When I prayed I did believe and had faith:) So now it's my fault that I doubt? hmmm interesting. I had faith and no answer and now I don't have faith it's my own fault. Ok, it really sounds reasonable to me.
How I know what I know...
by AGuest 71 Replies latest jw friends
And if Shelby can talk to you about the voices, she can talk to a therapist about the voices.
I have to agree with this statement. At the very least, seek medical advice.
Aguest/Shelby, if you are truly hearing voices, have you considered seeking professional help to understand the reasons why? There may be a medical reason for this that needs treatment. If it were common place for all of us to hear the voice of God/Christ, I would not be concerned.
Hearing voices are still considered by clinical psychiatry as an auditory hallucination and as a symptom of conditions such as schizophrenic disorders, manic depression and psychosis.
While your voices may be truly loving at the moment, that does not mean they will remain so. Many a killer has professed to hearing voices instructing them to kill their victims. These voices take over and the person is powerless to resist. Just because your voices have not done this yet, does not mean they will not start.
I only bring this up as someone concerned for your health. It is up to you if you wish to have it checked out. An MRI scan of your head/brain may be a good idea.
May you have peace!
When I prayed I did believe and had faith:)
You know, dear Diamondz… I thought that, too, at one time… that I had faith. That believing... and faith... were the same thing. I since learned that I didn’t really know what faith was. I mean, I knew how earthling man explained it: you “believe” in something/someone. Faith, however, is MUCH more than that.
The NIV explains faith as:
“ … being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”
Okay, that kind of touches on it. The NASB, ASV, and RSV describes it as:
“… the assurance of {things} hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
Still good, but not quite “it.” Now, I know a whole lot of folks HATE the NWT, but I have to say that it has one of the BEST descriptions of what faith truly is. That version says:
“Faith… is the ASSURED… EXPECTATION… of the thing hoped for (in your case, whatever it was you were praying for)…”
which means your expectation of whatever it is you hoped for is CERTAIN…
which means there is DEMONSTRATED EVIDENCE… so that you KNOW what you are hoping for is REAL…
“… though… NOT BEHELD…”
which means that you don’t see it… yet! BUT… you KNOW it will come to pass… because you have EVIDENCE that it will! Faith, then, is YOUR CERTAINTY that what you are hoping, and thus praying, for… WILL occur… because you have EVIDENCE of its reality… and its FULFILLMENT… even if you can’t SEE it… right now! So, I must ask you: were you CERTAIN that you would receive whatever it was you were hoping for, even though you couldn’t see it’s fulfillment at the time? Absolutely positive? I think your next question answers that:
So now it's my fault that I doubt? hmmm interesting.
Well, please forgive my candidness, but, yeah, it’s your fault. No offense intended, but who else’s fault would it be? I mean, no one controls your faith… or lack of faith… but you. Who, then, is to blame for YOUR lack of faith? And yes, I know this truth is hard to hear. But that is the POINT: people… don’t… REALLY… want… to… hear… the… TRUTH… whether that truth BE the Truth (John 14:6)... or that it is WE who are standing off from God and not He from us! It is OUR lack of faith… NOT His. HE… is faithful. Always. And I don’t mean “faithful” in the sense of “believing” or “loyal”… which is what MOST people mean when they say “faithful.” HE is faithful in that what HE purposes to have occur… WILL occur. The ASSURED EXPECTATION… We are the ones who problems in that area.
I had faith
Ummm… I have to say, sorry, no. Not if you had doubt. If you had doubt (which you intimate you did, above)... y ou CANNOT have had faith. You cannot have faith… and then doubt. You cannot doubt… and say you have faith. Faith… is the ASSURED EXPECTATION. The CERTAIN expectation. There is NO doubt in certainty, dear one. If you are certain of something… SURE of it… you are not DOUBTING it. Right?
and no answer and now I don't have faith it's my own fault. Ok, it really sounds reasonable to me.
It is reasonable. As James is recorded to have said:
“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.” James 1:5-8
I think you might to take a minute... or two... and perhaps re-evaluate your "faith."
Again, I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,
This is a discussion forum. We discuss. You call for those that would boldly disagree with you to stop posting on your threads because they come on strong. You come on strong in your initial post with "how [you] know what [you] know, asserting that you KNOW you are right about the revelation because it was revealed to you. HOGWASH.
