do Jehovah witness teaches about grace and what it is?

by evangelist 1 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Heaven

    Yes I'M back!

    Yay! Oh I am very glad you're back. I was a bit worried we had put you off.

    Yes, you have the 10 posting limit so wasn't sure exactly when that was up. This is so any 'zealous' newbies don't hi-jack the threads and the board. If you stick around for a while you'll understand what I'm talking about. It let's you get used to the board and also forces you to not spend all your time posting here as we tend to do when we're new.

  • JWoods
    Thanks Jwoods for that information!
    BTW are you now a christian ?

    Like many here, I am a non-religious agnostic. I left the JW religion (I was an elder at the time) in 1979.

  • cattails

    I enjoyed your video very much E.1

    You're very easy to listen to and I liked

    the German translation of the English, too.

    Vielen Dank für Ihr Christian Programm.

  • evangelist 1
    evangelist 1

    Thanks cattail!

    I am glad you listen to it, and I hope you learn something new from it.

    It sort of explains the trinity in us and God and also how sins is not an issue , and what our born ahain spirit is like bfore God and why we know we are going to heaven as a christian and etc.

    It is the too good news of the gospel taught in a very simple way!

    I am glad you enjoyed them.

    DoN't know if you watch it from youtube or my web site?

    My next video will be about grace and what is and what it did!


    one love

  • Leolaia

    The JWs actually do teach a doctrine on grace, but it is not integrated with the rest of their belief system. So a JW could quite easily find a statement such as this in the literature:

    *** uw chap. 19 p. 149 What the Mosaic Law Means to You ***

    But we cannot earn salvation no matter how hard we work. No salvation from sin and death would be possible without the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Thus eternal life is a gift from God through Jesus Christ, an expression of extraordinary undeserved kindness and not payment for our works.

    Sounds pretty orthodox, right? But the JWs also teach simultaneously that you forfeit any chance at eternal life if you are judged when Armageddon comes, and that Armageddon is sure to come in our lifetime. So one must work to survive Armageddon, which in effect means that one must work for salvation. This is the message that is emphasized over and over and over again, not the other one. Here are some examples:

    *** w55 1/15 p. 44 Is Your Best Good Enough? ***

    Even our best is not always good enough, and we must improve. For example, in 1918, when Christ came to the temple, the anointed on earth were trying to do their best, but it was not good enough. Why, the Bible even says that if the tribulation of Armageddon had come then, no flesh would have been saved! But because the anointed were sincerely trying to do the best they knew how, Jehovah extended mercy, corrected them, purged them of wrong ideas, and allowed time for them to improve their service so that it would be acceptable. Their best had to become better before he could accept it.... So always do your best, and always try to make it better. Appreciate servants that encourage you to do more, to do better, rather than lull you into a false feeling of security by saying you are doing enough now and should be satisfied with that. Be diligent to make your present best better, for there is room for improvement until we become perfect, and full and complete perfection in Jehovah’s sight will not come to earth’s inhabitants until the end of Christ’s thousand-year reign. Then our best will always be good enough.

    *** w57 3/15 p. 176 Being Saved with Difficulty ***

    Do not entertain any desire for this world’s way of life, for that in effect will be treating lightly the undeserved kindness of Jehovah and missing its purpose. It puts one in a class with the sinners, ... and they will disappear into oblivion in the climax of judgment at Armageddon....Keep looking in one direction only, the direction of safety. Be like Paul in your concentration upon this one course. Leave everything of this old world behind you, and show yourself energetic in the New World interests and wholly concerned about them... As Christian soldiers in the grandest cause ever fought for we are called upon to take our part in suffering evil and enduring the hardships of the continuing fight right down to the very end. Then, and only then, comes our salvation. This is what is meant by “being savedwith difficulty.” How vital, then, to identify ourselves continuously and closely with Jehovah’s “righteous man” and the New World society! Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together for mutual incitement to love, intense love, and right works. Do not think you can take things easy, even for a temporary period. Guard well the treasured position of service with which you have been honored by the New World’s King.

    *** w59 7/15 p. 431 Exert Yourselves Vigorously as God’s Workmen ***

    Like the blacksmith, every minister of God is a workman. He is Jehovah’s workman....Will your work remain when exposed to the severe trials of today? When the battle of Armageddon strikes, is fought and won, will there be anything left to show that you have worked? Will what is left of your work bring you a reward from Jehovah? Happy the man who will then find that he has not labored in vain! .... These [godly] qualities he must forge not only in himself, but also in persons of good will who desire to belinked to the antitypical ark, the new system of things, and be saved with it through the fast-approaching great storm of Armageddon.

    *** w77 1/1 p. 17 Serving with the Faithful “Slave” ***

    Therefore, the “slave” class will continue to encourage all lovers of truth to put on, and keep on, “garments” that identify them as those who serve God with zeal and “in true righteousness and loyalty.” Such zealous, loyal service will keep us in the place of spiritual security now, and result in our being saved from destruction at Har–Magedon.

    *** km 2/81 p. 1 Congregation Meetings—Part IV: A Provision to Help Us Make Disciples ***

    What a grand privilege we have to engage in ‘publicly declaring’ the truth of God’s Word in a manner worthy of the “good news.” (Rom. 10:9, 10, 13, 14) If we appreciate that our salvation as well as that of those to whom we preach is at stake, we will be moved to share whole-souled in this lifesaving work.

    *** w95 9/1 p. 18 Christian Witnesses for Divine Sovereignty ***

    Since only genuine Christians share in the preaching of the good news, this important work helps to distinguish the true Christians from the false. (Malachi 3:18) In this way, it works for the salvationof those who preach as well as of those who respond.

    *** km 2/00 p. 6 Preaching the Good News With Strong Conviction ***

    Never forget that Jehovah is using the Kingdom message to bring salvation both to us who preach it and to those who listen. May the decisions that we make and our daily way of life prove that we put the Kingdom first. Let us continue preaching the good news with strong conviction!

  • evangelist 1
    evangelist 1

    Hello leolaia

    Do the JHW use grace to put fear on their people, and use convictions and condemnations of non works and self righteousness to mean grace??

    one love

  • designs


    The Watchtower Society uses Armageddon to instill fear like the Evangelicals use Hell Fire to instill fear.

    Wackjobs come in all Denominations........................

  • Heaven

    Do the JHW use grace to put fear on their people, and use convictions and condemnations of non works and self righteousness to mean grace??

    evangelist 1 ... the WTS uses 'undeserved kindness' (their version of 'grace') as well as convictions and condemnations to make their people feel unworthy of the gift of God (aka eternal life) in an attempt to push their members (JWs) to do MORE and MORE Field Serve-Us (handing out magazines) and meeting attendance (constant indoctrination).

    As a JW, you can NEVER do ENOUGH.

  • evangelist 1
    evangelist 1

    Do they get points for doing field service and have to register every sculp they get to get God maybe to accept them?

    Do they get rewards for getting more sculps, or do they come to a higher paradice level or can work their way to heaven like a good sales man?

    one love



    There is no "Grace" in Watchtower World..


    Only 144,000 JW`s go to Heaven..

    The rest of the JW`s live on earth forever.

    Getting new recruits is secondary,to working for and obeying the WBT$..

    No one gets a Reward,unless they have done enough for the WBT$..

    If you want to understand the WBT$..

    You have to stop thinking about Jesus and concentrate on the Watchtower..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

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