How I know what I know...

by AGuest 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    To the Household of God, Israel, those who go with... and those who are considering perhaps going with... may you all have peace!

    From time to time I have confessed here that the things I share are not mine, that I don't know any of these things on my own, but that they are given to me by my Lord, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is the Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies. I want to share with you an experience that might help you grasp just what I mean.

    A little over a year ago I was contacted by someone who professes to be of the Body of Christ, but who was still in the WTBTS organization. This dear one and some members of the family wanted to review the Book of Revelation with me. I agreed, but once we began I began to feel quite uncomfortable. I already understood a great deal of what we were reading, but when I shared it, it felt... well... "wrong." Of the things I did not already know, some was further revealed. Yet, I could not share it.

    At some point, my spirit became SO grieved that had to tell them that I couldn't continue. I believe this greatly disappointed them because they no longer wished to communicate with me at all. I called a couple/few times (usually, they would call me), but after one brief conversation I could tell they no longer wish to... well, "associate." Okay, so be it. I mean, this is not like the WTBTS, where you force "knowledge" on others. If someone asks you... and wants you to share... fine. Or if my Lord directs such one to me... or me to them... fine. But it MUST be a WILLING relationship and exchange.

    It did bother me, though, the abrupt cutting off. I did not want them to feel that I had done them some wrong, or was perhaps withholding something, or perhaps that my Lord was in fact NOT with me and so I couldn't share anything because I didn't have anything to share. But it only bothered me for a brief time. I came to the conclusion that it was their love that had "failed," and not mine, because they couldn't get something they wanted from me. That their only "love" FOR me was based on what I could/would give... or share as to what my Lord gave me... and if that sharing was restricted (which is not my choice, but my Lord's - I will explain below), well, then, their love was also restricted. Which meant that either they weren't who they were professing to be... or they were still babes and really needed to grow some more. I choose to believe the latter, of course, and will certainly welcome them with love should they ever wish to "associate" again. Should they choose not to, however... well, okay, so be it. Again, I am not to force anything on anyone. Which is good because I NEVER liked that part, anyway.

    In the meantime, here is what happened and what I learned and will now share with you so that perhaps you will understand should a similar situation arise (i.e., where I am unable to share something one wishes to know):

    As we were reading, I came to know the following: although I could hear and understand what was written in the Revelation (and, yes, dear ones, I have been given quite a lot), THEY could read... and read... and read... but doing so would not help them understand anything of that book. Not at all. Why? Because...


    What does that mean? It means... that just as with ALL of the "scriptures" (which, although not all that is written in the Bible is scripture, the Revelation is)... IT MUST BE REVEALED... and done so BY CHRIST and not pursuant to our own understanding.

    There are so many verses in the Bible that should help one who puts his faith in that book understand this truth. Indeed, the Bible itself states that it contains the "tutor" that leads to Christ: the Law Covenant. Once one has FOUND the Christ, however... or, rather, been found BY him... HE (Christ) becomes their teacher. In support of this truth, I offer the following from the Bible:

    "You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, yourLord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet." John 13:13 14"

    ... for you have one Teacher, the Christ." Matthew 23:10

    I am directed to share these two verses in the hopes that they might help you to "see" the TRUTH of how it is that I come know what I share here, on this forum. I have openly and honestly confessed to you that it is MY LORD who gives me these things; they are NOT mine - I do not know these things in and of myself. It wasn't until a day or so ago, however, that my Lord directed me to the following, which I now wish to share with you, in the hopes that you WILL "see"... and get the SENSE of it:

    "And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, HE explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself." Luke 24:27

    "They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while HE... opened the Scriptures to us?" Luke 24:32

    "He said to them, "This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms. Then HE opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures." Luke 24:44, 45

    Do you SEE? Dear, dear ones... you can keep searching the scriptures, and searching the scriptures... but they will not reveal all truth to you. There is only ONE who can do that... and it is to HIM that you MUST go for such "revelations," HIS voice you must listen to in order to know wisdom and understanding (John 5:39, 40; 10:5, 27):

    "To YOU, O men, I call out; I raise my voice to ALL mankind. You who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish, gain understanding. LISTEN, for I have worthy things to say; I open my lips to speak what is right. MY mouth speaks what is true, for MY lips detest wickedness. All the words of MY mouth are just; none of them is crooked or perverse. To the discerning all of them are right; they are faultless to those who have knowledge. CHOOSE MYINSTRUCTION instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare." Proverb 8:4-11

    And HOW does he teach you? By using the Bible? No, dear ones. NO. It is by means of God's HOLY SPIRIT... which spirit the Son POURS OUT upon you... and puts IN you. Thus:

    "... the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about ALL thingsand as that anointing is real, not counterfeit..." 1 John 2:27

    You do not need the Bible, dear ones... or any book... or any person... to teach you the TRUTH. Indeed, I am not your teacher. I am no one's teacher, at least as far as things pertaining to God and Christ... and the spirit realm. I am your servant, however, and as such I am to share with you what is shared with me. NOT for your salvation... but for MINE. I received FREE... and so I give FREE... and freely.

