I'm sticking to my lucky Rabbits Foot, their cheaper and they don't require a channeler.
by AGuest 71 Replies latest jw friends
I'm sticking to my lucky Rabbits Foot, their cheaper and they don't require a channeler.
"Ah, Mrs. Jones, you are a LIAR. Remember, half-truths are still lies."
Monkey, I think you've been eating too many fermented bananas
I did forget to add the black and gay thing didn't I?
I'd bet I'm the only person on this thread who actually knows Shelby personally, as in actually spent a lot of face-to-face time with her over a number of personal meetings.
I doubt that any of these posters are a greater religious/Bible/hearing voices skeptic than me, either. I also doubt that anyone in here has teased and even ridiculed her more than I over time before I actually got to know her. That being said and in my PERSONAL experience of being with her, one would find it difficult to meet a more generous, loving and caring person than Shelby.
The first time we met I told her "I don't want to hear any of your 'God speaks to me' shit. Agreed?" She agreed and that was that. We had a lovely day together talking about all sort of things. How many people do you know who discovered a wrong Biblical teaching by the WTS, went to New York and personally confronted a Governing Body member about it, was disfellowshipped for that "heresy" and later discovered that doctrine had changed to exactly what she had told the GB member it should have been in the first place? Shelby did that. Can any of you claim you did that? (I hope I got my facts right on that one, Shel.)
Does God speak to her? Hell, I don't know. I certainly can't prove otherwise, nor can she prove He does. So what? Does she have an ego. I certainly hope so. Otherwise, she would be dead or in a coma. Shelby is a hyper-active person. She abounds with energy. She wants to share what she wants to share. We live in a society where that is encouraged. You don't have to listen and you most certainly don't have to believe.
Just to hurl rocks to please yourself is childish. What Shelby sees and/or hears is not debatable, just as the existence of God or not isn't debatable, or at the very best it is a fruitless debate that can lead to no provable conclusion.
Tune her out if you don't like it. You don't have to be a jerk about.
(Shelby: if you say one godamned nice thing about me, I'm going to kick your ass.)
"Those who love wisdom must investigate many things." Heraclitus
I, for one, enjoy your spiritual perspective, Shelby. I think we are each and every one on a personal adventure. We each develop our own tools to use in our own spiritual quest (or not), and for others to condemn your methods or belittle your experiences closes the door on an opportunity to share and discover.
if Shelby can talk to you about the voices, she can talk to a therapist about the voices.
I suppose your right..
Although I don`t know what good it would do..
She really believes it..
Who am I to say it`s not true..
It`s never happened to me..
I don`t think I would like to hear voices..
I`m really not into seeing someone from the spirit world if it does exist..
As long as someone does`nt want to sacrifice me to a Chicken God..
Demand I accept thier beliefs..
I am usually tolerant..I have friends from many religions..
Shelby is comfortable with me not believing anything..
It`s not neccesary I accept her beliefs,for us to be friends..
It`s all good with her..
Enjoying Shelbys posts does not mean I accept her beliefs..
I`m not a Christian..I`m not intersted in any religion..
I simply like Shelby..
She does`nt mind Questions..I question her all the time..
.......................... ...OUTLAW
Well, I truly did not mean to start such a ruckus and probably should just move on (may you all have peace)... but since some like to read my posts (even if they say they don't)... I'd like to respond (I also have a bit of insomnia, so...):
First, to those who do not like what I post... or the manner in which I post... or the vernacular that I use when I post... well, I almost dunno what to say. Except maybe you really should steer clear of my posts. You know... USE YOUR POWER OF CHOICE... which you seem to esteem so highly... and CHOOSE NOT TO OPEN/READ MY POSTS. That way, your eyes, ears, and perhaps your heart... won't be offended. Seems simple enough to me. Very elementary, actually. Because, I mean, it's not like I crawl through the screen and grab your fingers, plant them on your mouse, and then manipulate your mouse and screen, you know?
Or perhaps I'm just tired of your lame 19th century affectations and other ego-driven preachy shit?
Perhaps. And perhaps the TRUTH is that you're “tired” of… well, many things… but none of which have anything to do with me. I am not sure what’s truly “up” with you, dear Six… but I don’t think getting “tired” of me… or taking pokes at me because you’re tired of whatever it is… is going to “fix” it. There is One who can help you fix it, though... the Holy One of Israel, my Lord and Master, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. Perhaps you should speak to him about this. In the meantime, in the spirit of love and in an attempt to reduce the times I offend you, I will try to “speak” to you in a manner you can more readily… ummmm… process. I will try. I cannot promise that I will be successful, however. In return, I would ask that perhaps you might consider refraining from opening/reading my posts. That is, of course, unless you are truly interested in what I post (which seems logical to me, I mean, since you are here in this particular thread).