There have been many who have had revelations, one more famous one was Joseph Smith. I wouldn't accept that he knew what he knew and I wouldn't accept that you know what you know either.
My last post on here, focus was put upon the use of "fundamentalist." Okay, I don't keep up with what exactly some of the more radical people here believe. But you admitted your purpose of coming here. You admitted you should expect us to post the way we do. So stop worrying about it and go on preaching if you must. Feel like Jesus nailed on the cross or Paul in prison in Rome. It should make you feel great.
Many JW's are certain of their expectation. They have no doubt the end is right around the next corner, Armageddon is almost here, they will live forever in Paradise. I am just as certain that it ain't so. I am just as certain that the Bible is the word of man. You are certain that JW's and I are both wrong. Many here are certain that you are wrong. So whatever.....
May you, too, have peace!
Aguest/Shelby, if you are truly hearing voices, have you considered seeking professional help to understand the reasons why?
You mean, what, to see if I am like some kinda phenom… mayhaps sportin’ a brain tumor or some other anomaly? Ummmm, no . I mean, f irst, I don’t have a brain tumor, dear one. What is occurring with me is not physical, not in the slightest. Second, what is occurring with me is WONDERFUL!! Truly WONDERFUL! Why in the WORLD would I want to have someone tell me that something is “wrong” with my brain, etc., and that is why Christ is speaking to me? I mean, say it was a tumor. Should I really CARE? Oh, yes, that’s right… so long as my FLESH doesn’t have anything “wrong” with it. Dear one, there’s nothing wrong with my brain…
There may be a medical reason for this that needs treatment.
Forgive me, but I laughed. Your statement is SO, well, earthly. Human. Physical. “You know, Shel, this thing may be wonderful… it may give you great hope… it may give you unparalleled joy. Heck, it may even help you understand the Bible in a way very few so-called Bible "scholars," if any, do/have. But you really should have it “treated.” True, if there is something and we remove it and all of this goes away… and you’re then miserable… and depressed… and empty… and can’t even read at the 4 th grade level anymore... perhaps can’t even walk… or speak... but, hey… you got 'treatment' for it and that's what's important.”
Seriously? There’s nothing wrong with me… or my brain, dear Heaven. Truly. I promise you.
If it were common place for all of us to hear the voice of God/Christ, I would not be concerned.
Now, that's a very funny statement. VERY funny. Do you "hear" what you're saying? I mean, it IS commonplace for “all of us” to listen to false prophets and false christs, isn’t it, the world over. Scribes and Pharisees of all ilk… who lie and mislead. Whole BUNCH of folks listening to them… for what, millennia? But no one's asked to have an MRI to explain THAT phenomena. No need for concern there, right? It’s NOT commonplace, dear one. If it were, I wouldn’t always have to explaining myself here. Indeed, I wouldn’t have to post at all, at least, not the content that I do. Everyone would hear what I hear and thus know what I share. Right? But faith is not the possession of all men, is it? Indeed, it’s rare… and thus, hearing Christ is rare.
And NOT because God and Christ, don’t speak. They absolutely do. (Funny, isn't it, how folks much more readily believe that Satan and demons speak but not God and Christ! Why IS that??)
All CAN hear, dear one, meaning all have the capacity to hear. But not all have the FAITH to hear… or the humility to listen.
Hearing voices are still considered by clinical psychiatry as an auditory hallucination and as a symptom of conditions such as
schizophrenic disorders, manic depression and psychosis.
Ah, yes, the DSM-IV... a highly controversial journal which the industry itself does NOT agree on... which the industry dissent for is great... which is source of GREAT division in the industry... a publication that has not been updated since the 1970’s... whose ONLY reason for existence is so that insurance companies have some kind of guide as to what they will and will not cover. You really want to go there? I've no problem if you do. I went to law school and I know exactly what that text is all about... its origin and purpose. But if you really want to go there... by all means... let's do. I can probably open your eyes on THAT book, as well...
While your voices may be truly loving at the moment, that does not mean they will remain so.