    And while the Boreans may have indeed been considered "noble" for consulting the scriptures, such consultation was INITIAL... PRIOR to their receiving holy spirit. Once that spirit was given them, however, Christ himself taught them by means of it.

    Thus, to hear... and then go the Bible to see if what you heard "is so"... is a LACK OF FAITH. I ask you: what scriptures did Noah consult to discern if he really was to build an ark? What scriptures did Abraham consult to discern if he really should move to Canaan, if he really was going to have a son by Sarah, if he really was to offer up Isaac? What scriptures did Moses consult to see if he really should go to Pharaoh and ask that Israel be set free? What SCRIPTURES did ANY of those... who walked in FAITH... consult to see if what the Spirit was telling THEM was in fact true?

    None. They simply LISTENED to the Son... and followed HIM... wherever HE led them. Willingly, without argument, doubt, or hesitation.

    And I do the same. I have my gaze on the Copper Serpent... and nothing else. Because it is by means of HIM... that I live... and will continue living. The Bible verses that I post... are for those who still lack faith, who still do not believe... and so must see it "in writing." It if for their benefit, to act as a second witness... until such time as they, too, can walk by FAITH... and listen to and be guided by the VOICE of the Fine Shepherd, which voice is calling out to ALL of mankind.

    I bid you all the greatest of love and peace... and ears to hear, if you so wish it.

    Your servant, as I am servant to all those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and a slave of Christ, fool though I may be... to time indefinite...


  • sspo

    You should make your posts a little longer, maybe we'll read them and give you some input.

  • SixofNine

    IOW your brain spits back at you what you read and contemplate in a cartoonishly affected voice that you choose to think is Jesus, given that the alternative is too horrible for a person with your level of metastasized egoism to contemplate.

  • shamus100
    Indeed, I am not your teacher. I am no one's teacher

    Thank god! I don't need a psychotic messiah.

  • AGuest
    You should make your posts a little longer, maybe we'll read them and give you some input.

    Hmmm... perhaps YOU shouldn't attempt to read anything that contains paragraphs or isn't a picture book.

    Again, I bid you peace... and perhaps some crayons for your "Illustrated Bible" coloring books.

    Your servant... and a slave of Christ,



    Good morning Shelby!!..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s are very superstitious..

    I think you scared the Sh*t out of them..

    How could you possibly have Knowlege beyond the Wrtitten word..

    It must be Demons!!..


    They became afraid of you..

    Too bad..

    You have a lot to offer,to anyone willing to actually listen to you..

    What is the "Copper Serpent?"..

    I can`t remember you talking about that before..

    ............................. ...OUTLAW

  • AGuest

    Gee, Six... peace to you! You seem to be getting bitterer and bitterer as the years pass. You would think you'd have cultivated SOME joy by now. Perhaps you're not playing with enough marbles. Check with SSPO: he seems to be a bit of a child, too, and might loan you some (seeing as you've already lost two or three...)

    And may I ask, just what "god" are you thanking, Sham' (peace to you, as well!)?

    You know, folks, I've been coming here/posting a long time now. You know what's up. You know pretty much what you're gonna get when you open a thread I've posted. And yet, you open 'em... and then post your sarcastic, unkind, unloving, mean-spirited complaints and outcries. Perhaps you need to get as much hate out of you as I need to get love out of me?

    Personally, I would like to say, "Poof! Be gone! You have no power here so take your green warted noses elsewhere before someone drops a house on you." But... my dear Lord has taught me better and so won't permit to say that to you, at least, not outright and directly. So, I will just bid you peace, as I always do... and be on MY way. For now.


    A slave of Christ,



    Hmmm... perhaps YOU shouldn't attempt to read anything that contains paragraphs or isn't a picture book.

    Again, I bid you peace... and perhaps some crayons for your "Illustrated Bible" coloring books.

    Your servant... and a slave of Christ,



    Now that was Frigg`n Funny!!..

    To your credit there are a lot of people here,that do enjoy your posts..

