What is Grace? well, what the question is really is "What is GOD's Grace that was given to us through Jesus".
It is a gift andliek any gift, it does NOT come with strings attached, but liek any gift, it must be received and we receive it when we have love in our hearts, without Love there is no Grace because grace IS love.
Grace is a word used to describe God's love for us, see, God loves us, he loves as with all God's very being, that love is NOT earned by Us for that is impossible, it is given freely by God.
God can love us no more or no less because God's love. like God, is "all powerful".
Paul said it well, "I know what is right, yet I do what is wrong" and that is WHY God has given us Grace via Jesus, because we KNOW what is right but do what is wrong only g race can save us.
WHen Love abides in US, Grace abides in Us and God and Jesus live within us via the Holy spirit and this union with us is what motivates us out of sheer love and NOTHING else, to do good works, works of love and caring.
Not because we have to, not because we want soemthing for it, not because we will be saved because of what we do, NO, not because of anything OTHER than LOVE.
Where love is, grace abounds and the reason is that grace is love and love is grace.