Well, the BIL from the OP is at the three week mark. Still no signs of the great tribulation, let alone Armageddon that supposedly follows it.
From Bethelite BIL Last Week: "Armageddon May Be Only Weeks Away"
by Hopscotch 74 Replies latest members private
Sigh.... this thread is so bitter sweet. So much has gone on in the last six years, so much water under the bridge both in the macro and the micro..... but one thing that hasnt happened.
The big A is still 'just around the corner', but damn sure isnt here.
I was just trying to explain this to my now 15 year old daughter last night. Shes worried that i will die because im not a believer. Such a goddamn mess of things this cult makes... but still no armageddon of course.
My fanatical, dyed in the wool J.W. mother said the same thing on her deathbed..............that was over 16 years ago. She died in the Spring of 2000.
So 2010 was another 1975? (And 1925, and 1914....) Huh.
Weeks away? How did it go? Did Armageddon(tm) arrive invisibly(tm)?
They have to ratchet up the FOG (Fear, Obligation, Guilt) to try and get new converts... uuuuhhh... hmmm. This used to work but maybe not so much anymore.
Disgusting thing
Destruction of BtG
And somewhere in between cry of peace and security
I am sorry to hear about your MIL. What ever happened to the scripture that says something along the lines of..."no one knows the day or the hour." How the hell does your stupid BIL know it is only weeks away. What a bunch of crazies.
wasn't the declaration of Peace and Security made in 1986?
I just realized the original post was 6 years ago. I am laughing at myself. So it's "just weeks away" and NOW it's 6 years later. Funny!