I always have had a soft spot for the Devil
I HATE this religion
by brotherdan 388 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
(I just got to page 3...)
OOOOOOOO!!! KurtBethel had the absolute BEST response for your 5-year-old son's question!!!
"Because they teach people to be hateful there and they are teaching mommy to not love me any more."
As a woman, I don't discount PPD
not one bit, I have carried a child and gave birth
Did I suffer from PPD, who knows, cause I went back
to work after six weeks, and between a full time job
and takin' care of a new born I was to busy to know.
but between them both, it did not leave me anytime to
plot and plan against my man or hang out In bars with freinds
Dan if you get your family back, your wife may need to get a job
don't know if it will help but she should try something contructive first before
she do something destructive like separating the fam.
LOL at both Ziddina and WasBlind.
You two are a hot mess, but you tell it like it is!
LOL, WasBlind!! And Sylvia!!
But seriously, folks...
Brother Dan's wife - that chick WORRIES me, man!!! Let me see if I've gotten an accurate viewpoint of her behavior...
She marries Bro Dan 'cause they're "soulmates"??? I suspect that the fact he was this nice, "theocratic" BETHEL brother, may have had quite a bit to do with it...
You've heard of "trophy" wives??? Well, in JW land, there are also "TROPHY" husbands...
So, she marries this "spiritual" guy, and then SHE'S out partying with worldly people???? Yeah, that's REAL "spiritual" of her... I'd say, "HYPOCRITICAL", myself...
Flagrant, complacent hypocrites have MAJOR mental issues, man...
Anyway, so here she is, in a marriage that she can 'brag' about - to her JW friends - while she gets to "play" on the edges... NIIIIIIICE arrangement!! for HER!!!
She doesn't have to work... She's got the perfect little JW set-up; plenty to brag about at the KH... AND!!! She still gets to "play worldly" on the weekends!!!
So BroDan has a REAL "crisis of conscience", and her pretty little party world is upset. At the same time, however, SHE SUDDENLY BECOMES THE "THEOCRATIC" one in the marriage - at least, according to the Watchtower Society...
So, also "suddenly", she gains an unbelievable amount of "POWER". SHE's allied with "Jehovah"; SHE's the injured martyr; SHE's the "spiritually strong one" [ah, HAH HAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAHAAAAAAA! Whew!!! THAT was a good one!]
And she's swinging that 'club' for all she's worth...
I still say she needs a good dose of reality - even "reality" - Watchtower-style. If she were put on public reproof - or better yet, disfellowshipped - for her worldly ways, I think it might wake her up...
If I'd been in Brother Dan's shoes, I would have done a little planning.... Heh, heh, heh, heh... Before I became so sick of the meetings that I couldn't stand another one without upchucking, I'd have established myself as a really "spiritual" brother - coast on the Bethel thing, whatever...
THEN I would have brought my concerns to the elders - my wife associates with worldly people; doesn't study the publications like she should, isn't focusing on raising her chidren properly - which could stumble OTHERS who observed her behavior... Etc, etc...
That course of action would have totally cut off this act of hers - "Oh, I'm just SO SPIRITUAL and now I have to CARRY THIS HEAVY BURDEN of raising the children in "THE TROOTH" - all that would have gone "POOOF!" if Brother Dan had laid a little groundwork...
This is why I hate romance novels and to a certain extent, even the notion of "romance"... People need to see humanity for what it really is; that way, they can out-maneuver such BRAZEN behaviors and sometimes even prevent them from occurring in the first place...
But, unfortunately, Brother Dan thought that his wife loved him more than whatever weird head-trip is buzzing between her two ears...
I hate to say it, but I've gotten the impression that she loves "power" more than she loves Brother Dan...
This is why I hate romance novels and to a certain extent, even the notion of "romance"... People need to see humanity for what it really is; that way, they can out-maneuver such BRAZEN behaviors and sometimes even prevent them from occurring in the first place...
Girfriend, you just said a mouthful, and you ain't never choked!
So, so true.
Despite all that she has done, Brotherdan still loves his wife very deeply.
I pray that she will wake up soon and see what she is throwing away...
Was Blind, I was only trying to offer other possibilities and to say that speculation isn't really helping, I'm not saying "he won't be able to take it". There are lots of reasons why women leave relationships, that was my only point. But really, I don't want to have an argument, just offering clarification on what I was saying.
It is possible that Zidd's got it right, though. I don't know the JW social end of thigns. I do agree with Zid about romance, I think it always clutters up life.
Hope you're doing ok, BrotherDan.
Well, yes, of course, Ding....
Unfortunately, when it comes to waking her up, I keep seeing a brick wall... And a crash-test dummy...
[ I think she'll need to "hit the wall" before she'll wake up...]
I hope he's okay.