Do you Know of any JW Pedophiles who Currently Go Out in Service ?

by flipper 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    PALIMPSEST- I think the WT society has their own way of interpreting EVERYTHING in a style which disagrees mostly with Ceasar's laws. If J.R. Brown did say that their rules restricted " convicted sex offenders and people with excessive violent pasts only ". Well - If that's true - the WT society and GB aren't telling any bodies of elders to enforce this alleged rule to keep these people from going door to door . I know of at least 4 or 5 instances right now where former convicted sexual child molesters ARE going in the door to door field service regularly- with the elders blessing and backing ! It's ridiculous. The WT leaders SAY they'll protect children- but they don't do it at all.

    SKEETER 1 - You bring out some really good points. Like WHO is supposed to chaperone a pedophile if he gets a return visit ?? What if the return visit is a young teenager ? The sex offender has all the freedom in the world to call back on that RV anytime - he could sneak and do it without elders knowing ! I have found that the laws of the land are MUCH STRICTER on registered sex offenders than the rules of the witness organization. That's why people need to be informed.

    STILLIN- I'm glad we agree. However it is still illegal for an adult to be with a minor under age 16 without consent to marry by parents of a teenager. So if a young girl aged 15 or 16 was sexually assaulted by an adult male- it would still be called rape or sexual assault in the United States.( Unless the two people were married with signed parental consent . ) We had an example of that with a policeman in our Sacramento area recently. He picked up a 14 year old girl who wanted a ride. He got her something to drink, he went and changed his clothes- then took her to a hotel room and ( according to him ) had consensual sex with her. He then dropped the girl off near a hair salon and the owner of the salon started asking the young girl questions. The girl told the lady salon owner what happened and that she had sex with the cop. The salon owner called the police and the girls parents were informed and the officer arrested.

    So- Bottom line is if an adult goes with a minor - it's jailbait - and the adult is breaking the law. There is no reason an adult should need to be with a minor teenager. There are plenty of 18 year old and older men and women who can legally have sex . A much safer and wiser route to follow

  • stillajwexelder
  • crazyblondeb

    yep, 2 off the top of my head!

    One is an elder in south MO.....the other my stepdad, who has recently jumped congregations AGAIN!!

  • jamiebowers
    The thing is, there are pedophiles everywhere, just as there are other kinds of deviants. Some may be store managers, policemen, Baptists or whatever. Personal caution and awareness is the order of the day. So what if any JW's go out, unless a criminal pattern is clear, in which case they should be dealt with accordingly. (read; string 'em up!)

    Store managers, policemen and Baptists don't go door to door claiming to preach the good news of God's kingdom.

    But I've also heard a lot of outrageous numbers tossed around here about how many lurk among JW's. I can't help but think that many of that number are simply people who had a thing with a minor, NOT a child, and they are now still practising Witnesses, but since the offense was with somebody under 18 or 17 (like maybe 15) they are also being referred to as pedophiles.

    If you're talking about the 24,000+ number in North America that's listed at, that number is supposed to have come from Bethel. The way the Watchtower has covered up for pedophiles, I doubt few, if any any of these cases involve teenage victims and offenders. Stillin, have you read anything at

    What is really scary, Mr. Flipper, is how many child molesters who have never even been charged are going door to door?

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    "there are those who have made mistakes with minors many years ago, who themselves may have been quite young"

    What about a 15-year old boy? That was the age of my cousin and his friend who molested a 5-year old in his congregation. It was covered up by his super elder father who tried his best to get his son appointed an elder a few years later. The only thing that stopped the appointment was the girl's mother who threatened to go to the press.

  • carla

    My understanding is that the jw's justify this by saying that they don't let the known pedophile (be it known by the elders only or one who has been sentenced in a court of law and served time) go door to door by themselves. Well, I know this makes me feel much better! Some pervert can literally case all the houses to see where children reside and often what they look like. And they get to do it in the name of God sanctioned by the leaders who know they are pedophiles. Then we get to read a wt or awake about the scandalous Catholics and their pedophile problem!

    jw's who bristle at the reported numbers of pedophiles within their halls could easily change this perception of pedophiles being rampant within the jw's, simply start a worldwide campaign amongs jw's to have NY & local halls release the files. Let the congregation know who the perverts are and the public so all can protect their children. The recidivism rate among pedophiles is around 98% if memory serves. They don't get 'better' they only learn to hide it better.

  • flipper

    STILLAJWEXELDER- I know you have been in the JW cult for many years - anybody that's been in for years knows of some pedophiles going door to door by now for sure. I do too.

    CRAZYBLONDEB- Exactly. You know 2 and I'm sorry one is your step-dad. I have great admiration for you and how you brought justice to that situation and awareness about it.

    JAMIEBOWERS- Good point you bring out- Store managers and other religions like Baptist don't go around preaching to people at doors and sending pedophiles. If that 24,000 number is accurate ( which I've heard also ) then each congregation probably averages at least 2 or 3 child molesters per congregation. If you figure an average molester abuses between 10 to 40 children - then that is a legitimate threat to safety and welfare of thousands of JW children and other children ! And also you are right- How many of these child molesters are going out in service who have never been charged ? THAT is really scary. The ones committing these crimes who haven't been found out yet. I wonder how many more children will be raped while the WT leaders tell members to " Wait on Jehovah" to reveal molesters ?

    BONNIE_CLYDE- Wow. A 15 year old JW boy molested a 5 year old JW boy and the 15 year olds elder father covered it up ? Why does this not surprise me ? Then he tried getting his pervie son appointed elder later ?? Where DO these people come from ? Crawling out from under rocks I suppose ? The child's mother SHOULD HAVE gone to the press. It might save future children from getting molested ! Ick . I'm nauseous.

    CARLA- The leaders of the WT society may PUBLICLY claim they don't let former child molesters go in service by themselves - but it happens ALL the time. Elders can't be there 24/7 to monitor it. And they really could care less. They have more important busy things to do. Like snoop into members sex lives or counsel someone for dumba$$ reasons- like the clothes or hairstyles they choose. The elders have their priorities all screwed up- totally.

    And as far as JW's insisting Bethel & the WT society release files and inform members how many pedophiles are in the witnesses ? Good luck on that one. Mind control cults are all about " information control" - not " information awareness ". One reason the WT society would not release the list of names including the 24,000 pedophiles is - because the names of one or more GB members may pop up ON that list ! Allegedly - according to certain reports. So, no- this is NOT something the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses wants to touch with a 10 foot pole, much LESS a 100 foot pole. They'd just as soon move onto the net subject thank you very much

  • flipper

    BTTT, all comments welcome, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Going to work- bumping this up for more to comment on. Thanks for your experiences and takes, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • upnorth

    Taking a pedophile door to door is recon

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