So I just got called a narcissist

by sabastious 179 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Simon, please read it within context of post 685. That has no relevance to the point I was making with Debator.

    Nonetheless, you are right, Simon, in that the parallels between the LDS and WT are many. So, yes, the family of an exMormon would likely shun him for standing away from that faith. Just another example of misplaced faith and a dogmatic religion causing the breakup of a family.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
  • simon17

    Sorry, was thinking you were making a different point... my bad! Can't edit so you'll just have to be stuck with this message

  • zoiks

    Sab's family is doing pretty much what Debator is doing, IMO. They are reacting to someone else's take on 'spiritual' things. Many of us have seen our families do the same exact thing. Since there is no way in their minds that the WTS could not be the one true religion, and since the WTS paints former believers as opposers, then a person voicing disagreement must be persecuting, tearing down, narcissistic, prideful, etc.

    Their reaction just takes on different forms. Sab's family (and most JWs that I know) find it easier to vilify the apostate, while Debator chooses to argue.

    It all amounts to the same thing, though. No one can be viewed as justifiably disagreeing with the WTS.

  • sabastious
    Since there is no way in their minds that the WTS could not be the one true religion, and since the WTS paints former believers as opposers, then a person voicing disagreement must be persecuting, tearing down, narcissistic, prideful, etc.

    Think how dangerous this type is thinking is. It's a scary thought.


  • sabastious
    while Debator chooses to argue.

    Her name should be "arguor"

    She is inept at real debate. I'd love to see a video of her debating with someone it would be priceless.


  • SweetBabyCheezits
    SIMON: Sorry, was thinking you were making a different point... my bad! Can't edit so you'll just have to be stuck with this message

    No problem, Simon. I apologize if I came off short. (I edited to reflect a less snippy attitude. )

    ZOIKS: No one can be viewed as justifiably disagreeing with the WTS.

    That sums it up.

  • Ding


    The real narcissists are the men in New York who think God's entire plan of the ages centers on them and their magazines.

  • booby

    I get a kick out of how ones like Debator don't even know their own org's dogma. The Society no longer limits the term "apostate" to someone leaving and trying to draw others along into their own little cult. They now say it is, or can be, simply a standing away from the "truth". It is one of the things that helped me out, their constantly changing and upgrading dogma to push an agenda.

  • isaacaustin
    while Debator chooses to argue.

    Her name should be "arguor"

    She is inept at real debate. I'd love to see a video of her debating with someone it would be priceless.


    Well, she was originally Reniaa. Arguer (and a very poor one at that may work)...or ranter, or crybaby. LOL

    Here was her last post as Reniaa:

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