So I just got called a narcissist

by sabastious 179 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • debator

    hi hint

    That is simply not true, we think we are doing a life-saving work according to the bible which is the one giving humankind the ultimatum not us.

    Acts 11:14
    He will bring you a message through which you and all your household will be saved.'

    Did the Christians think the message they gave saved lifes? yes and if people rejected the message?

    Romans 2:8
    But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.

    1 Thessalonians 4:8
    Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.

    If you have a problem of recognising that Jehovah has laid a choice before all mankind as to whether the reject or accept him and we are responsibile for getting his life-saving message out then your complaint is with the Bible not us.

  • HintOfLime
    That is simply not true, we think we are doing a life-saving work according to the bible which is the one giving humankind the ultimatum not us.

    Which part isn't true?

    1. Are you not Jehovah's Witnesses?
    2. Do Jehovah's Witnesses not believe that those who do not embrace their believes deserve to be killed?
    3. Do Jehovah's Witnesses openly accept and consider critism?

    So what is it - 1, 2, or 3?

    - Lime

  • simon17

    Although I respect my family and do not talk about my views around them. But I don't hide it.

    I dont think any of this makes you a narcisist. Also I think its wrong that any JW ruin their relationship with family members who don't believe anymore and its entirely their fault for such schisms. But in this case, I think its fair to say that its not naerly 100% their fault if they don't want to have a relationship with you.

    Thats like being friends with a homosexual but openly posting hate-filled messages on anti-gay forums. You can't really say at that point, "well when I'm around my friend I keep it to myself so its all good."

    So quite honestly, if they are willing to have a relationship with you if you keep your views to yourself (and they do the same which certainly may not be the case), I think they are being reasonable in that request.

  • debator

    Hi Sab

    what is your point?

    You admit you are an activist against witnesses? yet would expect your Jehovah's witnesses parents to accept you with open arms into their household while you tell them that what they hold most dear is something you hate enough to want to destroy?

  • Soldier77

    So debator are you counting 'time' on this site?

    Have you been approved to do so by your BOE and if not, are they aware that you are on an apostate site? If not and you are 'above' their rules, then you sir, are a HYPOCRITE! If they have and are aware of you coming here, posting on an apostate site and couting your time, if you are, you sir, are still a HYPOCRITE!

    So in the end, you still FAIL. Thanks for playing though, your circular reasoning is quite hysterical.

  • VampireDCLXV
    "I have said my peace." - debator



  • sabastious
    yet would expect your Jehovah's witnesses parents to accept you with open arms into their household

    I can see why you mispelled the word debater... you are the worst most ineffective debater I have ever come across.

    Why would you even make a statement like this? It isn't even on topic.

    Never did I imply that I be accepted back "with open arms."

    I do expect to be treated like a human with our basic human rights though.


  • isaacaustin


    hi hint

    That is simply not true, we think we are doing a life-saving work according to the bible which is the one giving humankind the ultimatum not us.

    My reply: Correct, JWs do believe that. They are cult-members and that is what the gb has told them.

    -bator said:

    Acts 11:14
    He will bring you a message through which you and all your household will be saved.'

    Did the Christians think the message they gave saved lifes? yes and if people rejected the message?

    My reply: JWs do not preach the message spoken of in Acts 11:14...

    Bator then said:

    Romans 2:8
    But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.

    1 Thessalonians 4:8
    Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.

    My reply: Good verses...but they are not speaking of the WT lies.

    Bator said:

    If you have a problem of recognising that Jehovah has laid a choice before all mankind as to whether the reject or accept him and we are responsibile for getting his life-saving message out then your complaint is with the Bible not us.

    My reply: This makes the JW cultmembers guilty of preaching a different gospel, and not spreading the message Jesus preached.

  • sabastious
    what is your point?

    Lol, you ask the question to why I actively speak against the Witnesses and I answer because I am an activist (and gave the wiki definition, which includes motive) and then you ask "what's your point?"


  • debator

    Hi hint

    I am a true christian who are called Jehovah's witnesses at this time. At no point since Jesus came have we ever said that salvation can be gained other than being a follower of Jehovah through his son Jesus and becoming a true christian in the partern of the Early century christians before the delusion happenned. Recognition that we are one flock under Jesus God's son

    That is a bible and christian absolute. Witnesses are certainly not unique in this respect. There isn't one religion that doesn't say the same. but there can only be one truth! and IMO Jehovah's witneesses have it in accordance with God's word.

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