So Christopher Hitchens is critical of the Dalai Lama's poor judgment?
Sheesh, Chris must be a barrel of laughs at parties !
by Terry 127 Replies latest jw friends
So Christopher Hitchens is critical of the Dalai Lama's poor judgment?
Sheesh, Chris must be a barrel of laughs at parties !
Christopher Hitchens is abrasive. But, he is intellectually honest.
Christopher Hitchens is abrasive. But, he is intellectually honest.
I agree, I love his debates, I may not agree with the man, and he tends to go "ad homen" a tad too much for my taste and far more bias than he admits to himself (probably), he makes great points and he is quite intelligent, not doubts about that.
I was actualy afraid to include Mother Theresa on my list because I can only risk my life j-u-s-t so much before the crazies do me in.
Were you aware of her very personal crisis of faith?
I gave them up for Lent.
Except Mother Theresa, after she died and her crisis of faith came to light I was interested in her.
Were you aware of her very personal crisis of faith?Yes. This was her "dark night of the soul", a phenomenon that describes a characteristic of a certain stage in one's spiritual growth. She was actually aware of this and was able to deal with it.
Dang, Terry, you lumped a huge variety of things under one umbrella without discrimination. Evidence is not always objective and when your thinking is too black and white, you will invariably miss something. I would not want you as an investigator of anything where the stakes were life or death.
Yes. This was her "dark night of the soul", a phenomenon that describes a characteristic of a certain stage in one's spiritual growth. She was actually aware of this and was able to deal with it.
One very strong woman, in all aspects.
I think Terry protests too much.
Nor do I follow this one:
Ayn Rand: Objectivism.
What about the Reverand Melissa Scott, Terry?