I am sure I don’t know what you mean. Oh, wait… you’re saying that perhaps one day “the voices” will tell me to, what, put one of my puppies in the oven and cook it? That’s LSD, dear Heaven (if you grew up during the 60-70's, and at least as far as the DSM-IV is concerned)... or PCP (if you grew up during the 70-80's)... or crank (if you grew up during the 90's). NOt sure what's sending folks over the edge these days, but my drugs of choice (well, my doctor's choice) is insulin. Novolog and Levemir, to be precise. Oh, and cold caffeine (i.e., Diet Coke).
As for THE Voice (it is one, dear one, 99.99% of the time)… it won’t change. That's b ecause it’s Source, Christ, doesn't change. I mean, didn't you read the folks here chiding me for posting using, well, what is to them an obsolete manner of speaking? It is how my Lord speaks. How he spoke way back then... and how he still speaks now. And he would NEVER tell me to do something harmful… or hateful… to anyone or anything. Never. Ever. I am absolutely SURE of that. Undeniably CERTAIN. There is NOTHING else in this world that I can say with more conviction... with more FAITH.
Many a killer has professed to hearing voices instructing them to kill their victims.
And I do not deny that they heard voices. Difference is… they weren’t hearing the voice of my Lord, for he would NEVER tell them to kill anyone. As for me, the only thing I kill are insects (well, I did hit a dog with my car about 30 years ago. I was driving in Tully fog and didn't see him until it was too late. Took me MONTHS to get over that!!). I try to limit myself to ants... and the rare spider. Oh, and I stepped on a snail last night! I didn't MEAN to, though - I was hurrying to get out of the rain and didn't see him on the path. Started to scoop him up and toss him into the grass with the hope that he might recover but he was way too gone, poor thing. I apologized to his spirit).
These voices take over and the person is powerless to resist.
Not quite. One is ALWAYS has the power to resist. It is when one gives in and LET'S those behind such voices take over... that one gives up one's power... and thus one's will. After than, one's is subject to the one(s) behind the voice(s).
Just because your voices have not done this yet, does not mean they will not start.
You are in error. THOSE voices do say such things. And EVERYONE hears those. Everyone. Anyone who denies it… is LYING. EVERYONE hears voices that tell them to do unkind, unloving, hateful things to others. They start when we are tiny children. Those who give in and listen to such voices allow them to lead them into even more heinous conduct. Those who don’t listen… and well, that would be most of mankind... learn not to give in to them. However, while they don't listen to the "bad" voice(s)... they don't necessarily listen to the GOOD one, either.
Because they don’t listen to ANY voice… even Christ’s. Why? One reason is because of what you just wrote: YOU attribute bad and evil to ALL spirit voices. As if they are ALL bad and evil. So, one shouldn't listen to ANY voice, not even God or Christ's. You, however, are not much different from the wicked scribes and Pharisees that tell people that, although Satan and demons can speak to humans… and do… God and Christ can’t… and don’t. Like them, however, you are in error. Unlike them, though, you don’t really know what you’re saying… or doing. So, I can overlook your statements.
I only bring this up as someone concerned for your health.
Ummm... let’s try and keep this discussion honest, shall we, please? You’re not concerned for me. If you were concerned for me you would say, “Good for YOU, girl! YOU have faith and that faith will serve you well!” No, the truth is that you are “concerned” for yourself, that someone is presenting something that YOU can’t… don’t… perhaps won’t… understand... and that makes YOU uncomfortable... and you don’t like being uncomfortable. So… you want ME to “change” so that YOU will feel "better." But, no . If anyone is to change, it must be you. YOU must learn what faith is… and then rather than try to close MY mind… under the false guise of trying to “open” it… YOU might open YOUR heart.
It is up to you if you wish to have it checked out. An MRI scan of your head/brain may be a good idea.
