Climate Change The New Catalyst For Globalists/Communist Utopia

by Perry 372 Replies latest members politics

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    But then why did you lie in the link title you posted?

  • BurnTheShips

    I didn't lie, I copied the link as I found it. I did not realize it was inaccurate.

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    Aaaah, so you copy and paste lies. Nice of you to finally man up and admit it.

  • villabolo

    BTS: "I didn't lie, I copied the link as I found it."

    The link lied. It's all its fault.


  • JeffT

    For the record, "Soylent Green" was based on the book "Make Room, Make Room" by science fiction author Harry Harrison. It was about overpopulation, not climate change. I doubt Heston had much, if anything to do with the script. As usual Hollywood turned a mediocre book into a bad movie.

  • villabolo


    "For the record, "Soylent Green" was based on the book "Make Room, Make Room" by science fiction author Harry Harrison. It was about overpopulation, not climate change. I doubt Heston had much, if anything to do with the script. As usual Hollywood turned a mediocre book into a bad movie."

    JeffT, that is a half truth. The movie was about overpopulation and 'Green House effect'. I remember a conversation between Charlton Heston and the character Sol, where they are talking about a year round heat wave caused by a green house effect. I watched that movie, not Oscar material but OK, several times so I know I'm not imagining things.


  • besty


    My first question to you remains unanswered:

    B-Rock, are you implying that the CIA stating there is scientific consensus is the same thing as there actually being scientific consensus?

    When you answer that I will respond suitably.

    Second question:

    Why have you chosen not to respond to my deconstruction of the Forbes/Washington Post half-truth misquotes?

    Third question:

    Why the instant ad hominem?

    You are industrial strength grade A certifiable, buddy.

    I may well be industrial strength grade A certifiable, but that kind of foolish jibe only holds a mirror to the paucity of your argument.

  • VoidEater

    An aside:

    Make Room! Make Room! lacks several setpieces of the film Soylent Green; the film clearly speaks of climate change as well as overpopulation, the Green House Effect and overpopulation being social concerns of the time. The book is more explicitly concerned with overpopulation, though does also include recurrence of the Great Dust Bowl. I don't recall climate change being an explicit theme in the book, though I may be wrong.

    Interestingly, the overpopulation of the the book sets world population at 7B and US at about 350M, not too far in our actual future.

    Missing from the book: Sol's suicide, and the meat source of Soylent (which is literally Soy-beans and Lent-ils in the book).

  • villabolo

    Thank you VoidEater. It may be that the film writer or producer is the one who picked up the 'Green House' effect as a replacement for the 'Great Dust Bowl'. Either way it would be nice if JeffT were to sincerely offer a retraction.


  • BurnTheShips


    O para el paredon con el!

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