From Bethelite BIL Last Week: "Armageddon May Be Only Weeks Away"

by Hopscotch 74 Replies latest members private

  • Bethelite Elder
    Bethelite Elder

    Hey, you should take this very seriously, because the end is so close---------the society has stop building new compounds upstate. Ooops, I am wrong about that. Ain't it funny how the friends will believe anything.

  • man in black
    man in black

    Moogle the Hubby of Hopscotch.

    You sound like a nice guy and a great husband standing by your lady,

    By the way, your name is pretty cool - sounding also.

  • crazycate

    The "brothers and sisters" and your husband's own brother, are very happy to have you take care of this situation while they do nothing. Meanwhile, they will have nothing to do with you. Why, if you are so horrible, don't they take care of your MIL so she isn't exposed to your baneful influence? I am sorry that you are being treated this way, and hope the fact that you did something so kind, loving and generous gives you peace. You and your husband are obviously very good people.

  • moogle

    Thank you for making me feel welcome on this forum and for your kind words about Hoppy and I. It helps us keep our chin up as we live in isolation from our JW families who have labelled us as apostates. Our crime? We stopped going to meetings and had the audacity of asking a few very difficult questions for which there was no answer. But it appears that it is ok to totally neglect the welfare of your mother as long as it is in the service of Jehovah - how delusional. Mindless stupidity?

    My brother may have told my mother the end was only a few weeks away to cheer her up as Ziddina suggested - don't know. But the next few weeks will come and go and she will still be sitting there in the nursing home she has for the last 40 odd years. No wonder there is such a high level of mental illness in the JW organisation. A life time of unfulfilled hopes and expectations giving way to old age and, as they stare death in the eyes, a fearful expectation of something they were told would never effect them glares back - the grim reaper is at the doorstep. How sad that must be. How sad to think a life time of service to an organistion may have been a total waste - an exercise in futility.

    Any how, Hopscotch and I will be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary in November - if we don't get swept away when the Big A hits in the next few weeks. I just hope we can share more years together as non-jw's than the 20 we spent together as jw's.

    Hopscotch has always been there for us (my son and I). She has always been there for my mother, and she was always there for her own fleshly family. They (the jw side) took and they took and they took - now they don't want to know her. I suppose there is a good side to this parasitical arrangement-it ended. To discard such a kind and caring person who gave so much to her family epitomises the culture of the organisation from the top down. How lucky we are to have left. How unlucky they are for what they gave up for their stupid religion.

    Cheers from the man with the cool name (thank you man in black)...Moogle.

  • cyberjesus

    Arm-aggedon is so close that I watch serial killer and gory movies so I get used to see dead bodies all over the place.

  • designs

    Should I rebook my vacation..........

  • JustHuman14

    it has been only weeks away since 1874...

  • Heaven

    Last week my MIL told my husband that his bethelite brother had rung and told her that "Armageddon may only be weeks away now". x

    Yeah. The Society (that's what my Dad calls them) was sayin' this last year... right around this time, too. Sooo... is a year considered 'soon'... uh... 'imminent'... or 'on our doorstep'? Not in my book.

    Welcome aboard, Moogle! It is difficult to see our loved ones getting older. We know that one day they will be gone. It is good that you are looking after your Mom. You won't have any regrets. As for your brother, he may.

  • fokyc

    Maybe; just maybe they are right!

    And the forecast is … severe storm 93 million miles away, followed by death and destruction

    "Now, senior scientists at Nasa are warning of another cataclysmic force from the heavens about to decimate life as we know it."

    "But a "perfect storm" of a large hyper-charged ball of plasma and energy on a course to Earth at the speed of light could overwhelm the planet's defences and cause an unprecedented global economic disaster, according to a Nasa-funded study by the Washington-based National Academy of Sciences."

  • Quandry

    Welcome, Moogle.

    Love to you and your wife. You are the kind of people that show real Christian love. The WTS twists the word. They talk about the parable of the good neighbor but then show their real stand by the treatment of their own families.

    You and your wife have the sweet sleep, and good conscience, knowing that you've done all you could to care for your mother. When she is gone, there will be no regrets that you should have done more. There will be just good memories of the time that you spent together. Your brother will not have that.

    On a side note....just to pick.....perhaps you could write down the date of this "pronouncement" from your brother. Call him in a few weeks and tell him Mom is anxious...where is it?

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