Loftus: Are We Angry Atheists?

by leavingwt 237 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    I have no problem with the sign whatsoever. He has every right to post it as you said. But don't tell me that atheists don't evangelize. I defy you to show me where I said he didn't have that right to free speach.

    Why the bold? What are you upset about? Why are you reading into my statements things that are simply not there? Are you doing that mental narrative thing the video you posted warned about?

    Ya know, you really do come across in your last post as rather, Ummm... angry.

  • whereami

    Thought this was appropriate. Plus she's cute. Enjoy PSAC .

  • bohm

    Mad Dawg: its just so silly you get worked up about richard dawkins spreading atheist arguments.. try to explain why you feel there is something "wrong" (or whatever word you want to use, im just guessing) in Richard Dawkins trying to argue his case.

  • BurnTheShips

    "Why Atheists Care About YOUR Religion"

    Awww. Makes me feel speshul.


  • Berengaria

    You also seem to be ignoring the fact that the bus (as explained by the girl in the beginning of the video) is a response. Indeed, if Atheists respond, they are being strident, evangelizing and pushing thier beliefs.

  • whereami

    I knew you'd LOVE it BTS!!!!

    And stop looking at her clevage.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thank you for posting that video, whereami. She hit all the nails on the head. Mankind is being restrained, indeed ruined, by religion [superstition cloaked in distinguished garb].

    I liked the cleavage also, admittedly.


  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    Mad Dawg previously said:

    I have no problem with the sign whatsoever.

    Bohm said:

    Mad Dawg: its just so silly you get worked up about richard dawkins spreading atheist arguments.. try to explain why you feel there is something "wrong" (or whatever word you want to use, im just guessing) in Richard Dawkins trying to argue his case.

    Worked up? Are you kidding? Something "wrong"? What part of "I have no problem with the sign whatsoever" don't you understand? Did you miss the part where I said: "He has every right to post it"? I really, truly don't care if atheists evangelize. But, don't lie to me that they don't evangelize. From what I have seen, atheists get just as worked up as Baptists about the other doing evangelism.

    Did you notice the part in your video about rehearsing your own prejudices?

  • bohm

    stupid dawkins.. using his free speech to promote discussion on religion.. <--- joking
    But, don't lie to me that they don't evangelize <--- worked up.

  • bohm

    Mad Dawg: Now would be time for the quote where Richard Dawkins say: "I really hate it when people want to talk about religion".

    Otherwise i really cant see the point... you think people should be able to talk express their views on religion, i think people should express their views on religion, richard dawkins think people should be able to express their views on religion. All 3 of us do that, Richard just do it in a more public way (but still far less public than even the most medicore religions).

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