Ground Zero Mosque

by minimus 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Sharpie didn't read the prior posts.


    Post 1497 of 1499
    Since 2/21/2006

    How soon could a Japanese shrine be set up in Pearl Harbor area after WWII??

    Within about 6 years.

    After the Pear Harbor attack, federal officials closed it and sent its priest back to Japan. But by late 1947, its adherents started it up again, without any fanfare or New York mosque hollering and posturing. Then a year later, federal officers raided it, shut it down, and Washington confiscated the property as alien-owned.

    The law firm Robertson, Castle & Anthony filed suit against U.S. Attorney General Tom Clark, the state of Hawaii and the Federal Alien Land Office. The case was heard in federal court May 18, 1950, and the ruling was that Uncle Sam had to return the land and back off. The high priest, Misao Isobe, was allowed to come back from Japan in 1952 as the Shinto leader.

  • cyberjesus
    the importation of slaves was largly an jewish enterprize


  • minimus

    Everything goes back to the Jews? Stupid reasoning.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    How's this analogy?
    After the WTS destroyed your family because of their religious fanaticism, how would you like a KH being built next door to you?

    Ding, for your analogy to be a parallel, instead of a KH, the building would need to be more like a Catholic church. Both JWs and Catholics claim to follow Christ but JWs do not represent all of Christianity. Likewise, radical Muslim terrorists do not represent all of Islam.

    So let's change it a bit: After the WTS destroyed your family because of their religious fanaticism, how would you like a Catholic church being built next door to you?

  • minimus

    Why does a mosque HAVE to go there in the first place??

  • ninja

    instead of reacting....think

    why are the powers that be riling people up with this stuff?

    and wasn't no muslim that did 9/11.......not even tim osman

  • undercover

    My opinion...

    I don't much care for the Islam faith, (but then again these days I don't much care for the Christian faith). But I live in a country that gives religious freedom to ALL. So even though I personally may not like the JWs building a KH in my neighborhood or the Muslims building a mosque near GZ, their constitutional rights trumps my prejudices.

  • tec

    Much better analogy Sweetbaby!

    I think I'm going to buy a Qur'an. Just so I have some sort of knowledge of what it says, what it teaches, so I'm not blind in these types of conversations.


  • minimus

    Ninja, your point?

  • ninja

    you work it out...who was tim osman?

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