, to allow for new progress. Kind of like the natural growth spurts that you see after forrest fires. Funny, how that works, eh, madjw? Anyhows, based on that, and the present amount of progress in science, understanding the earth and it's plants and animals and our place in it, i would expect the future to keep on improving for a larger portion of earth's population. 'Course, there are always challenges, and there are always the doomandgloomers. But, jesus said that we would always have those.
An example: just recently, i read where scientists were able to plant tooth seeds that grew to normal teeth. That was in mice, of course, and i'm sure that those mice were very thankful and immediately started worshipping those scinetists, just as jws worship jay hoover for starting the wt society through charles russel in may 12 of 1873, at 3:30 pm. Don't you think that it'll be cool, when you get to be 90 yrs old and jay hoover still hasn't brought karmageddon, and you have lost a few teeth. You will be able to go to any dentist and plop $15000.oo on his desk and he'll give you a new tooth? I bet that's more than jay hoover ever did for you, eh madjw?
, Oracle! Right on! Good ones, Satanus! Zid