From Bethelite BIL Last Week: "Armageddon May Be Only Weeks Away"

by Hopscotch 74 Replies latest members private

  • jookbeard

    you should have said to your silly BIL that I'll bet you a large wager that the big A wont be here in months/years let alone weeks!

  • moogle

    Hello everyone - I'm Hopscotch's husband.

    I have watched my mother get old as my dear wife Hopscotch cared for her at an enormous expense to her freedom and health. Meanwhile my dickhead (DH) brother sat back with his equally DH wife offering corban in bethel with total disregard to the welfare or us and his own mother.

    In spite of the society's teachings, he utterly refused to even help part time to care for his own mother and was happy to do so at the expense of his brother and sister in law. The elders in the district and Hopscotchs own family all supported him and earned the title of Bethel Groupies - the health and welfare of Hopscotch, my mother and I was of no consequence so long as his lordship and madam could keep up the good work.

    My uncle says he has a word to describe people like my brother - Ars**ole. My uncle has never been a JW and now has utter contempt for them as does my Aunty.

    The good news is that every healthcare worker, doctor, etc within 10 kilometers that we've met knows what the JW's have done to us - the only people on the face of this earth willing to care for my mother while the WT machine works overtime making excuses for scum like Mr and Mrs DH.

    I value your comments on Hopscotch's post - she is an amazing woman and displays a lot more Christian qualities than any JW I have known.

    Cheers to you all.

    Moogle the Hubby of Hopscotch.

  • Hopscotch

    jookbeard - Yes that would be easy money for me!


  • ziddina

    Mmmmm.... Yes, your brother-in-law [DickHead] sure sounds like a tool...

    But, is it possible he's telling her a deliberate lie to cheer her up?? Just wondering...

    Of course she won't see "Armageddon", but perhaps that 'carrot' is as good as morphine, since she's been 'taking the WTBTS drug' for so long...

    Just a thought...

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Just got on the board this evening and read this. I wondered why I kept tasting coconuts today.

    P.S. Moogle........Welcome to the board. Hope to see you post more.

    Think About It

  • leavingwt

    Moogle -- Welcome to these parts! Great to see you, here.

  • dinah

    Bring your ass, Jehovah! I've waited for you my whole life, you masochist, drop dead god.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Damn it I had one more payment on the car!!!!! I guess I can piss away my savings and credit cards.......I'm going to VEGAS BABY!!!!!!!!

  • Georgiegirl

    Yes, but if you calculate a few weeks...that's 7 days times 3 weeks which is 21. now, a day for a year means 21 years. Beginning the count from the end of generation that saw the generation that saw 1914, and it should be here......imminently.


    Lots of good thoughts and appreciation to you both for your unselfishness and kindness over the years.

  • Heartbreaker

    Moogle, your post coming after Hop's in support of her brought tears to my eyes. What a great husband, hope you stick around to post more.

    Hop? My mom took care of my MIL and her parents at the same time, off and on for a few years only. She would move her parents out and into a home, ask the congregation members to help, and they would...but mostly it was my husband and I and my sister. They'd move out, back to the house, to the hospital, back to the house, to their own house, to an apartment, to a nursing home, to the hospital. I wish I were kidding. And with all those moves, there was so much bitching and moaning about how it was taking away her freedom and her life. I cannot express to you how much respect I lost for her, but also her two brothers that just about refused to help with anything (one total refused, but the other would help MINIMALLY). I admire you for all you've done for your MIL, it takes a strong person!

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