Climate Change The New Catalyst For Globalists/Communist Utopia

by Perry 372 Replies latest members politics

  • besty

    thanks for the BTTT Priest73 - if you would be so kind as to set your alarm for a 15 minute BTTT for this thread I would be ever so grateful.

    really though - thanks again for keeping this thread at the top - the more people that see the fallacious, ill-thought through and misinformed nonsense that climate change skeptics keep trotting out the better.

    If I serve to highlight the science and the facts and you can keep bumping the thread with any old drivel you can think of (it doesn't really matter what you write - it's all good) then I think we have the basis of a great team effort.

    best regards

    Paul M

  • Priest73

    Sure, so every high school educated left wing liberal supporter that you have on this site can cheer you on.

    You got it buddy!


  • besty

    perfect you got my idea first time - I knew you would get it.

    <just don't overdo it or it might lose the magic - every 15 minutes will be fine>

  • Priest73

    You're a broken record Pauly. Give it a rest. Or at least start your fairy tales with "Once Upon a Time"

    Thanks in advance.

  • besty

    <drums fingers while B-Rock reads his own cut 'n' post and Ninja seems to be more elusive than a April 8th 1977 Time cover>

    oh well whackamole can be a bit hit and miss....hit and miss....geddit? geddit? oh never mind....

  • villabolo


    "I realized (Unlike the bleeding hearts) along time ago that I'm not here for a long time, I'm here for a GOOD time. If that means I have to burn a polar bear or a liberal to keep warm or for a laugh then so be it."

    Nature has the last laugh Priest. I only hope you're young enough to see the beginning of the worse.


  • Priest73
    Nature has the last laugh Priest. I only hope you're young enough to see the beginning of the worse.

    Boo-phucking-hoo. I'm buying a wood burning car. Throw another polar bear on the fire. It's getting chilly up in here!


  • Priest73

    Sorry Paulie, was a little longer that 15. My bad. I was busy buring fossil fuels.

  • besty

    don't beat yourself up Priest....remember:

    If I serve to highlight the science and the facts and you can keep bumping the thread with any old drivel you can think of (it doesn't really matter what you write - it's all good) then I think we have the basis of a great team effort.
  • Simon

    don't beat yourself up Priest....remember:

    If I serve to highlight the science and the facts and you can keep bumping the thread with any old drivel you can think of (it doesn't really matter what you write - it's all good) then I think we have the basis of a great team effort.


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