NOW how do you view the Future?

by theMadJW 149 Replies latest jw friends

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis watching Muhammad Ali on Jeopardy LOL

    Ali did you buzz in??? NO ok.... Ali Did? No you didn't. .....

  • theMadJW

    DP, that's grasping at straws.

    VE- don't make an idiot of yourself because of the terrible ordeals you went thru.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis
    DP, that's grasping at straws.


    But it is a belief YOU have been taught and heard from Conventions.

    I was frustrated with the some of the Changes in the Truth when I was in. And like I said Truth means ONLY 1 thing.

    THE TRUTH. If you changed what Truth is ANYTIME!!!!!! It is No LONGER TRUTH! You can never Get it BACK from the SAME source?

    True or False????

  • theMadJW

    True; we have and STILL have many OPINIONS that may be false....not the TRUTH- such as who the ONLY God is, what Death & hell REALLY are, etc.

  • Mythbuster

    I agree with you darth.

  • theMadJW

    How touching...

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Catholics believe in evolution- think teens can't THINK?

    Okay, I stand corrected. Since that's something I cannot dispute, I'll have to take your word. But I'd still like to know exactly what period in your life were you a"firm believer" in evolution? And what did you think about Origin of the Species as a teen? How thorough of an understanding would you say you had?

    Computer viruses are on the lookout for various avenues- and THEY don't have a mind....PRIOGRAMMING!

    You're dancing around an argument that's already dead. You said "Selection requires a conscious mind: a rock doesn't SELECT the path it takes." I pointed out that white blood cells don't have sentience yet "select" and attack foreign contaminates. Do we really need more examples?

    Those Leggos MUST have formed cars and planes for you when a kid...

    [facepalm] That's the exact same strawman that we refuted from earlier and you're still misspelling LEGOs. I'd like to believe in a nice afterlife and a god who will fix everything but you're not giving me anything to work with.

  • theMadJW

    Right down to the dying end as a Catholic- 19. No, I wasn't well versed in Evolution- still aren't.

    The False premise kills my desire to, as well as all the GOOFY articles- see our site?

    Leggos and the Afterlife? What's the connection? Was talking about Creation...

    'Selection" means something is SELECTED- either by intelligence or by design / programming. To me, that is EVERYTHING to work with; sorry you don't! Also, the match of organism to its environment is a staggering example of design- 'Natural' Selection just doesn't CUT it, my friend!!!

    Buying out the Lotto tickets at your 7-11?

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    I thought we were having a serious conversation but I can see that wasn't the case. But I'll take your sarcasm because I'm fluent in several dialects myself. Plus my Flying Spaghetti Monster will kick your god's ass all day long.

    So you aren't really "well-versed" in evolution but you were once a "firm believer"? Okay, well let's set that aside and ignore that you firmly believed something you didn't really understand. That certainly coudn't be the case now, right? And natural selection doesn't cut it, even though you don't really know what it is. Fine.

    If I lean towards my DEIST side (the jury is still out but that's as close as I come to believing in your god), I still can't buy a god of love who kills innocent children in the OT. Rationalize that away for me with legos, please.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Also, your god at one time required men to cut off the tips of their penii(?) but science has "GOOFY" articles? Just want to make sure I understand you right.

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