(Smiling) Chile, if you only knew! I have had every part of my body MRI’d… including my brain. Suffered a whiplash some years ago, so they did the head and neck. Nothing but a slight concussion. Took some naproxen and rode it out. Had an industrial accident that affected my nerves, so neck, shoulders, arms, legs. More Naproxen. Had fibroids so they did (and removed some of) the “girlie” parts. Passed a kidney stone (ooh, that hurt!) and I am a Type I diabetic, so I’ve had the thyroid, pancreas, liver, and kidneys done. Found a benign breast lump a year or so ago, so they recently ultrasounded the boobies. Thus, I’ve been scanned from head to toe, dear one, as well as ultrasounded and/or x-rayed on everything that wasn’t scanned. Even had a CAT scan some years due to severe pain in one of my legs (they were concerned about blood clots). And other than the fibroids, nothing out of the ordinary has ever been found. At least, nothing that a little aspirin or ibuprofen couldn’t handle (the industrial accident still hurts from time to time, though, and I have a touch of arthritis in my leg).
I’m cool, dear Heaven. Other than the diabetes, a few pre-menopausal night sweats, a touch of bursitis in my left shoulder, and various other “little aches and pains” than come with being over 50 and not as active as I should be… I am apparently in PERFECT health. Relatively speaking, I mean. My cholesterol (both LDL and HDL) is excellent and my blood pressure averages 106 over 80 (whoo-hoo!). I do let my blood glucose get out of control from time to time (no excuse, just lazy…), but other than that, I am pretty well off.
My point? I am not “sick”… in the head or otherwise (diabetes notwithstanding). And I’m not crazy. Well, maybe I am a little crazy… what woman with kids isn't?... but not with regard to hearing my Lord’s voice. THAT, dear one, is the MOST sanest aspect of my life. Ask anyone who knows me. I do appreciate your “concern,” though (I mean, I know YOU think you’re concerned about me)… and bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,
This is a discussion forum. We discuss.
Indeed, dear OTWO... and peace to you!
You call for those that would boldly disagree with you to stop posting on your threads because they come on strong.
Well, I didn't call for them to stop. I simply pointed out the obvious: if my posts offend... don't open/read them. But I didn't call for such a thing before they called for me to stop posting what I do... in so many words...
You come on strong in your initial post with "how [you] know what [you] know, asserting that you KNOW you are right about the revelation because it was revealed to you.
Which is the truth. I am sorry that I am not "mealy-mouthed" enough for some. Praise JAH, some folks don't have a problem hearing the truth... presented with conviction. Perhaps you would rather me post something like, "Ummmm, hey, ya'll... well, I thinks the Spirit has been speaking to me and I thinks he/it/they/something has said to me such-and-so... and I think you might want to hear about it... and so I'll share it if you don't get too offended... but if you do get offended, then I'll take it back and say I was just joshin' cause I really don't want to hurt your feelings. Huh, what? Did I say that Christ told me such-and-so? Oh, no, I didn't say that! Why would I say that? I mean, he doesn't speak, does he, and I would be CRAZY to say such a thing, and I'm not crazy... am I... or, at least, I don't want ya'll to THINK I'm crazy, so, no... I didn't say that. Tell you what, what would YA'LL like me to say, let me know and I'll say that... if it makes ya'll feel better. 'Cause Lord knows, I only want to share with you what you can bear... and since you can't bear what I have to share... I just won't share it..."
I could say that. I won't. But I could.
You're entitled to your opinion, dear one.
There have been many who have had revelations, one more famous one was Joseph Smith. I wouldn't accept that he knew what he knew and I wouldn't accept that you know what you know either.
Well, I accept that Mr. Smith had a revelation. My Lord confirmed that for me. But he also confirmed who he received it from... and it wasn't my Lord. Mr. Smith claimed an angel named Nephi appeared to him. Well, that's not actually a good thing. The Nephilim were rebellious beings, locked out of the spirit realm during the flood. If a Nephi appeared to Mr. Smith... it certainly was not sent by the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... and certainly did not speak for His Son, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. Our Adversary, Satan, DOES "keep transforming himself into an angel of light," though...
My last post on here, focus was put upon the use of "fundamentalist." Okay, I don't keep up with what exactly some of the more radical people here believe.
Then you most probably shouldn't have accused me of being one...
But you admitted your purpose of coming here.
Did, do, and will admit it. No problem with that...
You admitted you should expect us to post the way we do.
And that you should expect me to post the way I do. Don't leave that out...
So stop worrying about it and go on preaching if you must. Feel like Jesus nailed on the cross or Paul in prison in Rome.
It should make you feel great.
