Furor grows over Arizona's illegal immigration law
by Sam Whiskey 213 Replies latest jw friends
Simple Sammies. Cheap labor.
Are you guys talking about Arizona? The Mexican terrritory STOLEN by USA in 1848?
Cheap labor true, but I go back to what I said then. There has never been desire for change so why have laws for immigration for some people and not others? The number of illegals per year, most likely exceeds the number of legal immigrants and yet those applying for legal status have to jump through hoops, pay through the nose and are put on probation. Why make someone wait for years for a legal work permit, if we aren't bothering to round up employers or people working without the same legal pemit? It goes straight back to the corporations and government - business wants to drive down wages, the government sanctions that action and the way to do it is to bring in undocumented labor to do so. It's all posturing so I say, get rid of the current immigration system and start over by figuring out what path the country really wants to go in. sammieswife.
Darth plaugeis
Gerard we don't remember how nice Mexico was to us back then. And now all the 2 generations away from being IA's forget also. Irish no need to apply. No Italians Wanted. Negros sit in the back, or not at all.
God Bless America
Thank god I'm white! Then in Arizona, I won't have my ID checked.
Thank god I'm white! Then in Arizona, I won't have my ID checked.
You know, I got my id checked a couple of weeks ago. Guess what? I'm white and female and don't live in AZ. All I was doing was assisting my neighbor who's blood pressure had shot up to 265/190.
Robdar, I have no issue with you personally, but I really disagree with that law.
As for your your and other righties charecterization of libs, hell, since Lee Atwater, liberals have been called the same thing for over 20 years. We're used to it by now. After 20 years, I wish the right could come up with something that 1) Is different, and 2) Is accurate.
ATJ, do you realize one of your posts got removed and 2 of mine did? They weren't even that controversial.
I am about sick of the censorship on this board. I guess absolute power gives you brain worms, ego trips and an itchy edit finger.
ATJ, do you realize one of your posts got removed and 2 of mine did.
Well at least I know why I'm not tracking........