do Jehovah witness teaches about grace and what it is?

by evangelist 1 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • evangelist 1
    evangelist 1

    quote by heaven

    Do you think evangelist 1 will return?

    Yes I'M back!

    i didn't know you can only post 10 post and then you must wait one day before you can post again.

    What up with that?

    I never heard of such a rule is that for everyone and is that after every ten post you have to wait a day or two or only when posted in one day is the limit to post?

    i want to thank everyone who said that the JHW doesn't teach grace and I am really shock about that!

    i thought they taught the whole bible, and the only way to get away from the teaching on grace is to cut out romans and Ephesians, hebrews out the bible !

    undeserved kindness sound like a man made offer of a person being polite or just having some kind of respect, that all, but grace is more than that!

    I talk with some other active JHW about grace before I enter this site and it seem like the two witness knew what I was talking about and respond greatly.

    They said they would come visit me ABOUT it but never showed up.

    I gave them a awesome analogy about grace and I did notice they were shocked and admitted the analogy is too good to be true!

    Maybe they got saved after hearing want I said about the grace analogy!


  • isaacaustin


    I would like to hear the analogy. :)

  • JWoods

    Evangalist1 - The ten post limit is temporary - it is raised after a while (& if the new poster is not a troll or whatever).

    Most of us here are ex-JWs of various religious notions. Many of us here are non-religious.

    Just as a curiousity - did you come here to learn about JWs, or to evangalize?

  • Terry

    Terry, take for example the statement about self being buried. This is certainly true of JW's (and many other religions). It is most certainly not true about many religions, including many Christian groups. Perhaps your statement was not intended to be as sweeping as I understood it, but it sounded to me (and I will freely admit that I've been wrong once or twice in the past

    How do I get you to give counter-examples when you disagree with me? See the bold black statement you made? Give examples.

  • evangelist 1
    evangelist 1

    Hello Isaacaustin

    The story was about a multi millionaire who came to you and just gave you 50 million dollars free just because he like you , and you accept the money and say what can I do to earn this money back to you and he says just take it free of charge it is my grace to you to also be a millionaire like me, so you ask how can I get to know you and he said just read the book I have about me which is the bible as such and you will also want to make other millionaire like yourself in a grace love to others and when you study this book you will learn more about me and why I do what I do for others, and the price I paid free for others to be rich with no works , merits and conditions, just accept and believe you who you are by me.

    This is what I told them in this way but there is more to the story which I will complete on youtube a´nd my web site.

    You can go to my web site and see what I am doing now or what I did about us a being a trinity image of God.


  • evangelist 1
    evangelist 1

    Hello jwoods

    I am here to get understanding in all my getting and to learn and keep the good and throw away the bad.

    I am not here to evangelizes because I have many more people to evangelize here in europe more than all the board together here!

    So please support my ministry by giving me good truth and good reasoning and understanding on certain thing with other group as well as JHW,

    BTW I am a pentecostal charismatic evangelist!


  • JWoods

    OK, that was about what I thought.

    This is a good place to learn understanding of the JW cult, probably though not a very likely place to evangalize or promote other non-JW interest web sites.

  • JeffT

    Terry for about twenty years post JW my wife and I attended Overlake Christian Church in Redmond, WA. Membership (and leadership) fluctuated a lot during that time frame but generally about six thousand people attended on Sunday. We also partnered with some other large (and small) churches in the area for various events, ranging from educational programs (I spoke several times about my experience as a JW), training, a men's conference, marriage workshops, and although I did not go, Promise Keepers. I came into contact with thousands of other Christians during this time. Most of those people made it quite clear that their profession of faith was based on their own conscience, not on the words of some man standing on the stage.

    I've engaged in a number of lively discussions on a wide range of topics with these people, a few were dogmatic, most were not. I twice shot down conversations to the effect that JW's can not become real Christians because they've sinned against the Holy Spirit. Both time I said something like "I was a JW and now I'm here." Both times the response was "I stand corrected."

    I can not not remember the topic, but one time the senior pastor at OCC started a comment with "This is my personal opinion, I don't want a bunch of you running out of here saying "Well Pastor Bob said...."

    When we were becoming members we were told that very few doctrinal matters are set in stone. Among mainstream Christians no one cares much about such matters. It is not all uncommon to find people in church on Sunday, who normally attend some where else but came in to hear a particular speaker or singer.

    I have stopped attending church for reasons of my own, but I'm still a Christian. I have never seen or experienced anything that I would calling "burying self."

  • evangelist 1
    evangelist 1

    Thanks Jwoods for that information!

    BTW are you now a christian ?


    i thought they taught the whole bible, and the only way to get away from the teaching on grace is to cut out romans and Ephesians, hebrews out the bible !
    undeserved kindness sound like a man made offer of a person being polite or just having some kind of respect, that all, but grace is more than that!.....Evangelest

    The WBT$ wrote it`s own Bible..

    They claim it`s better than anyone elses Bible..

    "Everyone elses Bible is Crap!!.."

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

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