, I find your reasoning very interesting. It makes a lot of sense to me. This sentence struck me, "We are being saved from God himself and His wrath". That has been my feeling for a couple of years now but I hadn't succeeded in expressing it in so few words.
In short, God will see to it that you die (either through natural causes or direct attack at Armageddon) UNLESS.....(fill in the blank) takes place.
Theology fills in that BLANK_____.
Each denomination sees it (salvation) a different way.
How is it possible to see it so many different ways--- IF IT IS PLAINLY taught in Scripture?
It wouldn't be! It ISN'T "taught" so much as it evolved over time into a proto-explanation.
Sort of...."hmmm, we need this......so, we'll say this..... and make it work...."
Paul came along and sort of took Judaism's sacrificial scapegoat theology and worked it out. Like Stravinsky's notion of Music Theory. Paul "deduced it" from existing scripture.
By Paul making Judaism's sacrificial system LOGICAL IN A GREEK WAY (and pagan!) I believe this was the key to Christianity becoming so popular so fast.
Here is how I think the Pagan mind saw it:
1. We are scared of what DEITY can do to us so we better bribe Deity to look upon us favorably. We'll sacrifice really good stuff to Deity.
2.The more you sacrifice to DEITY the more favor you get.
3.God came down to Earth and allowed US to sacrifice HIM to HIMSELF and declares everybody a winner---no more "give to get" from God. It's all free from now on!!
On the surface this was all that was needed to get Christianity started.
But, then---logical minds prevailed and started asking really hard-to-answer questions.
If Deity wanted obedience and not sacrifice in the first place, why didn't being obedient IN GIVING SACRIFICE (on the altar) count for more than it did? (New sins required New offerings).
Paul provided the answer: GOD gave GOD as a sacrifice to GOD once and forever. All YOU have to do is BELIEVE it! Just believe the explanation I've just given you and you don't ever have to sacrifice anything on an altar again.
Well, um.......duh....okay! It's free!
You could, according to Paul, just view the living-a-godly-life as a dailly metaphorical (spiritual) sacrifice and skip the rest!
GRACE became an offer you can't refuse.
Ever read about Martin Luther's "aha!" moment of realization?
The moment Luther discovered GRACE was FREE (he didn't have to earn God's favor!) The split from the Church was inevitable!