A "Funny" Thing Happened On the Road to Damascus...

by AGuest 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lozhasleft

    I have to say ...and this is not me taking sides cos of my beliefs/opinions nor anyone else's....given a choice between spending an hour with Wing Commander who comes across as such a presumptuous and bitterly angry man, or Aguest or Watersprout I would definitely choose the latter two for calm, kind and decent company.

    Loz x

  • thenoblelodge

    Well, well, well Wingcommander you certainly know how to throw your dummy out the pram.

    Why don't you join in the discussion instead of hurling vile accusations out. I thought this forum was for discussion, I didn't think it was to analyze peoples mental state in such a cruel and awful manner.

    I have spoken to Shelby via pm's and e-mail and she seems more than normal to me. I know Watersprout personally and she is certainly very normal.

    I am also one of those ******* loons, as you call us, and my husband thinks I'm wonderful and also very, very normal.

    I think what you write says a lot about you and I do feel so sad that you carry so much anger. There are quite a few of you now that think it is quite normal to attack people that have a faith in God and His Son. This seems such a problem to you....why?

    Miseryloves elders - Your still an active Elder, am I right........hmmm makes mental note of being so happy that I was never in his congregation.

    I wish you all peace.

    Mad Sweeny Yes it would be nice if certain ones could have a discussion without being so vile.

  • booby

    9 As a perfect human, Jesus could have concluded that he, like Adam, had the potential for fathering a perfect race. However, Jesus never desired such a future because it was not Jehovah's will for him. God had sent Jesus to the earth to fulfill the role of the promised Seed, orMessiah. This included Jesus' sacrificing his perfect human life. (Read Isaiah 53:5, 6, 12.)

    Hey AGuest or watersprout. What do you think of this from the august watchtower. My question would be that if what they are saying here makes sense, would it not follow that Jesus would be free of any desire that was not within Jehovah's will for him. Surely Jehovah's will for me does not include sinning against him. So why do I?

  • tec

    Booby - You didn't ask me, but I thought I'd comment just the same :)

    With Jesus' free will, he chose/desired to do the will of his Father, even if that meant something he wanted would be denied.

    Sometimes I might want some things, but if they are against God's will... then I don't want Him to grant me them. His will comes first (in reality) as well as for me, over my own will.


  • tec

    Oh, and Loz -

    Shelby is a kind and generous person. There are many who would miss her if she was not here, including me.


  • Lozhasleft

    Yep Tammy I would for sure.

    Loz x

  • booby

    tec = you then commit no sin?

  • RubaDub
    "Jesus" is an English name... taken from the Latin...


    I beg to differ on Jesus being an English name.

    Jesus is actually a Puerto Rican name.

    Rub a Dub

  • miseryloveselders

    Miseryloves elders - Your still an active Elder, am I right........hmmm makes mental note of being so happy that I was never in his congregation.

    I wish you all peace.

    Ohh geez. TheNobleledge stop taking yourself so seriously. This is a message board forum, and regardless of whatever differing views all of us might have, you have to admit WingCommander's post was hilarious. To read that early in the morning when I clocked in made my day. Funny as ever. Few things in this world are as humorous as belligerence. For the record Shelby is alright with me, but so is WingCommander. They're debating and going back and forth, and I find these debates humorous. Get over yourself for crying out loud.

    By the way I'm glad you've never been in my congregation either, cuz I sort of get the feeling you're one of those nuts that bounces from congregation to congregation. Elder bodies usually cringe when ones like you show up because the hall was peaceful and problem free until the overly sensitive hormonal nut with a million problems just showed up talking about the last hall she was in didn't have enough love in it. Retards are kinda like vampires in the sense that they avoid looking in the mirror. That and they suck your emotions and drain you just like vampires suck blood.

  • Inkie

    Rub a Dub: Balgame dios! Jesus Christ is English, Jesucristo es puertoriqueno. Just kidding and having fun. --Inkie

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