Should/Can I turn them in?

by AwSnap 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • AwSnap

    What are my options? I have recently found out that someone close to me is receiving Medicaid and in the process of getting food stamps. This is so unfair and annoying. No health issues keeping them from working. They are both healthy, and so is their child. The husband has done only one type of work his whole working life (he's only 30)....this type of work has slowed down quite a bit. Yet he will not seek other types of employment. The wife had a steady, full time position at a bank. When their baby was born, it broke the wife's heart to be away from the baby. She gave up money and health insurance to be a stay-at-home mom and auxillary pioneer.

    Which is fine....except the dad is making no effort to be employed. All he has ever been concerned with is having a rock hard body, to look good in the congregation (Hes a ministerial servant), have a wife that obeys him, and have everyone know how awesome he is.

    Let me reiterate: Its not that there are no jobs available. And I'm not speaking of fast food joints (not that there's anything wrong with that ) These two people are not making any effort to find work. They do not have health insurance and have ordered food stamps.

    Should I just let this go? Is there anything I could say or do about it? I know lots of people do this, but these 2 people are so healthy and able bodied...its just not right. Not right at all.

  • asilentone

    If it was me, I would not get involved with their business.

  • sabastious

    It's up to US government to uncover fraudulent use of their services, not yours.


  • leavingwt
    Should I just let this go?


  • EndofMysteries

    How do you know if they are or not making an effort to look for work?

    If you disliked the judging that goes on with JW's, your becoming what you hated.

  • AwSnap

    Im sure I won't actually do or say anything. But I really feel like it. EndofMysteries, its someone I'm related to. I've heard the same version of what's going on from different people. Personally, I am being shunned so I do not have firsthand knowledge.

    I just get so irritated hearing about JW's who are playing the system. It drives me nuts

  • MinisterAmos

    OMG! They are worse than BONNIE and CLYDE for accepting those entirely legal benefits!

    Are you jealous or something?

  • breathing

    i get rankled when i see jws being all happy with family and friends i no longer talk too, it really sucks, when i have felt so hurt and rejected by them,

    BUT dont be like them, and judge people like they do, you have left that religion behind, let them get on with it and put your energies into your own life, thats what i am trying to do, its hard it really is , but i think its the only way to go,

  • AwSnap

    Not saying its illegal, but unethical.

    Yes, I'm jealous. But only a little bit. I'm still willing to work my butt off for everything my family has.

    To be honest, I'm sick with a cold today and am stuck in bed. Too much time to think.

  • MinisterAmos

    So leave it alone and move on; associate with people who share your values.


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