I smell a bit of hypocrisy, dear OTWO. You're expecting me to be "better" than you... and, yet, you scream and cry that I believe I am "better" than you, when I don't. I am no better... or different... than anyone here. Not at all. And I have said that, too, from day one. Just because one is joined to the Christ and hears his voice doesn't mean one isn't, well, for lack of a better word... human. And being attacked never "feel[s] great." I mean, your response... and that of some others... to my responses... should be proof of that. I don't like it anymore than you/they do. And from time to time my flesh expresses that. So what? Oh, that's right: "Shelby, you are not perfect! BUT... our expectation is that you must ACT perfect." Hypocrite. You are trying to place a burden on me that you yourself can't carry.
Many JW's are certain of their expectation. They have no doubt the end is right around the next corner, Armageddon is almost here, they will live forever in Paradise. I am just as certain that it ain't so. I am just as certain that the Bible is the word of man. You are certain that JW's and I are both wrong. Many here are certain that you are wrong. So whatever.....
Er?!! Wait a minute! I absolutely agree with you, OTWO. ABSOLUTELY. Where in the WORLD did you get that I believe you are wrong... if what you've stated you believe above is true?? Armageddon is NOT just around the corner! Heck, it doesn't even take place until at least 1,000 years AFTER the "great tribulation" and return of Christ... and NEITHER of those things have occurred yet!
And the Bible is NOT the Word of God. I cannot count how many times I have posted that truth. Indeed, I am JUST as certain as you that the Bible is the word of man (well, a good portion of it!). Absolutely. Have you not read my posts at all over these past years?? I am also certain that the Most Holy One of Israel did NOT compile the Bible or direct His servants to compile it... or read it! C'mon! How many times I have posted to the exact OPPOSITE of that belief? I mean, given the amount of chaos, confusion, division, dissention, murder, lies... and more... that have their roots in folks turning to and relying on the Bible... do you REALLY think God put that book together? REALLY?? I do not. In fact, I KNOW He didn't.
I KNOW whose "tool" it is... based on what my Lord has told me AND based on what it has accomplished in this world... hate. Thus, it CANNOT be a "tool" of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies'... OR His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. THEY... do not direct us to the Bible. Man directs us there. God directs us to His Son... and the Son directs us to himself. Dear OTWO... that has been the very message that I have been "preaching" here since March of 2001. And I now know that you, too, haven't really read a single word that I have posted or you would KNOW that.
You falsely accuse me... and oppose me with absolutely NO basis. None whatsoever. You believe I believe things I do not... and post things I do not. You are in error. Please, at least take a minute and READ what I post... before you falsely accusing me. I know what I know about the scriptures... and the Bible... because my Lord himself reveals these truths to me, not the Bible. He reveals to me what is TRUE in the Bible... and what is NOT. Regardless of what Bible-lovers feel about it. And he has said to me, and I have posted here time and time again that:
"All that I tell you IS written (but not necessarily in the Bible), but not all that is written (including what is in the Bible) is what I will tell you."
Hear, dear OTWO... and get the SENSE of it... so that, perhaps you, too, might hear his voice when, along the Bride, it calls out to YOU:
"Come! Take life's 'water'... the holy spirit of God... which holy spirit is poured by the SON of God, the One who can lead you into ALL truth... and not out of any BOOK... free!"
I bid you peace.
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,
the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is the Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies. How do you pronounce, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH? Everytime I read you grand introduction to him it reads kind of like, "herrrrrrrrrre's Johnny!" or "herrrrrrrrre's God!" like in that movie Oh God starring George Burns. Everytime I read the name JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH and try to pronounce it, I give up and end up pronouncing it to myself as ja-heh-shoo-a meh-shoo-meh-shoo-a.
Outlaw, since you cut to the actual message that Shelby is saying without the shakesperian flavoring, you and Shelby remind me of the black and white police officers on Sanford and Son where the white one speak gobbledigook and the black one translates it to jive.
I'm really surprised at those on the forum that enjoy reading her ideas, it seems as though their past dealing with the WT hasn't really taught them anything about accepting a person claims for being God's spokes person, and should be examined with the utmost skepticism, or they might be jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Frankie,
I did ask her if she was concerned about who she was really talking to when she says that ja-heh-shoo-a meh-shoo-meh-shoo-a talks to her. I was concerned that she may be speaking like Sylvia Brown who claims to have a spirit friend that guides her. She said that this was not the case.
