I do what I can. Unfotunately I'm done for the night. I'm limited to 10 bumps a night!
Climate Change The New Catalyst For Globalists/Communist Utopia
by Perry 372 Replies latest members politics
meanwhile we patiently wait for the absent B-Rock and Ninja and BurnTheFacts to come back and explain themselves.
Besty: "meanwhile we patiently wait for the absent B-Rock and Ninja and BurnTheFacts to come back and explain themselves."
After three hours it looks like they ran away.
B-Rock - posted shoddy, lazy, disingenuous journalism <red flag> - at least he posted the bullsh*t accurately, unlike.....
BurnTheFacts - I have no idea why BTF posted a link that contained obvious factual discrepancies to the source material (New York Post) <red flag>
Ninja - Has yet to explain the origin of the Time cover he posted - its a date and cover image not found in the Time website archive
Timezones play a role in when people respond but let the reader also use discernment.
I thrive on the misinformation and half-truths posted on JWN about climate change - it allows a platform to continually debunk the nonsense - I'm surprised the same offenders keep coming back for more - whackamole indeed.
its strange how people here are so keen on stamping a religious label on all who are convinced of a climate change, i think i read an article in awake about it, it was called a propeganda technique there. awake is full of shit, huh?
BTS, B-ROCK, NINJA: If a JW appollegist had come here and posted false 'supposed' covers of magazines, fabricated quotes and made claims that was SO easily debunked as lies and half-truths, and then called apostates a 'religious movement' and used THAT as an argument, what would you have thought?
BESTY: You are an eeevviiiiil eeeevviiiiiiiill science worshipper!
The CIA planning document reads like it could have been written last month, just change cooling and warming. Did you actually read past the cover sheet, Besty? You are industrial strength grade A certifiable, buddy.
I regularly visit the Foresight Institute for reasons totally unrelated to AGW (I follow nanotech closely), but I found this article interesting.
I’m looking at the temperature record as read from this central Greenland ice core. It gives us about as close as we can come to a direct, experimental measurement of temperature at that one spot for the past 50,000 years. As far as I know, the data are not adjusted according to any fancy computer climate model or anything else like that.
So what does it tell us about, say, the past 500 years? (the youngest datum is age=0.0951409 (thousand years before present) — perhaps younger snow doesn’t work so well?):
Well, whaddaya know — a hockey stick. In fact, the “blade” continues up in the 20th century at least another half a degree. But how long is the handle? How unprecedented is the current warming trend?
Yes, Virginia, there was a Medieval Warm Period, in central Greenland at any rate. But we knew that — that’s when the Vikings were naming it Greenland, after all. And the following Little Ice Age is what killed them off, and caused widespread crop failures (and the consequent burning of witches) across Europe. But was the MWP itself unusual?
Well, no — over the period of recorded history, the average temperature was about equal to the height of the MWP. Rises not only as high, but as rapid, as the current hockey stick blade have been the rule, not the exception.
In fact for the entire Holocene — the period over which, by some odd coincidence, humanity developed agriculture and civilization — the temperature has been higher than now, and the trend over the past 4000 years is a marked decline. From this perspective, it’s the LIA that was unusual, and the current warming trend simply represents a return to the mean. If it lasts.
From the perspective of the Holocene as a whole, our current hockeystick is beginning to look pretty dinky. By far the possibility I would worry about, if I were the worrying sort, would be the return to an ice age — since interglacials, over the past half million years or so, have tended to last only 10,000 years or so. And Ice ages are not conducive to agriculture.
… and ice ages have a better claim on being the natural state of Earth’s climate than interglacials. This next graph, for the longest period, we have to go to an Antarctic core (Vostok):
In other words, we’re pretty lucky to be here during this rare, warm period in climate history. But the broader lesson is, climate doesn’t stand still. It doesn’t even stand stay on the relatively constrained range of the last 10,000 years for more than about 10,000 years at a time.
Does this mean that CO2 isn’t a greenhouse gas? No.
Does it mean that it isn’t warming? No.
Does it mean that we shouldn’t develop clean, efficient technology that gets its energy elsewhere than burning fossil fuels? Of course not. We should do all those things for many reasons — but there’s plenty of time to do them the right way, by developing nanotech. (There’s plenty of money, too, but it’s all going to climate science at the moment.
) And that will be a very good thing to have done if we do fall back into an ice age, believe me.
For climate science it means that the Hockey Team climatologists’ insistence that human-emitted CO2 is the only thing that could account for the recent warming trend is probably poppycock.
And that, if you will allow me to return full circle, means that the Fat Fingers argument is probably poppycock too.
I agree. Read it all here:
"BurnTheFacts- I have no idea why BTF posted a link that contained obvious factual discrepancies to the source material (New York Post) <red flag>"
Notice how Burned by the Facts does not respond to besty's statements but simply goes on counter offensive with a different argument. Why don't you respond first to besty's response about the evidence you previously gave and then move on to the next issue? Of course should there be something wrong or misleading with those charts and besty or somebody else expose it we could expect the same tactic again (sound of a chicken cackling).
Like you, I'll respond as I see fit, thank you. The essential point is that taking a private jet to a conference on stopping global warming is a bit like traveling in a sedan chair carried by indentured servants to a summit on stopping human trafficking. In the meantime, the science is moot from a political standpoint. What they cannot accomplish legislatively, they will force administratively.