I was an elder when I awoke and saw it all for what it is..
If I had dropped all of it "cold turkey" then I would have have been prey to too many searching questions from the family and the other elders. I felt it wiser to prepare the way, sow seeds, let them know that I was "having problems" "I cannot reconcile the beliefs anymore" etc....During these months I had to carry on and I felt terrible. The worst kind of person is a hypocrite, and that is what I was .
As soon as believable, I wrote a letter of resignation and held firm to the decision despite their attempts to dissuade me (funny how they did not mind my stated disbelief, I was still wanted on the body) ..When the C/O came he wanted me off anyway, so I was free of all the hassle...I was off the treadmill and I felt GREAT !..I still had my marriage intact and am not d/f'd so I count that as a successful strategy