It would be one thing if you actually were kind and loving behind your faux genteel wording - but you're not.
Oh, now, you are absolutely correct: I am NOT nice. Not by a LONG shot. Good Lordy, I have NEVER said that I was nice. Others say it, but I actually tend to correct them when I hear them say it. I mean, I can BE nice… but I have openly confessed here that I am good-for-nothing. And that is true. That I share the truth here about my Lord, about the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, and about myself as their servant… and yours… has nothing to do with being nice. I don’t do it because I’m nice. I do it… because it’s the truth. But I get why it bothers you: the truth isn’t always “nice,” nor does it always sound “nice.” Sometimes, though, dear one, it’s neither nice nor not-nice. It’s just the truth.
You've come on this forum and prophesied ill to people who don't take you, oh pardon me, Jesus, speaking through
you, seriously.
I believe you are mistaken: I have never prophesied ill to anyone (well, I did warn COMF to get out his asbestos shorts some years ago, but that was because he blasphemed against the Holy Spirit, after I tried to warn him - several times. But that was on him. Whether he'll actually ever have to put the chonies on is another story, because the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, shows mercy to whomever HE wishes to show it.) But I certainly have not prophesied ill to ANYONE not for not taking me… or my Lord… seriously. I have said and will say again, to one’s own master they still stand… or fall. As for my Lord speaking through me… that really is not the case. He speaks TO me, yes. And I share what I hear. But he doesn’t need me to speak for him: he speaks for himself. I simply share what I hear because… well, wouldn’t you? Yes, you would. Every one of you would.
How many people besides you have this sacred knowledge?
I am not sure which "sacred" knowledge you're referring to, specifically? Regarding the copper serpent? I truly do not know. Generally? I have absolutely no idea, none whatsoever.
Or are you the only one?
Of course, not…
Are you looking for members here to join your belief in the copper serpent club?
Good Lordy, no! I’m not looking for anyone to join ANYTHING… of mine. Nor am I looking for anyone to join anything of God’s, or Christ’s. Dear one, no one comes to the Christ unless the FATHER draws them… and no one gets to the Father… unless they go THROUGH THE CHRIST. I have no club. Now, that the FATHER or CHRIST might be looking for someone… and what I have to share might make such ones perk up and perhaps LISTEN TO THE CALL… is another matter altogether. But the truth is that I’m just a rock, dear one… a mere stone… albeit a living stone… crying out in the wilderness.
Are you the priestess to the copper colored serpent?
Priestess? To anything? Anyone? Seriously? Oh, c ’mon, now…
Actually she's done just that in the past, when she's feeling frustrated that folks on the forum aren't taking her seriously enough.
Kind of a "threat through Jesus - you people better listen to me... or else!" sort of thing.
I am SO not sure where you folks are getting this. Do you even bother to read what I post? Really? I mean, really read it, not just skim through it, over it, or jump to some conclusion because of the title, or misread it then take offense because you THOUGHT I posted something I didn’t? Really?
I'm really surprised at those on the forum that enjoy reading her ideas, it seems as though their past dealing with the
WT hasn't really taught them anything about accepting a person claims for being God's spokes person
Ahhh… no: you don’t read what I post. Apparently, not at all. Because I have never claimed, insinuated, intimated, or stated that I was God’s spokesperson. Or anyone’s spokesperson. I HAVE claimed and openly and honestly stated that I am a SERVANT… of God’s Spokesperson… Christ. I readily admit that. Without hesitation. Unabashedly.
I'm sticking to my lucky Rabbits Foot, their cheaper and they don't require a channeler.
Well, in the words of SpongeBob Squarepants: good luck with that! Oh, and peace to you!
I, for one, enjoy your spiritual perspective, Shelby.
Thank you, dear Journey… and the greatest of love and peace to you!
I don`t think I would like to hear voices.
It depends on the voice, dear Outlaw (and the greatest of love, peace, and thanks to you, my dear one!). On whose voice… and what it’s saying. For example, YOUR “voice” here is quite lovely to me. As is that of Journey’s… and my dear, dear brother and friend, Farkel. To ME… your “voices” are like psalms. Very comforting. It is the same with my Lord. HIS voice is, well, like music, the likes of which I have never heard from any other in this realm. It is kind, loving, comforting, soothing. Always. Even when it is setting a matter straight… or disciplining (training) me.
