I like Judge Judy :-)
DO you follow any of these quacks, charlatans, liars, mystics or self-promoters?
by Terry 127 Replies latest jw friends
You missed it, Terry. Again, you tend to skim the reading and "hear" only what you want to hear.
Harper's Magazine had an excellent article a couple months ago on the "prosperity gospel". I will try to find it.
I'm with Outlaw and Sylvia.
Here's a quote you might consider, unless you also consider Lebanese poets writing in English charlatans:
"And how shall you rise beyond your days and nights unless you break the chains which you at the dawn of your understanding have fastened around your noon hour?
"In truth, that which you call freedom is the strongest of these chains, though its links glitter in the sun and dazzle your eyes."
John Doe
Terry, are you saying there really aren't little magic men in my computer making all the gizmos work?
Cold readers are actually quite amazing in their intuition and ability to read kinetics and such. I enjoy watching them as a psychological study.
I can duplicate cold reading to a tee, you ought to see me, as I'm quite intuitive and versed in kinetics myself, and also have a good understanding of psychology.
I could convince quite a few people that I'm psychic in no time, I'm sure.
Maybe I should consider that as a career...they seem to be doing well in spite of the recession. BEG
Ohhhhh man! My favorite section! Self Improvement!
I swear Terry we can write a best seller!
That's the trouble with debunking other people, you can seem to be recommending your philosophy instead and they're just competitors in the same market. LOL
I don't think Terry is doing that, he just has his own ideas about some things, which is more than I can say for some people who mainly use their heads for a hat rack.
When he starts asking for money, then we'll know he's starting his own religion or "new age philosophy". LOL
Terry has two boxes he puts everyone into. If you aren't in his box, you're in the wrong box! Did you have a "mystical" experience or something you might have called a spiritual event? Never mind what it was to you. To him you have to be placed in the non-reality box where only crazies and loonies are. Your personal experience is irrelevant and unimportant because, HE, didn't see it, touch it, taste it, feel it, or smell it.