Our Adversary, Satan, DOES "keep transforming himself into an angel of light," though... There seems to be a great deal of confusion on this that sometimes it is really hard to tell if the spirits or inspired expressions really did originate with God. Shelby, I am surprised that you would say that the Bible is not the word of God. What exactly then is our measuring stick in assuring that the 'spirits' did indeed come from God? You suggest that Joseph Smith was contacted by a demon and the pharisee frequently said to Jesus (er, ja-heh-shoo-a meh-shoo-meh-shoo-a) that He had a demon in Him. Aside from love, the only other measuring stick we have is the Bible which is how we determine that Jesus speaks truth and Joseph Smith speaks falsehoods. If the Bible cannot be trusted to be God's word then that whole foundation is gone.
Interesting response to my post. I apologize if my concern seemed insincere to you. It was not my intention.
How do you pronounce, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH?
"Yah-eh-shua Meh-shah-Yah" is most accurate. If that twists your tongue, you can say "Joshua, who is Messiah."
I am surprised that you would say that the Bible is not the word of God.
Sorry, but it isn't. NOWHERE does the Bible say it is the word of God. It DOES state, however, that Christ is that Word. And the Most Holy One of Israel only has ONE Word. John 1:1; 1:14; Revelation 19:13
What exactly then is our measuring stick in assuring that the 'spirits' did indeed come from God?
You are correct, love would be first. If the inspired ("in spirit") expression is not one that promotes love... even of one's enemy(ies)... then it is not from God. It can't be.
Many think the scriptures would be next, but that really is not true. WHat would be NEXT... would be the NEW [law] covenant... that is written on your HEART... by CHRIST... if such law has indeed been written there:
"But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says JAH: I will put my law within them, and I will write it upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And no longer shall each man teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, 'Know JAH,' for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, says JAH; for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." Jeremiah 31:33
If the NEW law has not been written there... yet... then the scriptures would be next.
The Bible, however, is not "scripture." It simply contains scripture... along with a lot of other writings (i.e., histories, chronologies, letters/epistles, and four varying accounts (gospels) of my Lord's life while in the flesh). "Scripture" is what was written as the writer was borne along by holy spirit AND told to write. Thus, Moses, the Psalms, the Prophets, and the Revelation (which included John's gospel account) are scripture. As are the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jashur, and the Book of Jubilees, to name a few, which are not included in the Bible canon.
Matthew, Mark, and Luke's gospel accounts are not "scripture." They are simply three of the MANY gospel accounts that were written to historically preserve what took place when my Lord was in the flesh. As Luke writes, MANY undertook to write down an accounting:
"Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things which have been accomplished among us..."
At the time he wrote this, however, neither Mark's NOR John's account had been written, only Matthew's. So, where are those "many" narratives, includng Thomas' account, Barnabas', Mary the Magdalene's... and others? They are not in the modern Bible canon. Nor are the letters from Peter, Paul, John, James, and Jude "scripture." If they were, ALL of their letters would be included. Where, though, is Paul's FIRST letter to the Corinthian congregation? The TRUTH is that while these writings contain some truth and wisdom, they are not "scripture" any more than much of what I write to you here is. Luke 24:22, 32, 44
So, why do I use them... refer those here to them? Because of the lack of faith on the part of those here. Rather than turning to Christ, the One who can lead you into ALL truth... rather than walking by FAITH and listening to HIM... rather than worshipping God IN SPIRIT... ones still walk by SIGHT... and so need to SEE it... in writing. Hopefully, all will some day get the SENSE of what it means to walk by faith... and worship God in SPIRIT... through the TRUTH... and do so.
May YOU have ears to hear, dear GaryN... and get the sense of this, yourself.
I bid you peace.
YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,
Well, I like your posts. I liked this one, I understand what you're trying to get across.
I usually try to find the best way to express my thoughts, using the least amount of words. So it's sometimes difficult to wade through the verbiage of long posts.
You have your own unique style, as do I.
Again, I liked your point here. We are each responsible before God and if we allow others to do our thinking and meditating for us.....it is easy to be led down the garden path. A good reminder, thank-you.