The problem here is that very often what one posts is misconstrued. Inflections and emphases are misplaced or misunderstood. That is why I TRY to use good grammar and punctuation when I am sharing what he gives me. Unfortunately, unlike you, Farkel, and many, many others, some have never communicated with me personally… or heard MY voice… or how I speak… and so they assume tones, volumes, emphases, and inflections that are not there, not at all.
But, ah well, what can I do? You and others have “bothered” to get to know me and so you take no offense because… well, because you know ME… and know I mean no offense. You know I am sincere because we’ve communicated beyond this board… and beyond this subject.
Shelby is comfortable with me not believing anything.. It’s not neccesary I accept her beliefs, for us to be friends..
It’s all good with her..
We had a lovely day together
We absolutely did, didn’t we, dear Daddy-O? We walked, and talked, and lunched… and you played some of the MOST beautiful music for me that I’ve ever heard (which you composed yourself – did you all know that dear Farkel is not only a great classical pianist, he is a GENIUS?? And I have never heard music like that since and would love to do so again - and, yes, I do pop in your CD from time to time!). And then we wined and dined and talked some more! That time! LOLOLOL! You are a dear man, Daddy-O, regardless of what you wish folks here to believe about you… and a very dear friend. And my brother (and you know what I mean). So, go on… get yer butt kickin’ boots on. Just be ready to take a lickin’ yer own self!
Okay, dear ones (or as I say to my husband... "All ya'll")... it’s long past my bedtime. So, I’m going to let this little thread go and move on. Probably shouldn’t have responded as much as I have. But, well, I have and, well… I have.
I bid you ALL the greatest of love and peace!
A good-for-nothing slave (and nothing more) of Christ... and YOUR servant…
Aguest: Since you have the Spirit, please answer me what I was asking of the Lord. Since I didn't hear no voice replying maybe you're more connected. I will easily acknowledge my error in doubting you but it won't be difficult for Jesus to tell you what I need to hear to believe again.
What is the "Copper Serpent?"..
I can`t remember you talking about that before..
OUtlaw....can't believe you don't know about the copper snake!
$=snake on a pole
it's always about the money!!!!
May you have peace!
Since you have the Spirit, please answer me what I was asking of the Lord.
Sorry, but it doesn't work that way, dear Diamond. I am not a "psychic" and unless my Lord himself tells me... and he hasn't... I truly do not know what you asked. But the TRUTH is that while he very well might tell me the ANSWER to your question... and direct me to relate that to you... I am rarely privy to the question itself. Why? Because... it's none of my business. You asked HIM... and so it is HIS business... and yours. Alone.
Since I didn't hear no voice replying maybe you're more connected.
That I may or may not be "more connected" is irrelevant and has nothing to do with why YOU didn't hear. MY "connection"... is mine... and thus, has nothing to do with YOU. You must make your own "connection."
I will easily acknowledge my error in doubting you...
Ahhh, so you need a "sign". You are "testing" me: if I can answer your question as to what you asked, then I am "genuinue," "authentic," the "real deal." And so you can then believe ME.
Dear one, I can't help you there. I can only tell the truth... about what I hear and who I hear it from. If you doubt as to what I share... and how it is that I profess I know such things... that's on you. And it's totally understandable: faith is not the possession of all men. But it isn't me you should listen to and believe, anyway: it is the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... that you should listen to. Indeed, the Father SAID, "This is my Son, the beloved. LISTEN TO HIM."
So, I ask you to hear THIS: your believing me or not believing will not add... or take away... one cubit from my lifespan. Not one second. AND... "testing" ME out won't do anything for you. True, you would be totally right to "test" what I post (which is why I include the scriptures and verses, so that you have something to test it against, although doing so against LOVE would be the BEST way).
But it's not ME, per se, you should "test out," here. Rather, it is the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, that you should "test out"... by testing out His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. It is he who you should be asking "What did I ask and what is the answer?" Better yet, perhaps you should ask: "Why is it that I don't/can't hear you... what should I do to change that?"... and LISTEN TO THE ANSWER. Then, do what you hear you should do. Yes, it really IS as simple as that!
but it won't be difficult for Jesus to tell you what I need to hear to believe again.
No, it won't. BUT... it would be even EASIER... for him to tell YOU. The DIFFICULT part is with regard to YOUR hearing what HE says YOU need [to do]... to believe again. It's between you and him. Not me and you... and him.
I bid you the greatest of love and peace!
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,