    Theres nothing you can do about the people that don`t..

    Except write a frigg`n good joke..

    I don`t think I`ve seen that side of you before..


    ............................. ...OUTLAW

  • OnTheWayOut

    As we were reading, I came to know the following: although I could hear and understand what was written in the Revelation (and, yes, dear ones, I have been given quite a lot), THEY could read... and read... and read... but doing so would not help them understand anything of that book. Not at all. Why? Because...


    What does that mean? It means... that just as with ALL of the "scriptures" (which, although not all that is written in the Bible is scripture, the Revelation is)... IT MUST BE REVEALED... and done so BY CHRIST and not pursuant to our own understanding.

    You say things that just provoke "sarcastic, unkind, unloving, mean-spirited complaints and outcries."
    While perhaps unintended, the point of your thread seems to be along the lines that people who don't get the revelation are leaning on their own understanding and not letting Christ just reveal it. It suggests that if we are not Fundamentalist Christians anymore, there is something wrong with us.

    Go ahead, if you want, and explain how that is not your intent. It doesn't matter. You will be preaching to heathen apostate atheistic closed-minds people.

    If you feel the need to express your joy in Christ on here, then you should be able to suffer through our lack of joy. If it's too burdensome, just ignore us.

  • AGuest

    Hello, dear, dear OUTLAW!!! The greatest of love and peace to you!!

    You ask about the "Copper Serpent". I most probably should do a separate post but since you ask I will respond to you here:

    When the Israelites were in the wilderness, they were bitten by poisonous vipers because they kept whining and complaining. In order that they might not die, God told Moses to construct a copper serpent, put it on a pole, and raise it over the dying Israelites... with the instruction that all who wanted to live MUST keep their eyes on it. If they took their gaze off that image, they would die. (NOTE: This was the ONLY image that God allowed and instructed to be built... and those Israelites who gazed consistently at it were eventually healed and lived. Those who looked away, even for a second... died.)

    This copper serpent represented Christ. As I've shared before... ALL spirit creatures are "serpents." They are, actually, 'seraphs,' which are "fiery, flying serpents." That is their species. Christ is the "copper" serpent... or copper seraph... because that is his coloring: bronze, copper.

    Psalm 17:8; 18:8; 36:7; 57:1; 61:4, 63:7; 91:4 Daniel 10:5, 6 Revelation 1:14, 15

    We, all of mankind, have been "bitten"... by poisonous seraphs... better known as "vipers." These are the Adversary and his angels... and their agents among mankind. Who are they? Those who speak LIES... of whatever source... and particularly about the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... such that what comes out of their mouths is death-dealing. Poisonous. And ALL of mankind is subject to DIE... by means of such lies.

    IF, however, we turn our gaze toward and keep our eyes on the COPPER seraph... Christ... the one who mouth dispenses TRUTH... and thus LIFE... we will live. Even if our flesh should die and return to the dust, our SPIRITS will continue to live... and be resurrected to eternal life... in spirit bodies ("white robes"). Because HE will resurrect us. So that, "just as Moses lifted up the copper serpent in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up."

    John 3:14

    If, however, we turn our gaze from that One, the Holy Seraph by means of whom all can live... then the "sickness" of lies remain in us... and we will die. Eternally. Because we have no life in ourselves... and therefore cannot save ourselves.

    John 6:51-53

    And that is the problem, dear Outlaw: mankind looks everywhere and to everything for life... except where and to whom he SHOULD look. He looks in books, in Bibles, in churches, synagogues, temples, mosques. He looks to the stars, the clouds, even in smoke. He looks inward, he looks outside of himself, he looks to visions (real or imagined) and to experiences. He looks to science, medicine, religion, the occult, philosophy, intellect, evolution, creation, you name it.

    Where he does NOT look, however, is at the Copper Serpent. And as a result, unfortunately, he shall die. Because he has been bitten... by vipers... poisonous, lying, seraphs.

    (Oh, and BTW, the verse at Revelation 12:9 that says "Down the great dragon was hurled, the original (ancient) serpent, called Devil and Satan"... is a LIE. That is NOT what the verse said. It said: "Down the great VIPER was hurled... the ARKAIC seraph (i.e., seraph of the Ark)... called Devil and Satan." Now, you know you don't have to take my word for it, dear one, right? But I do not lie to you; that is the truth. Perhaps I will do a separate post on that in the near future. For now, I must take my leave.)

    As always, I bid you the greatest of love and peace... and thank you for your kindness toward me: it will not be forgotten.

    I am YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ, to time indefinite...


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