How I know what I know...

by AGuest 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • myelaine

    dear Shelby...

    I don't know why you think that the church is some kind of vague entity...Jesus placed it on a FOUNDATION that we could "see" so that the gates of hell couldn't overtake it.

    However, if Shelby can clear out all of the trinitarian churches with her message she has done the work of the Lord?

    I know that the history of the church is base...and that there is a NEED to find forgiveness in your heart. I had to.

    Unforgiveness(?) stops love dead in its tracks.

    I hope you have a great day.

    love michelle

  • AGuest
    dear Shelby...

    Michelle... peace to you!

    I don't know why you think that the church is some kind of vague entity...

    I don't know why you think I think it is some kind of vague entity. There is nothing vague about it.

    Jesus placed it on a FOUNDATION that we could "see" so that the gates of hell couldn't overtake it.

    What, may I ask, is that "foundation"? I would also like to know how the "gates of hell" could overtake "it"... and what those "gates" are. I am serious. I really would like to know your answer to these questions and thank you in advance for doing so.

    However, if Shelby can clear out all of the trinitarian churches with her message she has done the work of the Lord?

    I don't think so. I mean, that's not the work my Lord has given me. Now, were such to occur (and I very, very strongly doubt it)... would that mean I have done the work of my Lord? I think that would be up to him to say... not me... nor you.

    I know that the history of the church is base...

    Oh, you mean there's a "little" leaven? Just a little?

    and that there is a NEED to find forgiveness in your heart. I had to.

    You've read me wrongly, dear Michelle. I hold nothing against the members of the Catholic church, dear Michelle. Not a single one of them. But I don't have to accept the institution en totale. And not accepting them is not being unforgiving toward them. Knowing what I do now, I wouldn't have accepted them BEFORE they ever did anything "base." And it is not their base conduct that would deter me. It is because I know that they (the institution and its leaders) are just another false christ and false prophet. While it is not my position to judge them... and I don't... anymore than I judge the WTBTS... it IS my position to not TOUCH them... anymore than I am to touch the unclean thing that is the WTBTS.

    Unforgiveness(?) stops love dead in its tracks.

    Therefore, if I were to see a Catholic in need and say, "Oh, no, you're a Catholic and so I can't help you," or "I'm a member of the Body of Christ and you're not, so I can't help you," yes... love would be stopped dead in its tracks. I don't, however, ask folks "So, what religion do you belong to?" when I go giving MY gifts of mercy. I don't say, "You know, we have mass on such and so day and you should come," or "Would you like a Bible study?" I don't even say, "God loves you" or "Jesus loves you." I say, "Thank you." Or, if the person says to me, "God bless you" or "Jesus loves you," I reply, "Yes, He has, thank you" or "Yes, he does, thank you." That's it, that's all. And then go my way.

    My love is not limited by or to a person's religion, dear Michelle. To do that would show that I am NOT a son of God. Matthew 5:43-46 I prove that I HAVE received God's holy spirit... and thus, adoption as a son... BY my love even for my enemies... which I, SA, could NOT do WITHOUT such holy spirit. Truly, on my own, I don't have it IN me. But by means of Christ, I DO now have such love IN me.

    That love is also not so "loose," however, SO "free"... that it would compel me to taint my spiritual "virginity" by just giving it to any old body... i.e., "fornicating" with the kings of the earth. I did that previously... and became lost. Separated from God. Now, I am found... and washed clean... by the blood of a "husband" who gave HIS life for me. And so I will keep my vows to him... be yoked to him... and follow only him... and no other. No pope. No GB. No pastor or reverend. No other leader. Certainly no mere man.

    But follow whomever you will, dear Michelle. If you need a visible leader... a man... to follow, so be it. Be on your way about your business. You are perfectly free to do so. As for me, I follow the Fine Shepherd. And HE said:

    "ALL who come in place of ME... are thieves... and plunderers... BUT the sheep have NOT listened to them." John 10:8

    Thus, I will let MY freedom... which freedom I recieved from Christ (Romans 8:32, 36)... lead me where it should... where it has for quite some time now, without error... and that is into ALL TRUTH.

    As always, I bid you peace, and ears to hear.

    I hope you have a great day.

    And you, as well.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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