To the Household of Dog

by AK - Jeff 117 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    You like that? I made that up myself!


  • OnTheWayOut

    Jeff, I fully understand why the all-powerful, all-benevolent, all-knowing, all-wise one would not answer to anyone who doesn't know his name. He knows it is just impolite. Of course people should put trust in someone on an obscure web forum from ex-members of an insignificant religion that sounds nearly (or more) disturbed than the current members of that same insignificant religion. I am certain that if there were such a Unholy None of Hades (or even a Holy of Heaven) he would operate in such a manner.

    In all creation, the one who knows his name would be extra special and fake humility in order to spread that name to the other ex-members of the insignificant religion who happen to click on the threads on the obscure web forum. But at least a couple of people would believe or pretend to believe that the special one is the genuine article, and say that they have had similar experiences with the Unholy one.

    The Unholy One will have to find a way to make sure you feed your dog. Maybe he will contact you via that package he told me to mail.

    Anyway, may you have a piece of cake.

    I am proud that my work here was accomplished. Many people see clearly thru a line of BS.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    As my old friend Red Skelton used to say 'Good Night and may AUHSEHAJ HAJAHCISIM bless'.

    Or to that effect.



  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Peace to you OTWO, and to your blessed thoughts on this matter, Amen and Amen.

    May AUHSEHAJ HAJAHCISIM bless and keep you.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Oh, BTW, OTWO - oops, forgot to say peace to you in my greeting. DAMMIT!

    Peace to you, OTWO, and may AUHSEHAJ HAJAHCISIM bless you. I have been 'permitted' to continue discussion with you on this matter. AUHSEHAJ HAJAHCISIM knows that you need to know, and I know you need to know, and you know you need to know, and we all know you need to know. So, know you shall if you wish it to be - peace and amen, a thousand amens and peace.

    As you can see though, I am not permitted to enbolden your designation in the same paragraph as the name of AUHSEHAJ HAJAHCISIM. This I am not permitted to do. Under pain of death? I know not, but I shall zealously guard my boldface type in the name of AUHSEHAJ HAJAHCISIM.

    Peace to you.


  • ziddina


    I like it....

    It combines the words "invoke", "vodka", and "cat", with a "Socrates" ending...


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Yes. I do believe it is a fine word! Can I patent that word. Where is the word-patent office I muse?


  • OnTheWayOut

    Thanks for pleading with AUHSEHAJ HAJAHCISIM for my salvation. (Or is it damnation? I am so confused.) Could you imagine the all-powerful, all-benevolent, all-knowing, all-wise one wasting time actually telling you how to deal (or stop dealing with) me? It would really honor me to put ignoring me ahead of helping children in traumatic situations around the world or ahead of preventing unnecessary killings.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    May the Great Vodka Spirit teach us all! For it is written 'Upon the donkey we shall all ride on our asses'.

    Some more than others.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Damnation and Salvation are one and the same, OTWO.

    I plead for your Damnvation. Another word invented for this religion of AUHSEHAJ HAJAHCISIM.

    Peace be with you.


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