If my child commits a crime and I find out about it, my love for her will not change at all, how can it? I love her without conditions.
I will however see that she pays for the crime she commited, wouldn't you?
hypothetically yes, I suppose.
Grace does NOT absolve someone from wrong doing, where in the bible does it state that?
You keep bringing this up - I don't really want to get into that, yet. It really has nothing to do with the question I asked.
You asked from WHAT are we being saved and I replied that, typically, it is from ourselves.
That is a simple answer to a complex question, but a correct one I think because it is up to US to embrace our salavtion so yes, we must save ourselves from ourselves.
It's not a simple answer - it's an incredibly vague answer, and I don't understand it. If we don't get "saved from ourselves" - what will happen?
Our capacity for evil, for lack of a better word.
We we embrace grace, we embrace God trough Jesus, we embrace God's love and it fills us full of love for ourselves and one another, it saves US from ourselves by making LOVE the guiding force that drives us to DO GOOD, BE GOOD.
Surely you know that it is not necessary to "embrace grace" to accomplish those things.
We can use a parallel, if you want. I see a transaction in your point of view, but I do not see well-defined roles for the players. You seem to be making them completely interchangable. If I was to succinctly outline what you're saying - God sacrificed himself, for US, to offer us grace so that we could save ourselves from ourselves. As an illustration, if we were drowning in a river - God tosses us a rope (grace) in order to save us from the river (which is also us). You are using very vague terms - I'm trying to find something more specific. Maybe pointed questions will help.
What happened that made us need to be saved from ourselves? Or were we created that way? (You've expressed disbelief in the OT legends before - again this is the difficulty in discussing theology with Christians - they've each got their own...I don't know whether you believe Adam and Eve actually happened. I'm guessing you don't.)
If we don't get saved from ourselves what will happen?
Who is this penalty getting paid to? Ourselves? Or someone else?
Someone that is a serial killer or serial rapist ( as an example) is under grace, God still loves him/her, but that love doesn't mean that they won't have to answer for the crimes they commited, it just means that God's love allows them the chance to be forgiven, but the penality will still have to be paid.
I feel like you're kind of all over the place with this concept.