Back to the climate change issue - did anybody notice that it is now being reported that the English climate agency admits that they have discarded the actual raw climate data gathered prior to approximately 1980 and that they "recreated" it in some unstated way. This is far more serious than the emails which show that the agency was decidedly prejudiced against other scientific opinions which challenged their views on warming - even to the point of trying to suppress opposing points of view.
The most damaging fact of life for the warming enthusiasts is that none of the computer models were able to come even close to the actual recorded data so far for year 2000 through 2009 - almost a decade in which no warming has been noted, but a decade in which CO2 levels have continued to increase.
It is also a fact that about half of the 20th century warming occurred between 1900 and 1940 - four decades in which CO2 levels were quite low.
It is also a fact that a cooling episode occurred in the 1960s - a decade in which CO2 levels were increasing. This is close to what has been noted in the 2000-2009 decade...again, with increasing CO2 levels.
Again, I say that the global warming alarmists are largely driven by the desire to create a vast system for exchange of wealth from the U.S. and Western Europe to third world and other nations.