Climate Change The New Catalyst For Globalists/Communist Utopia

by Perry 372 Replies latest members politics

  • LightCloud

    Film director Spike Lee predicted Obama would be elected in November.

    "When that happens, it will change everything. ... You'll have to measure time
    by `Before Obama' and `After Obama,'
    " Lee said during the panel. "It's an
    exciting time to be alive now." ...

    "Everything's going to be affected by this seismic change in the universe."

  • beksbks
    Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan he says when Obama talks "the Messiah is absolutely speaking."

    Well there's a reasonable example. Kind of like this one The difference is that we didn't use it as a tool. Although if the mainstream media really was liberally biased, it could have been a lot of fun.

  • beksbks

    "When that happens, it will change everything. ... You'll have to measure time
    by `Before Obama' and `After Obama,'
    " Lee said during the panel. "It's an
    exciting time to be alive now." ...

    "Everything's going to be affected by this seismic change in the universe."

    One of our very own posters had a similar attitude. Can you not see how wonderful and hopeful it would be for African Americans to finally see a Black man as President? Quite a bit different from the RWPM trying to paint everyone who voted for the man as some sort of zealot.

  • LightCloud

    As I said he has been treated as Christlike and I provided several examples as per your request, enough said.

  • villabolo

    LightCloud: "As I said he has been treated as Christlike and I provided several examples as per your request, enough said."

    Since George Bush is being clearly idolized why the hypocritical gall of bringing up these acts of reverence that neither Obama any more than Bush had requested? Please develop a wider sense of smell, LightCloud!


  • BurnTheShips

    All prominent people get idolized by some, but there is an enormous question of degree, here villalobo. We've never seen political art or rhetoric like this in America. My sense of smell is good. And something smells rotten in Denmark.

    Alex Grey, one of my favorite artists, no less:

    "And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light." (Matthew 17:2)

    Much, muuuuuch, more "stuff".


  • bohm

    <-- burn the ship in all his glory!

    <-- burn the ships riding into jerusalem on a donkey!

    <-- burn the ships in heaven, with god!

    <--- burn the ships waging war with the devil!

    <-- burn the ships won, and have a cup of NewWorldCoffee .... and beer.

    now there are several examples where burn the ships is being treated as christ!

    (sorry, could not resist. i think the christian iconography is cheesy, but it hardly make him a christ that a few nutty people think he is!?)

  • beksbks

    LOL, just because a bunch of egg sucking right wingers are engaging in propaganda...................well, it only means business as usually actually.

  • Perry

    Breaking News! National Endowment for the Arts Renamed National Endowment for Propaganda. Stay Tuned.

    “This is Only the Beginning.”Andrew Breitbart is a national hero. Not only was he the impresario who brought the exposure of ACORN by filmmaker James O’Keefe and actress Hannah Giles to public attention, but he has just followed it up with a blistering exposé of how the White House has endeavored to use the National Endowment for the Arts as a propaganda arm for its left-wing agenda on health care, the environment, education, and “community renewal.”

    Today, Breitbart’s posts the transcript of an August 10 conference call between Yosi Sergant, then director of communication at the NEA, Buffy Wicks, from the deliciously named Office of Public Engagement at the White House, and a score of artists and activists.

    It is an amazing document, breathtaking and alarming by turns. I knew that the Obama administration was moving fast to socialize the United States. I had no idea that its efforts at enforcing conformity through propaganda had reached such an advanced stage.

    Whitehouse conversation to the National Endowment of the Arts:

    Then we have Buffy Wicks — former Obama campaign activist, now White House enabler:

    "We won and that’s exciting and now we have to take all that energy and make it really meaningful. I’m in the White House now and what I’ve learned is that … change doesn’t come easy, but now that I’m actually in the White House and working towards furthering this agenda, this very aggressive agenda, I’m really realizing thatwe’re going to need your help, and we’re going to come at you with some specific asks here.

    We wanted folks to connect with local nonprofit organizations in their community. We wanted them to connect with local city council members or local elected officials. We wanted them to connect with federal agencies, with labor unions, progressive groups, face groups, women’s groups, you name it."



    What do you think of your man-child using the National Endowment of the Arts as a minister of Propaganda? Would you be happy if another administration that you didn't vote for did the same thing on your tax dollars?

    egg sucking right wingers are engaging in propaganda

    Are you aware that almost EVERY smear you promote is immediately proven patently false?

  • JWoods

    Back to the climate change issue - did anybody notice that it is now being reported that the English climate agency admits that they have discarded the actual raw climate data gathered prior to approximately 1980 and that they "recreated" it in some unstated way. This is far more serious than the emails which show that the agency was decidedly prejudiced against other scientific opinions which challenged their views on warming - even to the point of trying to suppress opposing points of view.

    The most damaging fact of life for the warming enthusiasts is that none of the computer models were able to come even close to the actual recorded data so far for year 2000 through 2009 - almost a decade in which no warming has been noted, but a decade in which CO2 levels have continued to increase.

    It is also a fact that about half of the 20th century warming occurred between 1900 and 1940 - four decades in which CO2 levels were quite low.

    It is also a fact that a cooling episode occurred in the 1960s - a decade in which CO2 levels were increasing. This is close to what has been noted in the 2000-2009 decade...again, with increasing CO2 levels.

    Again, I say that the global warming alarmists are largely driven by the desire to create a vast system for exchange of wealth from the U.S. and Western Europe to third world and other nations.

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