From Bethelite BIL Last Week: "Armageddon May Be Only Weeks Away"

by Hopscotch 74 Replies latest members private

  • karter

    Hopscotch,Moogle you too deserve a BIG hug and much more.

    Saddly i can relate to your situation ...And it ain't nice.

    Tell your BIL the big A is just around the corner .........of a round building.


  • straightshooter

    A lovely elderly couple I knew years ago were told to just hang on for the new world when the wife because seriously ill. They both died some thirty years ago without walking into that new world. Because of the new generation explanation, the holy spirit has revealed to the WTS that Armageddon is still many years away.

  • Mary
    Hopscotch said: When my husband asked her how the ones in Bethel know that her reply was that they keep a very close eye on world events and they can see how close Armageddon is now. "It's definitely only weeks away".

    Your brother in law works in the Writing Department at Crooklyn? Next time you talk to the dickhead, ask him why the Writing Department----I mean, the faithful and discreet slave felt it necessary to change yet again, their definition of what "this generation" means if the Big A is only "weeks away". It doesn't surprise me in the least that your b-i-l never bothered to lift a finger in taking care of his mother. After all, what's more important: Taking care of your own or having prominence and position?

    Gayle said: Mom got cancer and she was told the new world was coming soon, in a short time, weeks, around the corner. She died in 1970. We (5 kids) were told she will be resurrected soon, in a short time, weeks, around the corner.

    Yep. My sister died in 1970 too. The elders told my parents that they "might have to wait 5 years" before they saw her again. My parents of course were told that none of us kids would go to school and my grandmother was told in the early 1930s about how close Rutherfraud's Armageddon was. She'd never see old age! Not in this System of Things!! She's been dead now for over a decade.

    snowbird said: Armageddon is not happening until after those 3 and 1/2 years of oppression/tribulation for Christians!

    Paaaaahhh......Don't you know you're scriptures snowbird? Those 3 1/2 years of tribulation was referring to when Rutherfraud & Co. got their sorry asses flung into prison for Sedition. Or was it the 3 1/2 years from when Jesus returned invisibly to when he 'chose' the moronic Bible Students as his "Slave"?? Or maybe it had something to do with the 1922 Cedar Point Ohio ASSembly........We just know it has something to do with the WTS though.

    And welcome to the board Moogle!!

  • snowbird

    LOL at Mary!

    I never believed that Rutherford & Co's imprisonment fulfilled any Bible prophecy!

    Out of all the people that have been unjustly imprisoned, why them?!



  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The latest word is that Armageddon is closer than the inside of my pants.

  • Hopscotch

    Thanks for your kind replies. I would like to respond to you all but I will do so in batches so this post is not too long.

    ziddinia: That was one of the things I thought of, that he was trying to cheer her up. But it could also have been said out of desperation and denial not to mention feeling guilty.

    dinah: Well said

    Witness 007: Have fun in Vegas! It's funny thinking back how many times I heard a JW say of the new car they just purchased "This one will last me until Armageddon", or "Armageddon will be here long before I have to finish paying this off".

    Georgiegirl: lol at your calculations. Thanks for your kind thoughts.

    Heartbreaker: Thanks for your kind words. What an awful time for you went through yourself with your mother. When it comes to the crunch many JWs don't want to actually to the work of caring for the elderly.

    Bethelite Elder: Yes it's true so many JWs believe anything their told if it comes from the society, especially if it comes from a Bethelite.

    man in black: Yes moogle really is a nice guy and great hubby.

    crazycate: I have thought the same thing many many times, especially since my own family (father, brother sister and their tribes) started shunning me 18 months ago. I am that evil in their eyes that they will not have anything at all to do with me and yet it's ok for me to be the carer of my JW mother in law who's Bethelite son also now shuns us. Thanks for your kind thoughts.

    And last but not least

    Dearest moogle: Thank you for your love, support and gratitude. I too hope we end up spending more years together away from JWs than we did as JWs.


  • brinjen

    Yep, armageddon is only weeks away... and any day now there will be a mass resignation in my department at work on account of our syndicate entry into the lottery which is going to pay out big time for us. It's gonna happen... the one-eyed pixie that guards my bedroom balconey from the underwear gnomes told me so. wacky

  • agonus

    Well, with Ray and Ted's deaths in the same week, an armageddon of sorts may be happening to the WT...


  • agonus

    Ray and Ted's deaths in the same week? The perfect aposta-storm. Dubs got nowhere to hide now...

  • Hopscotch

    Thanks again everyone and here is the next batch of my responses.

    cyberjesus: Good to see that you are preparing yourself for the gory mess after the big A! lol

    designs: Maybe but then again maybe not. According to JW's paradise is coming to a place near you very very soon so you won't need to go anywhere for your vacation!.

    JustHuman14: Theymust be very long weeks. I just thought maybe they got mixed up with weeks on the planet Venus. A week on that planet is around 1700 Earth days (243 x 7). So if you go by Venus weeks then I guess it only has been about 27 weeks since their pronouncement in 1874. Just over 6 months. Yes it seems that is what they did. Silly WTS!

    Heaven: It's funny it was around this time last year that your dad said they were saying the same thing. Maybe it's to do the DC season. Getting the Bethel troops fired up before they go out to the conventions with their ridiculous pronouncements such as the latest 'new light' on the generation thing.

    fokyc: Yikes. Hopefully it's as they say 'a low probability'.

    Quandry: moogle and I sometimes wonder how his brother can sleep at night knowing how he has treated his family. We think surely he must have twinges of conscience over it.

    teel: When it comes to the crunch it would be hard to find a JW to take you on. As much as they try to kid themselves about the end coming real soon, deep down I'm sure they have doubts. And as far as my BIL in Bethel not having a house or means to support himself, he really has no need. He is living a millionaire lifestyle at the average publishers expense.

    sir 82: I never thought of that. Maybe the weeks do overlap! lol

    sacolton: I'm sure you'll enjoy tasting those coconuts!!

    snowbird: I was wondering myself how they expect Babylon the Great to fall and the Great Tribulation to have come and gone all in the next few weeks before Armageddon supposedly comes.

    hotspur: That is what my husband said to his mother. How can they be saying things like that and then say the Bible says no one knows the day or the hour.


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