From Bethelite BIL Last Week: "Armageddon May Be Only Weeks Away"

by Hopscotch 74 Replies latest members private

  • teel
    you should have said to your silly BIL that I'll bet you a large wager that the big A wont be here in months/years let alone weeks!

    Someone on this forum had this idea: pressure the person to commit that the big A will come in at least the next two decades. Then tell him you pay him $100 (or $500 or something you consider worth it) now if he comes to an attorney to sign a paper telling he sells you his house after 20 years, for $1. This is not a bet, so he can't decline saying he doesn't gamble. Armageddon will come before that, so he has nothing to lose.

    Edit: never mind, I just realized he's a bethelite... he's probably broke and has no means to support himself, or where to live outside Bethel.

  • sir82

    Now do those "few weeks" overlap with other "weeks"?

    Or maybe he means "weeks of years"!

  • snowbird

    Armageddon is not happening until after those 3 and 1/2 years of oppression/tribulation for Christians!

    Tell him that.


  • hotspur

    I've said this before on another thread somewhere quite recently, owrth repeating thoguh (I think)

    What part of "...... do not know the day or the hour, not even the Son of Man" do they not understand?

    Wish I knew what Mind Control was all about years ago!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    JustHuman14 said, "it has been only weeks away since 1874..."

    That's right - more than 7,000 weeks, and counting...

  • LockedChaos


    was yesterdays


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    They don't even know their own doctrine. As Sylvia said, there is a great tribulation that is going to happen first and things are going to really suck for the "true" Christian during that time period. Important to remind anyone who says Armageddon is soon that the GT has to come before it.

  • Gayle

    Mom got cancer and she was told the new world was coming soon, in a short time, weeks, around the corner. She died in 1970. We (5 kids) were told she will be resurrected soon, in a short time, weeks, around the corner. We have all left the organization with their very false 'good news.'

  • joelingeorgia

    its a drug. reality is very difficult. life is harsh. we all escape in our own way. some use "the hope" that "the end is near" to relieve some of the

    pain of reality.

  • BluesBrother

    Hopscotch and Moogle, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance through the keyboard and I warm to your good nature. There are sadly more than one or two "Bethel Bil's aka "Richard Head" in that organisation.... Part of the blame must lie with the Organisation that lays such a kudos on the "privilege of Bethel Service" ...I loved Moogle's little reference to "Corban service" (Mark 7: 11).

    I will mention also that I have known more than one Special pioneer or Missionary that came home to care for their parents..but for every one that does, I guess there are those who do not.

    You sound great people..Keep Posting !

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