From Bethelite BIL Last Week: "Armageddon May Be Only Weeks Away"

by Hopscotch 74 Replies latest members private

  • exwhyzee

    I say what's the harm in letting your MIL have this little glimmer of hope. It may be the only thing that makes her present condition bearable. Out of kindness I'd just remind her that like the sparrow she is being looked after.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Welcome Moogle :) Has anybody pointed out to these idiots that EVEN THE SON KNOWS NOT THE DAY NOR THE HOUR????

    Watching world events my ass. 7 million people praying to their evil god that he will destroy the planet so they can stop going to these cockameemie worthless meetings and pounding on the doors of people who dont give a flying frick and get on with their lives.

  • teel
    I've said this before on another thread somewhere quite recently, owrth repeating thoguh (I think)
    What part of "...... do not know the day or the hour, not even the Son of Man" do they not understand?

    Jesus evidently meant to say that his followers would know the week.


    The sky is falling!!!!!


  • StAnn

    Hopscotch, if it's any consolation, I've had an extremely similar experience. But my siblings lived in the same town! They were too busy pioneering to care for my mother.

    JWs are uncaring hypocrites.

    Thank you for treating her with love.


  • Scott77

    On a side note - during these last 6 months since her fall my BIL never called me once to enquire after his mother, instead got ones in the congregation to ring me or visit her and pass the message on to him. Now that my MIL is in the nursing home my BIL rings her more frequently. (My cynical side says that he has to appear to be a good JW son now that there are 'worldly' people taking care of her).


    After reading part of the story above, I can say it grieves me to see the callous mistreatment of our parents in their old age. The son could do the right thing by retiring from Bethel in order to call for his ailing mother.

  • elderelite

    just out of curiosity, retire from bethel and do "what" exactly, to take care of her? He has spent 30 some years in volunteer service. Who would hire him? where would he live? what in the world could he do? he would be more of a burden than a help. Better to let him stay and be a big fish in a little pond.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    It's almost three weeks now. Another failed prophecy from Bethel.

    I predict that armageddon won't arrive before my test tomorrow, so I better go study.

  • aquagirl

    Told my sister{a full blooded dub}the same thing last week.I said,Im 167 years old,and Ive been hearing that armageddon is very near since I was born!!!She said,"So you can just imagine how close it is NOW"?!!!!!!!! Its like talking to a wad of gum on the ground.

  • Snoozy

    Doomsday cometh... You too have time to buy your survival in one of these super dooper shelters.

    Some are going for as little as $50,000. a small price for the protection from Armageddeon...

    Live in the "Lap of Luxury" on doomsday!

    In this clip they show the old "Duck and Cover" bull we were taught in grade school when I was little..laughable...

    Look at this "Paradise below"


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